Matariki (Yacht)

Yacht belonging to James Watt. Watt sailed around New Zealand solo in 'Matariki' in 1989. Built in 1975.

There are 15 related items to this topic

Whangamata prints

Date: 1949-1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PAColl-10577-2

Description: Contains photographic prints of Whangamata and one photograph of the yacht 'Matariki', 1949-1977. Photographers include Aerial Oblique Aero Surveys Limited (Tauranga) and likely James Watt. Some prints are annotated. Includes three aerial survey photographs: Whangamata (1975); Moana Point, Whangamata, prior to subdivision (1977); and subdivision at Onemana (1975). Welton Hunt is pictured with a marlin he landed in 1949, with the marlin suspended by a rope and pulley. The yacht 'Matariki is photographed moored off a wharf at Great Barrier Island, circa 1980s. Arrangement: From folder titled "Whangamata, Onemana, Matariki- Gt Barrier" Quantity: 3 b&w original photographic print(s) with annotations. 2 colour original photographic print(s) with annotations. Physical Description: Photographic prints


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11164

Description: Colour transparencies of birdlife, scenery, and shipping scenes taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Contains numerous images of the Port of Bluff. These include oyster boats, fishing boats, larger container ships, tug boats, the Harbourmaster building, a freight train, and 'Matariki' docked alongside the boat 'Mokai'. Also contains images of the signpost at Stirling Point, Big Glory salmon fishing facilities at Stewart Island, a weka on Ulva Island, the rocky coast of Green Island (Foveaux Straight), and a sunset off the coast of Stewart Island. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 24 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11161

Description: Colour transparencies of scenery and ocean scenes taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Includes an image of the 'Matariki' anchored near the shore in an unidentified sound, images taken on a bush walk (with bark, flowers, bush, and moss), a hut and a row boat, views of snow clad mountains taken from on board 'Matariki', and unidentified waterfall(s). Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 24 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11169

Description: Colour transparencies of birds, insects, rocks, and hydroelectric power taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Contains images of a pair of paradise ducks by a waterfall [Fiordland?], South Island tomtit [Manapouri?], image of the inside of the Manapouri hydroelectric plant, a Fiordland bus parked outside a tunnel, a dragonfly, a stick insect, and two rocks. Also contains one image of George Sound (with snow capped peak) dated 17 March 1989. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Arrangement: Image of George Sound located with Totorore expedition at time of deposit (PA12-11156). Shifted to current set by Library staff when discovered. Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 15 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11158

Description: Contains colour transparencies of ocean and yachting scenes taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Includes three images of the sailing ship 'Spirit of Adventure' in Auckland Harbour, the Southern Alps (particularly Aoraki/Mount Cook) seen from off the West Coast of the South Island, atmospheric conditions (sunsets/sunrise), and Milford Sound. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 23 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11163

Description: Colour transparencies of scenery and ocean scenes taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Slides include images of Dusky Sound at sunrise or sunset; approach to Preservation Inlet, including Chalky Point and ocean conditions; bush, rock faces [sandstone?], Long Sound, and a waterfall at Preservation Inlet; and coastal views from on board 'Matariki' of Puysegur Point and Windsor Point. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 24 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11162

Description: Colour transparencies of birdlife, scenery, and ocean and yachting scenes taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Contains image of Lake Alice Falls in George Sound; Deep Cove, including Brassell Falls, a [Black Western?] Weka, 'Matariki' at anchor, and a rusted [crayfish pot?] caught on the anchor; an unidentified waterfall, Acheron Passage; Pickersgill Harbour, including Cook's Tree, Cook's water supply, and Astronomer Point; and two images of waterfall(s) in Dusky Sound. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 24 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11160

Description: Colour transparencies of scenery and yachting scenes taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Includes images from Milford Sound including the yacht 'Matariki' anchored near the shore, sea lions on a rock, an unidentified waterfall, and Bowen Falls. Other images from the Fiordland National Park area include unidentified sounds, waterfalls, streams (with mossy rocks and overhanging trees), a rainbow, bush, and mountains. A number of views are taken from on board 'Matariki'. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 23 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: Jan 1986, 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11165

