Pukaha / Mount Bruce

Mount Bruce

Formerly Mount Bruce.

There are 39 related items to this topic

Knight, Charles Prendergast, 1871-1965 : Papers

Date: [ca 1892-1959]

By: Knight, Charles Prendergast (Dr), 1871-1965

Reference: 90-362

Description: Comprise diaries kept by Knight as a law student and secretary to Sir James Prendergast (1892, 1893 and 1895), and farm account books for Longcroft, Te Horo and Glencora stations 1910-1954, Fontenaye 1910-1921, Branscombe 1921, Richmond Downs Station 1911-1919. Also stock notes 1953-1959, a letter to the Commissioner of Unemployment, 1934. Source of title - Supplied Quantity: 1 box(es) (7 volumes, 1 folder). 0.10 Linear Metres. Physical Description: Holographs, mss, typescript Processing information: Not yet listed


New Zealand Day; a collaboration between New Music Works and the Arboretum at UCSC cele...

Date: 2005

From: [Programmes for overseas concerts, music performances featuring New Zealand performers. 1990-2009].

Reference: Eph-B-MUSIC-NonNZ-2005-01

Description: Programme for lectures, addresses, and concerts of New Zealand music. Composers featured included: Douglas Lilburn, Chris Cree-Brown, David Farquhar, Gillian Whitehead, Philip Brownlee, Jack Body, Matthew Lambourn, Ross Harris, John Cousins, David Downes. There were also traditional Maori pieces. Performers included: Jack Body, Hera Sally Black-Taute, Richard Nunns, Rob Reich. The programme also included recordings of New Zealand bird calls from Mount Bruce forest. Other Titles - University of California at Santa Cruz Quantity: 1 b&w photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: Booklet of 22 pages, each 280 x 215 mm. Provenance: Donated by Jack Body, Wellington, in 2005.


Subject files - Power Schemes, Pungas, Environmental politics, QEII Trust, Reserves etc...

Date: 1957-1983

From: Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc: Records and recordings

Reference: 84-180-49

Description: Includes files on: Power schemes, Lake Coleridge, Thermal no 1; Pungas; Political parties, environmental politics; Organisation of Wildlife Management and Research in New Zealand, report of Commission of Enquiry; QE II Trust; Rangaunu Bay (Northland); Reports and warrants from Rangers; Reserves, Charleston, Mt Bruce Native and Otari Native Gardens Quantity: 1 box(es). Finding Aids: Preliminary list of box contents available.


Mount Bruce National Wildlife Centre

Date: 10 July 1986

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: PA12-6591

Description: Interior views of Mount Bruce National Wildlife Centre. John Kendrick beside a hide on the Pauatahanui Inlet. Source of title - Title supplied by Library Quantity: 4 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies in cardboard mounts.


Fleming, Charles Alexander (Sir) 1916-1987 :[Montage and loose ink drawings for Christm...

Date: 1985

From: Fleming, Charles Alexander (Sir) 1916-1987 :[Christmas and greetings cards from the Fleming family, and preparatory montages and sketches. 1951-1986].

By: Fleming, Charles Alexander (Sir), 1916-1987; Fleming, Margaret Alison (Lady), 1917-2000

Reference: A-304-024/025

Description: Shows panels relating to Charles Fleming's "Science, settlers and scholars", marae at Mokai, Chatham Islands fauna, Mount Bruce (a takahe), Nga Manu Trust, Monet loan exhibition, terns, a wading bird at Upper Waitaki catchment, Palliser Bay trip. Quantity: 14 drawing(s) and 10 pieces lettering stuck on cardboard.. 12 drawing(s) (both ink and photocopied), and 3 pieces lettering, in envelope.. Physical Description: Ink drawings, black and white, mounted on card, 290 x 415 mm. Loose drawings and photocopies measure from 56 x 70 mm, to 122 x 163 mm. Provenance: Donated by Lady Margaret (Peg) Fleming of Wadestown, in 1993.


Views of Mount Bruce Reserve and National Wildlife Centre

Date: 10 July 1986

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: PA12-6589

Description: Views of Mount Bruce Wildlife Reserve and National wildlife Centre Source of title - Title supplied by Library Quantity: 4 colour original transparency/ies. Physical Description: Dye coupler transparencies in cardboard mounts.


Ratanui Trust - Ratanui (Mount Bruce)

Date: 20 Dec 2011

From: New Zealand Century Farm and Station Program :New Zealand Century Farm and Station Award applications

Reference: MS-Papers-11684-50

Description: The papers consist of: Application form submitted by Ratanui Trust (Edward and Marilyn Campbell); family and farm history Original owners were Johnny and Hugh Campbell (brothers), who acquired 580 acres in 1859. In 2012 the property was awarded the New Zealand Century Farm and Station award to mark over 100 years of continuous ownership by one family. Quantity: 1 folder(s).


