[New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey :Locality plan, Hutt Valley settlement area [copy of ms map with annotations]. [ca.1943]

[New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey :Locality plan, Hutt Valley settlement area [copy of ms map with annotations]. [ca.1943]
1938 - 1948
New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey
MapColl-832.4794gbbd/[ca 1943]/Acc.10602

Map of the Hutt Valley settlement industrial area, highlighted in red two areas where various industrial firms are sited on Department of Lands and Survey land. The first area is Bouverie St in Ava, Petone, and includes the firms WD & HO Wills NZ, Metters NZ and General Motors NZ. The second area is Gracefield and a small part of Seaview, and includes the firms Texas Coy., Vacuum Oil Co., Hume Pipe Co., Ford Motor Coy. of NZ, Wm Cable and Co., Schweppes, ESW Paul, Millars West Australia Bardwoods, Wellington Concrete Pipe Coy., WA Cairns and CH Morley.

The remainder of the map shows named streets, settlements, railways, reserves, cadastral information, the racecourse, wharves and both Gear Island and Seaview before major land reclamation work.

Quantity: 1 map(s).

Physical Description: Watercolour on diazo photoprint, linen backed, 64.9 x 74.8 cm.

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1 map(s), Annotations, Cadastral maps, Diazotypes, Manuscript maps, Watercolours, Watercolour on diazo photoprint, linen backed, 64.9 x 74.8 cm.
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New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey. [New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey :Locality plan, Hutt Valley settlement area [copy of ms map with annotations]. [ca.1943]. Ref: MapColl-832.4794gbbd/[ca 1943]/Acc.10602. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22400340

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