[Partial XML for a book by Margaret Mahy, showing the kind of data available for download

Publications NZ metadata

Publications New Zealand is New Zealand's national bibliography. The Publications New Zealand dataset contains bibliographic records created or identified by the National Library and other New Zealand libraries.

Dataset updated quarterly

The Publications New Zealand dataset is updated quarterly. If you need an up-to-date dataset before the next quarterly update please contact nznb@dia.govt.nz.

Monthly files of new records are also found on the Publications New Zealand.

Supported by OCLC

The National Library acknowledges the support of OCLC in permitting the inclusion of WorldCat-derived records in the dataset.

If you use this dataset, we ask that you view the OCLC cooperative community norms.

Download the dataset

Download the dataset in MARC format — updated 1 July 2024 (zip, 205 MB)

Download the dataset in XML format — updated 1 July 2024 (zip, 200 MB)

Crown copyright. This copyright work, the Publications New Zealand Metadata Dataset, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence. In essence, you are free to copy, distribute and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to the National Library and abide by the other licence terms.

This dataset is released under the New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing Framework.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence

Suggested attribution

If you publish, distribute or otherwise disseminate this work to the public, you can use this attribution:

Source: National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa, licensed by the Department of Internal Affairs for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand Licence.

If possible, please also link back to this page.