Spencer, Treasure, active 1957

Contralto singer who won third prize in the Mobil Song Quest for 1957. (Information retrieved 4 July 2015 from Nga Taonga Sound & Vision website)

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Orpheus Choir of Wellington :[Ephemera and concert programmes. 1955-1959]

Date: 1955 - 1959

From: Orpheus Choir of Wellington :[Programmes. 1950s- ]

Reference: Eph-A-MUSIC-Orpheus-1950s

Description: Includes: 1955: The Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir present "The creation". Conductor Malcolm Rickard (With Dorothy Hopkins, John McDonald, Donald Munro, the Alex Lindsay String Ensemble, organist Peter Averi, pianiste Pauline Jacobs. St James Church Lower Hutt, 2 April [1955 or 1960?]. Programme Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir. Second concert for 1955. Conductor Ivan Hills, pianists Pauline Jacobs, Peter Averi; guest artist Sybil Phillips. Hutt Valley High School Assembly Hall, 24 September 1955. Programme (2 copies) The Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir (conductor Malcolm Rickard) presents "Messiah" oratorio by Handel. Soloists Edna Boyd-Wilson, Rae Gibbons, Robin Gordon, Kenneth Macaulay with the Alex Lindsay Orchestra, organist Peter Averi, pianist Pauline Jacobs. De Luxe Theatre Lower hutt, 27 November 1955. Programme (2 copies) 1956: Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir, conductor Malcolm Rickard, accompaniste Pauline Jacobs, with the Alex Lindsay String Ensemble and Peter Averi solo organist. St james Anglican Church Lower Hutt. 30 June 1956. Programme Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir presents "The creation" by Haydn with guest conductor James Robertson, soloists Sybil Phillips, William Herbert, Donald McIntyre, leader Vincent Aspey, organist Peter Averi. De Luxe Theatre Lower Hutt, 27 September 1956. Programme 1957: Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir presents "Tom Jones" a comic opera; music by Edward German (With soloists Daphne Ellwood, Joan Vause, Thomas Hanna, Peter Nisbet, narrator Willian Austin, pianist Pauline Jacobs, with the Alex Lindsay Concert Orchestra). Lower Hutt Town Hall, 22 June 1957. Programme Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir. Soloists Gabrielle Phillips, Marion McMaster, Robin Gordon, Owen Bonifant, Martin Wilson, Donald McIntyre; guest conductor James Robertson; members of the National Orchestra, leader Francis Rosner. Lower Hutt Town Hall, 28 September 1957. Programme HVHS Parents' Association present the Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir in a Carol Concert. Conductor Malcolm Rickard, guest artists Margaret Hunt, Mary McKenzie, Donald Munro; pianiste Pauline Jacobs, organist Peter Averi. Lower Hutt Town Hall, 11 December 1957. Programme (2 copies) 1958: The Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir, conductor Malcolm Rickard; and Mary Pratt, contralto. Assisting soloists Betty Berry, Peter Baillie, Peter Nisbet, Peter Averi, the Alex Lindsay String Ensemble; choir accompanist Beverley Bell. St James Church Lower Hutt, 4 October 1958. Programme The Hutt Valley Orpheus Choir with members of the Wellington Training College Choir. "Messiah" oratorio by Handel, conducted by Malcolm Rickard. Soloists Robon Bell, Treasure Spencer, Robin Gordon, Charles Naylor. Peter Averi at the organ; the Alex Lindsay String Ensemble with solo trumpeter. 7 December 1958. Programme 1959: The Hutt Valley Orpheus Society present "Messiah" oratorio by Handel. Conductor Malcolm Rickard, soloists Mary O/Brien, Mary Pratt, Peter Baillie, Donald Jack; the augmented Alex Lindsay String Ensemble with solo trumpeter Norman Goffin. Lower Hut Town Hall, 13 December 1959. Programme (2 copies) Quantity: 1 folder(s). Physical Description: Printed programmes and flyers, up to octavo size, some illustrated. Provenance: Donated from various sources.