Description: Colour transparencies scenery, yachting scenes, and Akaroa taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Includes images of various buildings in Akaroa including Langlois-Eteveneaux Cottage (part of Akaroa Museum), St Patrick's Catholic Church, St Peter's Anglican Church, Akaroa Post Office, and the general store as well as surronding farmland and buildings. Also contains images of Cape Runaway (with a rainbow), White Island and Volkner Rocks (Te Paepae o Aotea), the New Zealand Ensign on 'Matariki', Furuno [navigation?] equipment, and a dinghy with a large piece of seaweed [kelp?] draped on the back. Also contains two images takem by an unidentified photographer. One shows Watt in January 1986, the other shows 'Matariki' at sail with the spinnaker up. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'"; Note on envelope [from depositor?] reads: "Six slides from Round NZ Solo yacht trip in Matariki 1989. Plus one of Matariki & one of Jim Watt [only the two latter slides were in the envelope". Arrangement: Two slides of Jim Watt and 'Matariki' arrived in envelope separate to six boxes. Library staff have placed them with other slides relating to the expedition. Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 18 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11159

Description: Colour transparencies of Milford Sound scenery taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Includes images of Milford in foggy conditions, waterfalls (including the Stirling Falls and Bowen Falls), tourist boats, an unidentified man rowing a dinghy, and Mitre Peak. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 24 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Birdwatching and sailing expeditions in Chile, New Zealand, and Auckland and Antipodes ...

Date: 1974, 1983-1984, 1989, 1994-1995

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

By: Totorore Expedition

Reference: Series-6161

Description: Chiefly colour transparencies taken in the 1980s by James (Jim) Watt during three separate birdwatching and yachting expeditions. Also two reports for voyages made by yacht 'Totorore' to Chile and Auckland and Antipodes islands. Title supplied by Library Arrangement: Slides from reference numbers PA12-11102 to PA12-11106 (the first set of slides, as deposited) have been re-ordered by Library staff to bring sets of transparencies together and to best follow the path of the yacht 'Totorore' (as set out in the publication 'The Totorore voyage' by Gerry Clark). Due to time constraints the remainder of the 'Totorore' sequence is largely in the order in which it was deposited to the Library. Some sets relate to the descriptions of sequences on the boxes in which the collection was deposited, but others do not. Slides from PA12-11158 to PA12-11169 were re-arranged by Library staff according to the path of the yacht 'Matariki' (which travelled anti-clockwise around New Zealand, starting at Whangamata and first coming close to land at "the fiords at the bottom of the South Island" - information provided by donor) with images identified by the donor as being of "Milford Sound" being kept together. Where the location of the image is not known, slides have been ordered by subject (i.e. sunsets at sea, fishing boats, albatrosses, other birdlife). The final set of images of the World Wildlife Fund New Zealand trip to the Chatham Islands, reference numbers PA12-11170 to PA12-11179, arrived with a clear original order. This order was maintained. Quantity: 1890 colour original transparency/ies. 3 b&w original photographic print(s). 2 folder(s). Physical Description: Dye coupler transparency slides, mss, typescript, photographic prints


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11167

Description: Colour transparencies of albatrosses taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 23 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11168

Description: Colour transparencies of birdlife taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Birds includea giant petrel, unidentified sea birds in flight, various shags, oystercatchers, and a dotterel. Locations are unidentified. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 24 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Matariki New Zealand circumnavigation transparencies

Date: 1989

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: PA12-11166

Description: Colour transparencies of coastal views, ocean scenes, and sun rises and sun sets taken by James (Jim) Watt during his solo circumnavigation of New Zealand in his yacht 'Matariki' in 1989. Includes images of fishing boats off the coast, a cargo ship, recreational speed boats, as well as coastal views of New Zealand and sunrises and sunsets taken from on board 'Matariki'. Inscriptions: Note from depositor reads: "Jim Watt - sailing round NZ solo, 1987 - yacht 'Matariki'" Watt attempted to follow the path of Captain James Cook on this voyage. Quantity: 22 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies


Further yachting and birdwatching photographs

Date: 1970-1990

From: Watt, James Norwood, 1928-2018: Collection

Reference: Series-6162

Description: Photographs of mainly of yachting scenes around New Zealand. Also some photographs of birds. Photographs mostly taken by James (Jim) Watt, 1970 to 1990. Title supplied by Library Quantity: 12 colour original photographic print(s). 96 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Photographic prints and transparencies