Various Artists :[David Lange. A collection of four cartoon photocopies featuring David Lange and the nuclear issue].

Various Artists :[David Lange. A collection of four cartoon photocopies featuring David Lange and the nuclear issue].
Hodgson, Trace, 1958-; Brockie, Robert Ellison (Dr), 1932-; Winter, Mark, 1958-; Minhinnick, Gordon Edward George (Sir), 1902-1992

Four cartoons all featuring David Lange. The first, by Trace Hodgson shows Lange talking to Ronald Reagan and Bob Hawke, Reagan and Hawke are dressed as gangsters and Reagan says, `We want to be your friends, David, we want to look after you. So play the game or we'll smash your kneecaps in! Right, Bob?' Hawke replies `Right boss'; Bob Brockie, shows Bob Hawke being sprayed in the face with a cannister with a peace sign on it as he passes through New Zealand customs. Hawke says, `Starve the lizards Lange, this stuff gets up my nose!', to which Lange replies, `Helps clear the mind'; Chicane, shows Lange in a pair of swimming togs riding a surfboard in a nuclear free Pacific. Lange says, `If you want to rule the waves... you have to be prepared to waive the rules'. Gordon Minhinnick, shows Lange in the Pacific, looking like the famous statue by Michaelangelo, with America and France coming to get him. The caption reads, "`David,' by Michael Langelo". All cartoons refer to the Nuclear issue.

Inscriptions: Recto - bottom right - Signed by David Lange in 1995.

Quantity: 1 laser copy.

Physical Description: Laser copy, A4 size

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Alternative form available: Photocopy in public folders.

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Part of
Various Artists :Four laser copies of original cartoons donated for the New Zealand Cartoon Archive auction, 6 November 1997. / Various Artists :Four laser copies of original cartoons donated for the New Zealand Cartoon Archive auction, 6 November 1997.
1 laser copy, Works of art, Cartoons (Commentary), Caricatures, Laser copy, A4 size, Orientation: Horizontal image
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Hodgson, Trace, 1958-. Various Artists :[David Lange. A collection of four cartoon photocopies featuring David Lange and the nuclear issue].. Various Artists :Four laser copies of original cartoons donated for the New Zealand Cartoon Archive auction, 6 November 1997.. Ref: H-475-002. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23065148

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