Vietnam War oral history project

New Zealand. Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Forty seven interviews with Vietnam veterans and their families, including medical and other civillian personnel. The interviewees of part I are George Babbington, Raymond Beatson, Noel Bell, Geoffrey Braybrooke, Louis Brown, Terrance Brown, Terry Burch, Peter Christian, Margaret Couldrey, Frederick Daniel, Maurice Dodson, Richard Easton, Terry Findlay, Hawea (Guv) Grey, Michael Harvey, Terrence Hughes, John (Doc) Mountain, Richard Mountfort, Deborah Mullen, Roger Pearce, George and Maree Preston, Matu Rangiuia, Brian Senn, Peter Stitt, William Walker, Christopher (Watty) Watkins, David Weston, Allan White, Bruce Young.

Interviewees of part II are Maureen Atkinson, Audrey Brassey, Hukarere Pereto (Sugar Brassey), Colleen Brooker, Terry Burch, Father John Carde, Wayne Chester, Craig Cocker, William Cowan, Ernie Dix, Elizabeth Flanagan, Kevin Flanagan, Alan Fletcher, Norman Foley, Peter and Colleen Foster, John Gillies, George Gordon, Isabel Harris, Jack Hayes, Sandra Hyaes, Tuakau Hunter, Dr John Inder, Margaret Jupp (nee Torrey), Ross Lee, Bryan Lichtwark, Linda Lilley (nee Wilson), John Longman, Campbell Maclaurin, Bernadette O'Neill, Allan Plaisted, Richard (Dick) Shepherd, Gary Shields, Peter Skidmore, Lindsay Skinner, Peter Slape, Robert Thorpe, Eruera (Edward) Timu, Gerard Verkaaik, Rapa Whiu, Mike Wicksteed, Avis Wilkes and Frank Wydur.

Topics covered in the interviews include: Military training - school cadets, Territorial and Regular Force; Preparation for Vietnam in Malaya; Journey to and arrival in Vietnam and impressions of countryside, culture, impact of the war; Living conditions and daily routine, health issues, contact with family; Operations in the jungle and at the Horseshoe including: living conditions, kit and rations, equipment, impact of weather, discipline issues, contacts with the enemy (worst & best moments); Contact and relationship with the Vietnamese population - civilians, Montagnards, ARVN and white mice; impressions of enemy (Viet Cong, North Vietnamese); Behaviour and relationship of NZ and Allied Forces including alcohol and drug use and discipline; Impressions of Australian and American Forces; Social activities, and rest and recreation in Bangkok and Singapore; Visits of VIPs and contact with media; Exposure to Agent Orange and thoughts on defoliant issue; Return to New Zealand, feelings about the protest movement; Reflections on the Vietnam War, including impact on themselves and their families; Significance of Parade 98, Tribute 08 and 2008 Crown Apology.

Interviewer(s) - Brenton Beach, Helen Bollinger, Loreen Brehaut, Patricia Cutforth, Carol Dawber, Paul Diamond, Jacquie Foley, Susan Fowke, Helen Frizzell, Judith Fyfe, Claire Hall, Louisa Knight, Gill Minogue, Pip Oldham.

Arrangement: Digital audio files arranged as OHDL-000458 to OHDL-000480; OHDL-001280 to OHDL-001319

Digital abstracts (part I) arranged as OHDL-000481 to OHDL-000527

Digital image files (part I) arranged as OHDL-000850, OHDL-000851 (Fr Stachurski's diary and notebook); OHDL-000852 to OHDL-000894 (digital photographs of interviewees)

Digital abstracts and images for part II arranged as OHDL-001320 to OHDL-001329, OHDL-001519 to OHDL-001594

Quantity: 192 Electronic document(s) (87 abstracts and transcripts). 180 C60 cassette(s). 180 digital photograph(s). 120 interview(s). 63 digital sound recording(s) digital sound recording(s). 29 electronic scan(s) of original black and white photographic print(s). 9 electronic scan(s) of original colour photographic print(s). 2 C90 cassette(s).

Search dates: 2007 - 2010

Processing information: Interviews described - but some have brief records

Digital component of collection is currently being processed by staff

Public use requires the written permission of the donor and may require written permission of individual interviewees. Copyright: Copyright is held by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Access restrictions
Restricted - Content cannot be accessed without permission - Access to the collection requires written permission of the donor and may require the written permission individual interviewees.
192 Electronic document(s) (87 abstracts and transcripts), 180 C60 cassette(s), 180 digital photograph(s), 120 interview(s), 63 digital sound recording(s) digital sound recording(s), 29 electronic scan(s) of original black and white photographic print(s), 9 electronic scan(s) of original colour photographic print(s), 2 C90 cassette(s), Oral histories, Electronic records (Digital records), Electronic documents, Digital photographs, Digital images, Audiocassettes
There are 119 sub-groups.
There are 532 items in total.
See original record

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There are 532 items in this group.

Interview with Margaret Gerardine McIver, printed abstract

Date: 1 Jun 2010 and 8 Jun 2010 - 01 Jun 2010 - 08 Jun 2010

From: Vietnam War oral history project

Reference: OHA-7700

Description: Abstracted by - Pip Oldham Interviewer(s) - Pip Oldham Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 4.40 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Trevor Ian Doel, printed abstract

Date: 27 Aug 2007

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Doel, Trevor Ian, 1942-

Reference: OHA-7696

Description: Interviewer(s) - Paul Diamond Accompanying material - Questionnaire about his life and experiences in Vietnam Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Margaret Harman, printed abstract

Date: 2 Mar 2010 - 10 Mar 2010

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Harman, Margaret, active 1958-2010

Reference: OHA-7698

Description: Interviewer(s) - Pauline Elliott Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 3 Hours Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Michael Julian Millar, printed abstract

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Millar, Michael Julian, 1938-

Reference: OHA-7701

Description: Abstracted by - Tony Hiles Interviewer(s) - Helen Bollinger Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 4 Hours Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Dennis Montgomery, printed abstract

Date: 16, 18-23 May 2011 - 16 May 2011 - 23 May 2011

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Montgomery, Dennis, 1945-

Reference: OHA-7702

Description: Interviewer(s) - David Young Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 6.10 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Graeme James Wharton Goldsmith, printed abstract

Date: 11 Sep 2010

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Goldsmith, Graeme James Wharton, 1942-

Reference: OHA-7697

Description: Interviewer(s) - Claire Hall Accompanying material - Questionnaire about his life and experiences in Vietnam Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 3.17 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Adrienne Joy Lichtwark, printed abstract

Date: 24 Sep 2010

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Lichtwark, Adrienne Joy, 1946-

Reference: OHA-7699

Description: Abstracted by - Carole Dawber Interviewer(s) - Claire Hall Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 1.50 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Ross Douglas Turnbull, printed abstract

Date: 18 December 2008 and 23 January 2009 - 18 Dec 2008 - 23 Jan 2009

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Turnbull, Ross Douglas, 1944-

Reference: OHA-7709

Description: Abstracted by - Gill Minogue Interviewer(s) - Gill Minogue Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 3 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Lesley Ruth Urwin, printed abstract

Date: 7 February 2010 - 07 Feb 2010

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Turnbull, Ross Douglas, 1944-

Reference: OHA-7710

Description: Interviewer(s) - David Young Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 1.45 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Interview with Xuan Montgomery, printed abstract

Date: 24 May 2011

From: Vietnam War oral history project

By: Montgomery, Xuan, 1950-

Reference: OHA-7703

Description: Interviewer(s) - David Young Quantity: 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 1.26 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.