Sound recordings of North Island saddleback, Philesturnus carunculatus rufusater

Date: 1 Feb 1983 - 3 Feb 1983 - 20 Jul 1983 - 01 Feb 1983

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-005

Description: Three tracks: Adult males; territory calls. Track 1: flying between perches and giving calls; distance 6-12m; Kapiti Island; background slight sea noise, some kaka; weather fine mild calm; recorded 1 Feb 1983, 1500 hrs. Track 2: flying between perches and giving calls; distance 5-7m; Kapiti Island; background slight handling noise, bellbird; weather fine calm mild; recorded 3 Feb 1983 0800 hrs. Track 3: pair feeding and moving about aviary, male giving calls; distance 2m; Mt Bruce bush aviary; weather fine calm 10 deg; 20 July 1983, recorded 1100 hrs. Species now known as Creadion carunculatus rufusater. Other Titles - Sound recordings of North Island saddleback, Creadion carunculatus rufusater Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1590 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 3 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 372a. Search dates: 1983


Sound recordings of morepork, Ninox novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae

Date: 18 Mar 1983 - 23 Apr 1983 - 20 Jul 1983

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-017

Description: Four tracks: Track 1: territory call; locality Ngamanu Trust Sanctuary, Waikanae; grove of tawa and kahikatea trees beside no. 2 pond at end of circular track; sitting in kahikatea tree; SH1 traffic noise in background; weather fine mild calm; recorded 18 Mar 1983, 2130 hrs. Track 2: adult, territory call; locality Kapiti Island Wildlife Service base for kiwi research, path to caravan on top of knoll; mixed broadleaf forest; sitting in trees giving calls; distance 20m; slight background noise; weather calm fine 10 deg C; recorded 23 Apr 1983, 1820 hrs. Track 3: adult female; reaction to presence of observer; locality Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, Welch Aviary; sitting in cover; distance 6m; slight noise of stream; weather fine cold calm; recorded 20 July 1983, 10.45 am. Track 4: hunting call; locality Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, path alongside kiwi enclosure near bridge to Welch Aviary; sitting in tree; distance 6m; stream noise; weather fine calm 5 deg C; recorded 20 July 1983, 2000 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1601 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 4 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 318. Search dates: 1983


Sound recording of Rook, Corvus frugilegus

Date: 11 Jul 1986

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-137

Description: Mixed sex and age flock of 400-500 birds; calls given as flock approaches roost and settles; distance 20-50m; Mt Bruce; background magpie, song thrush, goat; weather cloudy cold, light W wind; recorded 1745 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1712 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 1 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue card 378. Search dates: 1986


Sound recording of blue duck (whio), Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos

Date: 22 Jul 1983 - 24 Jun 1986 - 11 Jul 1986

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-043

Description: Three tracks: Adult pairs, swimming together. Track 1: Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, blue duck enclosure with pond; distance 4-6m; some background noise; weather fine calm 5 deg; recorded 22 July 1983, 0945 hrs. Track 2: calls between male and female, a result of disturbance; Manganui-o-Te-ao River; river gorge with native bush (beech, kowhai) along banks; farmland bordering river; distance 4m; river and fantail noise; weather overcast cold, occasional rain; recorded 24 June 1986, 1500 hrs. Track 3: Territory calls; Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, aviaries for waterfowl between SH2 and single accomodation block; pools in aviaries with rocky edges; distance 4-5m; background magpies, songthrush; weather cloudy cold calm; recorded 11 July 1986, 0730 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1764 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 3 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 162. Search dates: 1983 - 1986


Sound recording of Chatham Island yellow-crowned parakeet (Forbes' parakeet) Cyanoramph...

Date: Sep 1968 - 22 Jul 1983 - 01 Sep 1968

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-044

Description: Tape one: Adult sitting on aviary perches; Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, parakeet aviary; distance 2m; other bird calls; weather fine calm 5 deg; recorded 22 July 1983, 1035 hrs. Track length 0000-0044 Tape two: Adult sitting on taupata 12 ft above ground; Little Mangere Island, Chatham group; scrubby vegetation on top of island; call apparent reaction to recordist; sound of sea in background; weather fine, west wind; recorded Sept 1968, 1400 hrs. Track length 0000-0065 Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1765, OHT5-1700 Quantity: 2 5" reel(s). 2 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue card 311b. Search dates: 1968 - 1983


Sound recordings of black stilt (kaki), Himantopus novaezelandiae

Date: 20 Jul 1983 - 10 Jan 1991

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-047

Description: Two tracks: Track 1: Adult pair, standing at rear of pen; Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, maximum security aviary; distance 4m; parakeet and shore plover in background; weather fine calm 10 deg; recorded 20 July 1983, 1145 hrs. Track 2: Pair of flying adults and flying chick; territory calls; Lake Murray, near Glenmore Station, among tussock covered hills; distance up to 100m; wind noise and black backed gull; weather fine mild, strong SW wind; recorded 10 Jan 1991, 1000 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1768 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 2 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 219. Search dates: 1983 - 1991


