Gathering evidence from existing research and knowledge

A stack of books about the school library in learning.

Existing school library research and professional knowledge about best practice can help you make informed decisions about how you manage your school library. It can also point to improvements you could make that may lead to better outcomes for students.

Evidence-based practice and why it matters

Existing school library research

Research provides compelling evidence that school libraries and library staff have a positive impact on student achievement. Information about many school library research studies is freely available online.

Importance of the school library in learning — the research — studies and trends in education and school librarianship, within New Zealand and internationally.

New Zealand Library and Information Management Journal — Ngā Pūrongo

Teaching & Learning Research Initiative research — completed projects include summer reading and information literacy.

Professional knowledge of best practice

Your own knowledge and experience, combined with the knowledge and experiences shared by other school librarians, influence your everyday practice. It's important to reflect on how and why we do things in a particular way and to consider other ways that may lead to better outcomes for students.

Our website provides guides, examples and templates you can use, which reflect best practice in New Zealand school libraries. You can develop your own professional learning network (PLN) for local librarians to share ideas and processes.

Stories — showcase innovative, imaginative and successful initiatives that school librarians and teachers around New Zealand have implemented for the benefit of their students and teaching colleagues.

SLANZA Connected Community — SLANZA's members-only group on Facebook.

School libraries email list ('listserv') — subscribers can ask for help, find information shared by local school library staff, contribute to discussions and access the listserv archives.

Collected magazine — published twice a year, SLANZA's magazine includes news, articles and regular columns where SLANZA members share their knowledge and experience.

Library Life magazine — published monthly, LIANZA's magazine includes articles, discussions and news from contributors across the library and information sector.