Words Te Tari Tohu Taonga, National Preservation office, and two swishes that make the shape of an open book.

Help from the National Preservation Office

Find out how the National Preservation Office can help you. There is also a list of other conservation organisations and services that may be of assistance.

National Preservation Office services

The National Preservation Office Te Tari Tohu Taonga can:

  • provide information on where to get conservation-quality materials for the storage of photographs

  • carry out an assessment of your museum, archive or marae and give advice on storing and displaying photographs

  • give advice on available funding and support funding applications for conservation projects

  • provide guidance on how to minimise the risk of disasters or how to respond afterwards.


We offer workshops and seminars on preservation and conservation. Contact us to discuss having a session at your library, museum, archive, or community group.

Getting started on a conservation project

Before you get started on a conservation project, we recommend visiting the Conservators of Cultural Materials Pū Manaaki Kahurangi (NZCCM) website, which sets ethical and professional guidelines for conservators.

NZCCM also provide a directory of professional conservators around the country, listed by location and area of specialisation.

New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials Pū Manaaki Kahurangi

Contact us

Contact us for professional advice and assistance in caring for your heritage items.

Email — preservation@dia.govt.nz

National Preservation Office Te Tari Tohu Taonga
PO Box 12349
Wellington 6144

Drawing of people shaking hands, words are hands across the sea.

Hands across the sea, ca 1910. Ref: Eph-B-POSTCARD-Vol-7-082-1. Alexander Turnbull Library.

Conservation organisations and services

New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials Pū Manaaki Kahurangi (NZCCM)

Find a conservator.

Conservation-quality materials

Below is a list of suppliers of conservation-quality materials that we are aware of. The list is not exhaustive and is not an endorsement of these companies' services.

Conservation supplies Ltd

Port Nicholson Packaging Ltd

Triptych Conservation

Digitisation services

The list is not exhaustive and is not an endorsement of these companies services.

New Zealand Micrographic Services


Valuation providers

We do not provide valuations but the following organisations do and can help you get your objects valued for insurance purposes.

Art and Object


Dunbar Sloane