Sound recordings of New Zealand shore plover (tuturuata), Thinornis novaeseelandiae

Date: 20 Jul 1983 - 11 Oct 1984

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-048

Description: Two tracks: Track 1: Adult pair; Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, maximum security aviary; distance 3m; background traffic and other birds; weather fine calm 10 deg; recorded 20 July 1983, 1155 hrs. Track 2: Adults, alarm calls, flying up giving calls or while moving away from recordist; Thinornis Bay, South East Island, Chatham group; wave platforms and rocky shore; weather fine mild, fresh NW wind; recorded 11 Oct 1984, 1015 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1769 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 2 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 231. Search dates: 1983 - 1984


Sound recording of takahe, Notornis mantelli (now Porphyrio mantelli)

Date: 22 Jul 1983

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-041

Description: Adult pair, territory calls; Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve; takahe enclosure, grass with bush at rear; walking around enclosure; distance to 3m; occasional traffic noise, thrush, tui, magpie etc; weather fine calm 5 deg; recorded 22 July 1983, 0930 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1762 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 1 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue card 207. Search dates: 1983


Sound recordings of brown teal, Anas aucklandica chlorotis

Date: 20 Jul 1983 - 7 Jul 1987 - 07 Jul 1987

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-049

Description: Two tracks: Adults, communicating. Track 1: Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve, enclosure near service building; distance 2m; stream noise, noise of birds moving around; weather fine calm 8 deg. Track 2: Group of 10 adults; male and female display, swimming in stream; Whananaki, opposite DOC walkway gate on road; slow flowing stream, grassed banks with some trees and shrubs; distance 5-10m; occasional wind and thrush noise; weather fine cool, fresh SW wind; recorded 7 July 1987, 0930 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1770 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 2 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 166. Search dates: 1983 - 1987


Sound recording of Antipodes Island parakeet, Cyanoramphus unicolor

Date: 21 Jul 1983

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-042

Description: Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve parakeet aviary; sitting on perches and making flights around aviary; background noise; weather fine cold calm; recorded 21 July 1983, 1000 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1762 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 1 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue card 309. Search dates: 1983


Sound recordings of New Zealand dotterel, Charadrius obscurus

Date: 20 Jul 1983 - 19 Oct 1989 - 25 Oct 1991

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-050

Description: Three tracks: Track 1: Adult male, aggressive display, reaction to observer; Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve maximum security aviary; distance 3m; background sounds; weather fine calm 10 deg. Track 2: Adults feeding on scrape area, territory calls; Gulf Harbour, Whangaparaoa Peninsula; scrape area along Army Bay, Gulf Harbour Road; distance 3-5m; some background noise; weather cloudy mild, SW wind; recorded 19 Oct 1989, 0930 hrs. Track 3: Pair of adults, reaction to people, in vicinity of nest; Weiti River mouth, North Auckland; shellbank where birds were nesting; distance 5-10m; some background noise; weather fine mild, moderate E wind; recorded 25 Oct 1991, 0930 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1771 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 3 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 222. Search dates: 1983 - 1991


Sound recordings of Stitchbird (hihi, kotihe), Notiomystis cincta

Date: 9 Aug 1986 - Sep 1988 - 09 Aug 1986 - 01 Sep 1988

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-140

Description: Two tracks: Track 1: Adult pair, territory calls, moving around inside aviary; distance 2-4m; bush aviary, Mt Bruce Native Bird Reserve; background occasional traffic; weather fine calm cold; recorded 9 Aug 1986, 1200 hrs. Track 2: Adult male, territory call, answering squeaks on bottle; distance 10m; Little Barrier Island, valley track; weather fine mild calm, recorded Sep 1988, 1100 hrs. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1715 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 2 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 358. Search dates: 1986 - 1988


Sound recordings of Eastern rosella, Platycercus eximius

Date: 11 Jul 1986 - Oct 1993 - 01 Oct 1993

From: Kendrick, John Lisle, 1922-2013: Interviews, recordings, photographs primarily relating to natural sound recording

Reference: OHInt-0834-138

Description: Two tracks: Track 1: Adult male 7 years old, answering call imitation, in cage; distance 1m; Mt Bruce; background rain on roof, cage noise; weather rain, cold SE wind; recorded 11 Jul 1986, 1100 hrs. Track 2: Adult, territory call, in puriri tree; distance 50 ft; Shakespear Regional Park; weather fine mild; recorded Oct 1993, 2 pm. Catalogue cards have name Platycercus elegans which is the species name for the crimson rosella. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHT5-1713 Quantity: 1 5" reel(s). 2 event(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - other see catalogue cards 308. Search dates: 1986 - 1993