After weeks in the kitchen she emerged with her concoction. "Get it while it's hot! Peters' pie! Dunne to a turn!" "The ultimate pot-luck dinner!!" "But no bloody Greens?" 17 October, 2005.

After weeks in the kitchen she emerged with her concoction. "Get it while it's hot! Peters' pie! Dunne to a turn!" "The ultimate pot-luck dinner!!" "But no bloody Greens?" 17 October, 2005.

Prime Minister, Helen Clark, comes through the kitchen door bearing a large steaming pie with the word 'Govt' carved in its side. She looks sweaty and cross and shouts that they should come and get it while its hot, Peters' pie, Dunne to turn. The unseen diners comment that it is the ultimate potluck dinner and wonder where the Greens are. Wordplay on the names of politicians and parties as Helen Clark eventually manages to cobble together a viable government, made difficult because of the intractibility of United Future and New Zealand First and thus disappointing the Greens who were hoping for a cabinet seat.

Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]
1 digital cartoon(s), Works of art, Digital images, Cartoons (Commentary)
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After weeks in the kitchen she emerged with her concoction. "Get it while it's hot! Peters' pie! Dunne to a turn!" "The ultimate pot-luck dinner!!" "But no bloody Greens?" 17 October, 2005.. Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]. Ref: DCDL-0000323. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23144596

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