Feature illustration for 'Ke te hoe! Let's get going! — 'Connected' Culture & Histories', The New Zealand Curriculum Level 2. Shows 3 Māori (2 adults, one child) on a marae.

Ki te hoe! | Let's get going!

Find curated teaching and learning resources to use with the New Zealand Curriculum Level 2 ‘Ki te hoe! | Let’s get going!’ resource.

About ‘Ki te hoe! Let's get going!’

This Connected instructional series resource explores themes of:

  • journeying by waka across the Pacific

  • first arrivals in Aotearoa New Zealand

  • the naming of places

  • cultivation of kūmara.

It focuses on:

  • changes to the name of Tūranganui-a-Kiwa | Poverty Bay

  • the skills, preparation, and knowledge needed to traverse the Pacific by waka

  • life in a papakāinga in the 1700s.

Find the resource on the Ministry of Education website, Tāhūrangi: Ki te hoe! | Let’s get going!.

Pacific navigation

This Topic Explorer set has quality, curated resources, including websites, images, videos, books and more: Pacific navigation.

This Many Answers entry guides students to reliable and trustworthy resources: Pacific navigation (senior primary).

Explore these pages from Tuia Mātauranga to highlight people, places and events that have helped shape our nation:

These curiosity cards use images and questions to spark student inquiry:

Explore content on the Digital Pasifik website: Master navigators.

Explore the Alexander Turnbull Library collections: Polynesia canoes.

Māori settlement and place names

Topic Explorer has:

Many Answers has:

Explore this content from Tuia Mātauranga:

Use the following He Tohu video and activities to explore the histories of land and place names in Aotearoa:

Explore the Alexander Turnbull Library collections:

Books, more resources and analysis tools

Books available through our school lending service related to these topics include:

Lending service — schools and home educators can borrow from our extensive collections of fiction and non-fiction books to inspire and inform your students’ inquiry and develop their love of reading.

Teaching and learning resources — free online teaching and learning resources, tools and guides.

Primary source analysis tools

Tools for primary source analysis — designed for ākonga (students) from years 1 to 13 in Aotearoa NZ schools.

Using primary source analysis tools in the classroom — read about how the tools are levelled and use a 3-step framework to help ākonga develop skills to analyse primary sources.

Image credit: Illustration by Josh Morgan.