Hodson Collection

This collection of 61 works on theosophy, vegetarianism, animals, marriage, sex, and motherhood by the esoteric writer Geoffrey Hodson (1886-1983) was donated by John Kirk Robertson of Baltimore, USA in 1968. It is part of the Turnbull Named Collections.

Cover of Geoffrey Hodson's Be Ye Perfect, showing a robed figure gesturing into the sun.

Geoffrey Hodson, Be ye perfect, 1928. Record page

About Geoffrey Hodson

Geoffrey Hodson was born in 1886 in Lincolnshire, England and died in Auckland, New Zealand in 1983. Hodson joined the Theosophical Society in Manchester in 1912, and was later appointed one of its teachers. During WW1 he was stationed in France and Belgium, and later returned to England where he married Jane Carter and joined the YMCA Secretariat. Hodson was a member of the Order Of International Co-Freemasonry and of its Consistory, and a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church. In 1940 he was invited to tour New Zealand, where he became the Founder and President of the New Zealand Vegetarian Society and President of the Council of Combined Animal Welfare Organisations of New Zealand.

Hodson was a Past President of the Theosophical Order of Service in New Zealand for many years. He was an internationally known theosophical writer and lecturer, and wrote many works on the angelic kingdom and the angelic teachings he had received throughout his life.

Visit the New Zealand Theosophical Society site

About John Kirk Robertson

Robertson is the author of the Hodson biography Aquarian Occultist. The collection includes an original draft entitled "Biography of a Modern Occultist", which will be released for inspection in 2018.

Access items in this collection

Original items in this collection can be requested through the Library’s catalogue and consulted in the Katherine Mansfield Reading Room.

This collection is catalogued online and may be called up as a list on the National Library catalogue by searching ‘Hodson’ using the ‘in call number’ search option in the NLNZ catalogue advanced search.