Darroch, Bob, 1940- :[Nineteen cartoons published in the Whangarei Report and the Christchurch Star between 13 August 1983 and 30 November 1985]

1983 - 1985
Darroch, Bob, 1940-; Christchurch star (Newspaper : 1958- )

Cartoons on New Zealand social issues and politics.

English royals sell off surplus New Zealand gifted wedding presents.

New economy-fare airlines hit the skys.

People encouraged to talk to their plants.

Vehicle license fees up by 93%.

Claims that human water-births would contribute to world peace..

Father's Day now celebrated during school holidays.

Public response to grocery price-freeze.

Maori rugby tours avoid arguements over racially selected teams.

Two men muse over the reason for burning Guy Fawkes.

Protesting at Waitangi on Wantangi Day.

New Zealand fear of nuclear warships accelerates.

Airlines begin serving liquor on board flights.

Test-tube baby experiments have been approved in Auckland.

People consider the 1984 'end of the world' scenario.

Marsden Refinery workers return to work after their strike.

Marsden Refinery workers strike.

The Muldoon National Government calls a snap election amidst the Marsden Refinery strike.

New Zealand resistance against the a USA Navy warship.

Patients in the hospital outpatients get their respective wounds dealt to following protests for and against rugby tours and gay rights.

Quantity: 19 photocopy/ies.

Physical Description: A4 size photocopies of ink and letraset drawings.

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19 photocopy/ies, Works of art, Ink drawings, Cartoons (Commentary), A4 size photocopies of ink and letraset drawings.
There are 3 items in total.
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There are 3 items in this group.

Darroch, Bob, 1940- :"Honestly Sir - we thought we were making a butter substitute!" Te...

Date: 1983

From: Darroch, Bob, 1940- :[Nineteen cartoons published in the Whangarei Report and the Christchurch Star between 13 August 1983 and 30 November 1985]

By: Darroch, Bob, 1940-

Reference: A-316-048

Description: A laboratory where children have made a test-tube baby. Their teacher reacts angrily. A notice on a lab bench refers to the cancellation of a trip to Mururoa, because the island has been sunk by the bomb tests. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 size ink and letraset drawing.


Darroch, Bob, 1940-: "Don't get too enthusiastic! If the Treaty was cancelled, we might...

Date: February 5 1983

From: Darroch, Bob, 1940- :[Nineteen cartoons published in the Whangarei Report and the Christchurch Star between 13 August 1983 and 30 November 1985]

By: Darroch, Bob, 1940-; Christchurch star (Newspaper : 1958- )

Reference: A-316-045

Description: A group of young people are seen protesting loudly outside the celebrations at Waitangi House, in 1983. One boy worries that cancelling the Treaty might have a negative effect on Pākeha. Police in riot gear were needed at the 1983 celebrations, but are not depicted in this cartoon. Quantity: 1 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Black and white photocopy, 205 x 300 mm


Darroch, Bob, 1940-: "Shouldn't we be having protest marches and arguments about racial...

Date: October 30 1982

From: Darroch, Bob, 1940- :[Nineteen cartoons published in the Whangarei Report and the Christchurch Star between 13 August 1983 and 30 November 1985]

By: Christchurch star (Newspaper : 1958- ); Darroch, Bob, 1940-

Reference: A-316-043

Description: Two small boys watch their father watching a game between the New Zealand Māori team and Wales on television, specifically NZ vs Swansea, which Wales won 15-12. The 1982 New Zealand Māori rugby union tour of Wales and Spain was a series of eight matches played by the Māori All Blacks (then known as the New Zealand Māori team) in Wales in October and November 1982. Quantity: 1 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Black and white photocopy, 205 x 300 mm