Receiving an interloaned item at Wellington Central Library

Interloaning from our collections

Many items in our collections can be borrowed by interloan through your local library.

Most libraries can request items from us

Most libraries in New Zealand and other countries can request items from us. It takes up to seven days for an item to be supplied to your local library, though international interloans may take longer.

What can I get by interloan?

Most of our General Collections have items available for interloan.

Original items from the Alexander Turnbull Library collections cannot be borrowed, but microfilm copies of many items, and some oral history recordings, are available.

Types of items you can borrow include:

  • books (including talking books)

  • CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, cassettes, videos and other audio-visual material

  • music scores

  • newspapers and other items on microfilm.

If we cannot lend an item we may be able to supply a copy or part of it, such as a magazine or newspaper article. Some items can only be used in your local library, not taken home.

General Collections

Alexander Turnbull Library collections

Ask your library to interloan items from us

Find the item you want by browsing or searching this website or on our catalogues.

Give the details of the item you need to a librarian in your local library. Your local library may be a public library, workplace library or educational institution library, such as a university library.

They will request the interloan for you, or let you know if the item cannot be loaned out and how long it will take to get the interloan.

National Library catalogue

Alexander Turnbull Library catalogue

Feature image at top of page kindly supplied by Francoise Padellec, Wellington Central Library.