Willan, James Healey, 1880-1968

Canadian composer, teacher, organist and choirmaster (see the New Grove dictionary of music and musicians, 2d ed)

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Cambridge Music School (20th & 21st)

Date: 1965-1966

From: University of Auckland Centre for Continuing Education : Tapes of music and interviews, with lists

By: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827; Bestley, Christopher, active 1966; Brahms, Johannes, 1833-1897; Brown, Murray, active 1961-1970; Buckton, Roger, 1939-; Carew, Richard, active 1966; Crawshaw, Margaret, active 1988; Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918; Dellow, Ronald Graeme, 1924-2004; Drain, Pauline, 1947-; Dumbleton, Marjorie, active 1965; Duparc, Henri, 1848-1933; Dvorak, Antonin, 1841-1904; Evans, Kathryn, active 1966; Godfrey, Peter David Hensman, 1922-2017; Gounod, Charles Francois, 1818-1893; Hindemith, Paul, 1895-1963; Hopkins, George, -1971; Hunter, Dale, active 1966; Kerr, Felicity, active 1966; Larsen, Maurice, active 1974; Mackie, Melbon, active 1965; Martinu, Bohuslav Jan, 1890-1959; Matteucci, Juan, 1920-1990; Morley, Thomas, 1557?-1602; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791; Nielsen, Aage, active 1965; Oliver, Andrea Lyndsay, 1937-2019; Panting, Richard, active 1985; Pruden, Larry Carrol, 1925-1982; Purves, Robert, active 1966; Reeve, Anthony, active 1966; Rimmer, John Francis, 1939-; Ritchie, John Anthony, 1921-2014; Scarlatti, Domenico, 1685-1757; Shostakovich, Dmitri Dmitrievich, 1906-1975; Sim, Graham, active 1966; Southgate, William David (Sir), 1941-; Svendsen, Johan Severin, 1840-1911; Willan, James Healey, 1880-1968; Wood, Celia, active 1966

Reference: MST10-2320

Description: Recordings of selected performances from the 20th (1965) and 21st (1966) Cambridge Summer Schools of Music (CCE Archives tapes 47 and 48) Place of recording - Place of recording 21st CMS was held at Ardmore College Other Titles - [Symphony no 5, C minor] Symphony no 5 in C minor / Beethoven ; Orchestra conducted John Ritchie, leader Marjorie Dumbleton Other Titles - Overture Leonora no 1 / Beethoven ; Orchestra conducted Larry Pruden, leader Marjorie Dumbleton Other Titles - Trio for horn, violin and piano in E flat Op 40 (movts 2 & 3) / Brahms ; John Rimmer, horn, Aage Nielsen, violin, Margaret Crawshaw, piano Other Titles - Sonata for horn and piano (movt 2) / Hindemith ; John Rimmer, horn, Margaret Crawshaw, piano Other Titles - L'invitation au voyage / Duparc ; Maurice Larsen, tenor, Ronald Dellow, piano Other Titles - Romance for violin and piano / Svendsen ; Aage Nielsen, violin, Margaret Crawshaw, piano Other Titles - Seven Czech dances ; [for piano] / Martinu ; Margaret Crawshaw, piano Other Titles - Symphonie for wind instruments / Charles Gounod ; Ensemble conducted by Roger Buckton, Andrea Oliver, Celia Wood, oboes, Anthony Reeve, Richard Carew, clarinets, William Southgate, Robert Purves, horns, Christopher Bestley, Melbon Mackie, bassoons Other Titles - Serenade in D minor for wind instruments and string basses (movts 1 & 2) / Dvorak ; Ensemble including Juan Matteucci, cello, conducted George Hopkins Other Titles - String quartet no 1 in C (first movt) / Shostakovich ; Richard Panting, violin, Kathryn Evans, violin, Graham Sim, viola, Felicity Kerr, violoncello Other Titles - Sarabande for seven flutes / Debussy ; Ensemble conducted George Hopkins Other Titles - Sing we and chant it / Morley ; Choral Group conducted Peter Godfrey Other Titles - The Twelve days of Christmas / Willan ; Ensemble conducted Peter Godfrey Other Titles - Quintet for piano and wind instruments K452 / Mozart ; Murray Brown, piano, Andrea Oliver, oboe, Dale Hunter, clarinet, William Southgate, horn, Melbon Mackie, bassoon Other Titles - Cat's fugue / D Scarlatti ; Roger Buckton, flute, Pauline Drain, clarinet, Anthony Reeve, clarinet, Christopher Bestley, bassoon Quantity: 1 10" reel(s). Finding Aids: List available at 82-066-1 and backfile.