British Commonwealth War Cemetery (Yokohama, Japan)

Yokohama War Cemetery (Yokohama, Japan)

Military cemetery 9 kilometres west of the city centre on Jido-Yuenchi-Dori, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, Japan. Managed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Constructed by the Australian War Graves Group circa 1945 after the Second World War and contains the graves of Commonwealth servicemen who died in Japan as prisoners of war or with the occupying forces after the war. It comprises of four main parts; the United Kingdom section, the Australian section, the Canadian and New Zealand section and the Indian Forces 1939-1945 section.

There are 2 related items to this topic

British Commonwealth Occupation of Japan. NZ & Australian related photographs

Date: 1945-1948

From: New Zealand. Department of Internal Affairs. War History Branch :Photographs relating to World War 1914-1918, World War 1939-1945, occupation of Japan, Korean War, and Malayan Emergency

Reference: PAColl-4161-01-131

Description: Multiple copies of official and unofficial photographs; most contain captions. Visit of Archbishop C W West Waston; dedication of St Patrick's Church at Hiro (Headquarters of 34 Australian Infantry Brigade); group at Empire Day reception in Tokyo ( Charge-Sister E A Airey, Col G Jenkins, R L C Challis, Brigadier L Potter, Charge-Sister E M Webb, Col H M Foster, and Sister M A Scott); Empire Day parade at Imperial Plaza, Tokyo; Australian children at church on `Mothering Sunday'; inspection of Japanese boats; capture of Korean vessel; BCOF Talent Quest (winners of silver cup - Pte Ron Tuhoro, Pte Bob Kopua, Bill Heremaia, and R Anaru); Pte Rangi Haronga & Pte George Solomon playing at the radio Talent Quest; `Cosmopolitans' Band (includes LAC Wally Matthews of NZ). Series of photographs of BCOF housing on the island of Eta Jima; BCOF army school at Eta Jima; BCOF children's party at Eta Jima; YMCA helpers reading the British Commonwealth Occupation Force daily newspaper (BCON) at YMCA club at BCOF headquarters, Eta Jima (group includes Miss A Jones of Wellington); 130 Australian General Hospital at Eta Jima; Hodogaya Park (British Commonwealth Cemetery near Yokohama); series of photographs taken during the visit of Hon F Jones, NZ Minister of Defence; anniversary party at Corporals' Club at Iwakuni (group includes A M Gibbs, Corporal A Withers, Corporal J Lewis, and others); ANZAC Parade and medal presentations held at Kure (Capt V H Gilchrist); series of photographs taken on day of the unveiling of memorial plaque to William Adams, first British sailor to land in Japan, by Lt-Gen H C H Robertson. Lt-Gen H C H Robertson handing over the jewel box, to be presented to Princess Elizabeth on the occasion of her wedding, to Capt M J Smythe, who had been selected to courier the gold lacquer box to London; group photo of Commander-in-Chief BCOF, Lt-Gen Robertson and others; Sgt M Johnston & family with Miss J Earle, YWCA representative with BCOF in Japan; Mr & Mrs W MacMahan Ball with Lt-Gen Robertson. Wedding photographs - Cables wedding; Law wedding; Stanton wedding; Capt Gordon Surgenor of Auckland, bestman at one of the weddings, with the bridesmaids. Wing Comander S G Quill; 14 Royal NZ Air Force Squadron ceremonial parade at Iwakuni; visit of units of British Pacific Fleet; Corsair aircraft of No 14 Squadron, RNZAF flying past the control launch during realistic war exercises over the Inland Sea; BCOF Athletic Championships at Anzac Park, Kure (Lt W M Smeeton winning the high jump); group sunbathing at Miyajima (group includes Pte J Eaton, Pte N Castles, Pte C L Rider); cycling demonstration; Col C W Nye, Officer Commanding 130 Australian General Hospital holding baby Susan Margaret Abrahams; presentation to Lt-Gen Robertson as a mark of appreciation for assistance given to Japanese YWCA (includes Marjorie Horner, a member of NZ YWCA); Miss Jean Begg, Director of YWCA Welfare with BCOF and others at a farewell dinner; view of Sumitomo Villa (leave hotel); Coporal H D Farrell and wife on honeymoon at Sumitomo Villa; Air Vice Marshal C A Bouchier inspecting 14 RNZAF Squadron (Flight Lt L G Mitchell, Squadron Leader J J de Willimoff, F/O A S Tye); Air Vice Marshal Bouchier with Air Vice Marshal Neville on board a launch on way to Eta Jima; children at kindergarten and school; sightseeing trip to Nikko; Corporal George Finlay at Iwakuni; Gunner S Whisker & Gunner L R McDonald in gardens of Maiko Hotel (leave hotel) and other photos taken at the hotel; visit of the Chaplains General of the AMF; visit of Lord Tedder, Chief of the Air Staff. Sightseeing at Beppu; Corporal Maurice Wright receiving British Commonwealth Base Rugby League Cup from Brigadier R G H Irving, Base Commander; Sister H Brett of Kelburn (on staff of British Hospital in Tokyo); Miss Jean Begg with others at first international meeting of Japanese YWCA held at Kawana Hotel; group photo of crew of last NZ Dakota courier to make the trip to Japan photographed on arrival at Bofu (F/O R Short, F/Sgt Shirley Britton, F/Lt James Dyer, F/Lt R Weston, and F/Lt Basil Health); photo of Formation Commanders of BCOF attending C-in-C BCOF Conference at Eta Jima; fire at Eta Jima which destroyed barrack buildings; exercises at Matsuyama; Driver T Gibbs of Taihape giving US sailors directions; Senior officers of BCOF photographed with Lt Gen V A H Sturdee, Chief of the Australian General Staff, during his visit (Air Vice Marshal Bouchier, Mrs Sturdee, Lt Gen Robertson, Major C J Miles, Brigadier R G H Irving, Miss Beris Burrell (NZYWCA), Air Vice Marshal J P J McCauley); guests on dias at Hiroshima Peace Festival; series of photos taken on election day, Eta Jima (F/Lt E W Perry, LAC M K Gemmel, LAC Milligan, LAC Daniel, ACI Groom, Sgt J A Lovegrove, Major D D Whitehead, Capt G R Surgenor, LAC L H Marcroft, Brigadier Clifton); patients being interviewed by Commanding Officer Major Wise on their arrival at convalescent depot (Pte N Castles of Featherston & Staff Sergeant P Corley of NSW). Series of photos taken of Miss Shirley Irene Thompson of Sydney to illustrate `Day in the life of an AMWS in Japan'. Quantity: 237 b&w original photographic print(s).


