"United Future will not compromise its principles and support a govt. with Greens in Cabinet!" 7 October, 2005.

"United Future will not compromise its principles and support a govt. with Greens in Cabinet!" 7 October, 2005.

Pictured is a rough-as-guts, good keen bloke, anti-Greens type wearing a flak jacket, sporting anti Green buttons and carrying a gun. He is manipulating a glove puppet with the face of Peter Dunne, Leader of United Future. Peter Dunne is being made to say that he will not support a government with Greens in Cabinet. The implication is that Peter Dunne's stance is so uncompromising that maybe he is being forced into it by some sinister power.

Other Titles - 'If it moves shoot it!' 'If it's still eat it!'

Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]
1 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Digital images, Cartoons (Commentary)
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"United Future will not compromise its principles and support a govt. with Greens in Cabinet!" 7 October, 2005.. Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]. Ref: DCDL-0000276. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23129976

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