Why reading engagement matters

Children sharing a book.

Image credit: All rights reserved.

Reading engagement matters because of both the immediate magic and joy that comes from reading for pleasure, and the long-term learning and life benefits this can bring.

What is reading engagement?

Engaged readers:

  • get immersed in their reading — they read for pleasure and out of curiosity

  • discover information and stories that help them learn and achieve

  • are motivated to read and learn more.

The more they read, the easier and more enjoyable it becomes. This creates a ‘virtuous circle’ of constant improvement.

Benefits of reading engagement

Reading for pleasure leads to a range of positive individual and social outcomes.

People who read for enjoyment show greater empathy for others. Reading helps develop critical thinking skills and a flourishing imagination. Reading can reduce symptoms of depression and improve communication between parents and children.

Reading engagement also improves literacy, knowledge, academic achievement and cultural understanding.

Reading for pleasure — a door to success

Reading for wellbeing (hauora)

Reading matters together with school libraries and digital literacy

We view reading engagement, school libraries and digital literacy as interdependent. They all support student learning and literacy.

The school library and staff play a critical role in helping to create a school culture that supports and encourages:

  • reading for pleasure

  • digitally literate students.

Digital literacy, in turn, needs proficient and engaged readers.