British Commonwealth Occupation of Japan. New Zealand. J Force

Date: 1945-1948

From: New Zealand. Department of Internal Affairs. War History Branch :Photographs relating to World War 1914-1918, World War 1939-1945, occupation of Japan, Korean War, and Malayan Emergency

Reference: PAColl-4161-01-130

Description: Multiple copies of official photographs; all contain captions. Photos of new other ranks club named the Aotearoa Club at Chofu - View of the building showing the main entrance; Cpl G P Meads, President of the Club Committee thanking Brigadier Potter for the club. Mr W D H McCullough of BBC `Brains Trust' who lectured to BCOF in Japan, and others on stage (2/Lieut E Lindley, Cpl H O New, Miss P G Gilmore, Lieut W V Hadfield, & Sgt W C Guy). Series of photos taken during rugby matches and practises, etc - match between Officers & Sergeants of J-Force Headquarters for Kobe Cup; Duntroon Cup at Ozuki on 9 May; dinner in honour of the Australians & New Zealanders who played for the Duntroon Cup (attended by Lt-Gen H C H Robertson); demonstration rugby match against Australian services team at Osaka to stimulate interest in rugby in Japan. British Commonwealth War Cemetery at Yokohama (NZ & Canadian section); Cpl M J Cameron & Sgt Bill Meyrick setting up one of the pages of `BCON' at Osaka; Army web equipment being packed by Disposals Group at Chofu (Pte Frank Clearly & Sapper Duncan Allan); Major B Matson dressed as Father Christmas at Christmas `Hui' held for Maoris of 2nd Battalion, NZ Regiment at Ozuki; Australian Beverley Myles Show giving an impromptu performance in the grounds of HQ Officers Mess, Chofu; Pte Dave Mathews & Driver Jim Takarangi sightseeing at Nikko; Driver Alf Davies & Cpl Don Ward sightseeing at Lake Chuzenji, Nikko while on leave from guard duties at Tokyo; NZ nurses Ruth Gordon & Barbara Wilson sightseeing at Diet Building & War Ministry Building, Tokyo; Capt J C Lyne, Major G E B Farnsworth & Pte P H Douche viewing an image of one of the Buddhist deities in the Imperial Household Museum in Ueno Park, Tokyo; two photos of Ueno Zoo, Tokyo. Father Hogan of the Australian Forces addressing men during the retreat held at Kogushi Camp (designed to assist the soldier on his return to civilian life); BCOF leave hotel at Kawana; crated Standard car being unloaded from freighter `Adastres' at Yokohama; Major R F Foukes (Recruiting Officer for NZ Regular Forces) signing up Sgt Len Allan & Cpl A J McDonald at Chofu; soldiers shopping in the Ginza, Tokyo (Bandsman G Biggs & I M Boyes); members of the dance band rehearsing (Joe Mathis, Jack Snowsill, Doug Bryne, Clive Thorne, Norm Silk, Barry Walden, Darcy Christiansen, Jimmy Thorne & Colin Thorne); negotiating the price of a ride in a rickshaw (L/Cpl Ken Rothwell, Bandsman Neale Loder & Cpl Doug Humphreys); `MacArthur for president' campaign at intersection in Tokyo; fire at Kobe Steel company's property at Chofu and aftermath. Photos taken at Tokyo Motion Pictures Studio - Pte F J Grimswood, Cpl B Edwards, Pte A McGrath & Staff Sgt G Walker chatting with Japanese actresses Kyoko Yoshizra & Kazue Ouchi; Pte B Owens with Taiko Konzo & Sagito Watari. Ceremonial parade held in honour of the King's birthday at HQ, Chofu; Empire Day