Analyse a mahi toi | artwork

Our ‘Analyse a mahi toi | artwork’ tool helps ākonga (students) develop primary source analysis skills. Download and print the tool and use its easy-to-follow prompts to guide ākonga. Our simple text version provides an accessible option.

Download/print the tool

Analyse a mahi toi | artwork (pdf, 228KB).

Next, introduce ākonga to analysing artwork by working through the prompts in the printed tool.

Screenshot of the ‘Analyse a mahi toi | artwork’ tool.

Simple text, accessible version

Ākonga respond to the following prompts and questions.

What am I learning about?

I am learning about … [complete the sentence].

Āta tirotiro | Observe — what can I see?

  1. This artwork is [select all that apply]:

    • a painting

    • a drawing

    • a sculpture

    • a print

    • toi Māori

    • or, add my own answer … [record what it is].

  2. Looking at this artwork, the first three things I notice are … [complete the sentence].

  3. I notice these things because … [complete the sentence].

  4. This artwork's caption tells me … [complete the sentence].

Urupare | Respond — my feelings, ideas and thoughts

  1. Another title I would give this artwork is … [complete the sentence].

  2. What if this artwork was created at a different time? [Complete the following 2 sentences.]

    • It would similar because …

    • It would be different because …

  3. Is this artwork important for what I am learning about? Why or why not? [Record your answers.]

Whakaaroaro | Reflect — what are my questions?

  1. The artist created this artwork to [select all that apply]:

    • inspire

    • challenge

    • inform/misinform

    • persuade

    • or, add my own answer … [record what it is].

  2. This artwork shows me ideas, beliefs, customs or experiences of [select all that apply and record your answer for each]:

    • culture …

    • gender …

    • age group(s) …

    • or, add my own answer … [record what it is].

  3. I want to find out more about … [complete the sentence].