• Events
  • Teaching and Te Tiriti | the Treaty — primary (Whakatāne)

Teaching and Te Tiriti | the Treaty — primary (Whakatāne)

Part of Teaching and Te Tiriti | the Treaty — 2023 series

Tuesday 31 October 2023, 9am to 12pm
Registrations close Friday 27 October, 5pm
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Refresh your knowledge and understanding of He Whakaputanga | the Declaration of Independence, Treaty of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi texts. Learn new approaches and find quality resources to engage ākonga (students) in the story of Te Tiriti.

Event postponed

The event has been postponed until 2024.

Who this learning event is for

  • Primary school teachers

  • School library staff

  • Other educators

What you'll learn

  • Discover new approaches to engage students in the story of Te Tiriti.

  • Explore how conversations are shifting nationally about Te Tiriti and how this is reshaping teaching and learning.

  • Understand what is ‘tirititanga’ and how might it enable new and innovative models of professional practice.

  • Discover where to find valuable digital and print resources to support your students' learning.

What you'll do

  • Refresh your knowledge and understanding of He Whakaputanga, Treaty of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi texts.

  • Discuss teaching and learning experiences relating to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and what students find engaging.

  • Explore new ways of connecting students with Aotearoa New Zealand's rich histories, focusing on strategies that work for our ākonga.

  • Discover resources (audiovisual, digital and print) to support teaching and learning in your classroom.

What's provided, what to bring

Bring your laptop or another wifi-enabled device.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Find out more or register

The learning event has been postponed. For more information about the event, email Jeanette Brooker at jeanette.brooker@dia.govt.nz.

Carved Māori waka on the beach at Waitangi.

Māori waka at Waitangi by Dirk Pons. Flickr. Public domain.

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