celebrations parade (on saluting dias are Lt-Commader Heron-Watson, Chief Naval Representative for BCOF, Col E P Dickson, Commander of UK Component, BCOF, Brigadier L Potter, Wing Commander W J Keenan of BCAIR & Col D B Cullinane, US 8th Army Liaison Officer with BCOF); company of Maori from 2nd Battalion taking over guard duty from 66th Australian Infantry Battalion at Imperial Plaza, Tokyo; Lt P H Healt taking over guard duty from Lt A Morrison of 66 Australian Battalion; Major B J Matson with WOII R White inspecting the last NZ Guard component to do guard duties at Imperial Palace, Tokyo; Pte T Powhare & P F C P Oberg standing guard at main gate of Imperial Palace (1948); Air Vice Marshal C A Bouchier's tour of NZ area, Ozuki (accompanied by Capt R H Smith, and at Aotearoa Club with Col J A Worsnop, Brigadier Crump & Brigadier Potter). Series of wedding photos - Wedding of Major E J Horwood (OC of the NZ Signals Company in Japan) and W M White (OC of WAACS) at Garrison Church, Chofu; wedding of Cpl Alan Gage Wynyard (RNZASC) and Elsie Lilian Wells (NZWAAC) at Garrison Church, Chofu (with bestman WOII William Chalmers & bridesmaid Phyllis Evelyn Boot); wedding of Captain Noel Dowsett and Mary Patricia Head (nurse at 6NZGH) at Kiwa Chapel (with bestman Flying Officer William Pryor & bridesmaid Barbara Wilson); wedding of Capt Durham Howell Hunter and Charge Nurse Amy E Airey at Kiwa Chapel. Series of photos relating to first courier of the 41 transport squadron RNZAF to land at Bofu, etc - Warrant Officer D S Holloway met by Commanding Officer of 14 Fighter Squadron, Squadron Leader D F St George; photo of Sgt L H Keegan, Flight Sgt E D Galbraith, WO B J Haberfield, Flight Sgt A L Chapman); passengers and crew of a NZ Dakota aircraft of the RNZAF Japan courier in the truck which will take them to their quarters, Bofu, 1948; back from one of 14 Fighter Squadron routine patrols (Flying Officer Arnel Meyer being helped off with his gear by Bob Britton, nearby is Joe Pearson); making final adjustments to a newly installed engine in one of the Corsair aircraft of 14 Fighter Squadron (ACII Bill Hennessy & ACI Dave Stowell; also photo of Tom McGowan, Colin Hill & Dave Stowell); ground crew maintaining an aircraft (Dave Stowell & Flight-Sgt Shirley Britton). Flight-Lieutenanat Robert Weston arriving on last Dakota aircraft of RNZAF Courier Service to land in Japan; group photo of crew alongside their plane after their arrival at the 14 Fighter Squadron RNZAF aerodrome at Bofu (Flying Officer Ray Short, Flight-Sgt Shirley Britton, Flight-Lieutenant James Dyer, Flight-Lieutenant Robert Weston & Flight-Lieutenant Basil Heath). Captain Jim Godwin questioning a Japanese, formerly a Lieutenant Colonel in the army, who is suspected of having knowledge of atrocities. Series of photos taken during visit of Mr Patrick Shaw (Head of Australian Mission in Japan) and Mrs Shaw to Ozuki (includes Mrs John Forsythe, Secretary to Mr Justice Northcroft, Lt-Col G M McCaskill, Brigadier L Potter, Major J W McMurray). Cricket game (Signalman Allan Lloyd batting, wicket-keeper Cpl Frank Snelgar) at Chofu; Major Bryan Boyd playing in the final of the Headquarters Tennis Competition. Quantity: 186 b&w original photographic print(s).