Hildreth, Gabrielle, active 1998

Lives in Helensville. Organised the Memories of the Kaipara oral history project.

Died 16 January 2016 (death notice in New Zealand Herald Jan 21 2016)

There are 2 related items to this topic

Memories of the Kaipara oral history project : Part two

Date: 1995-1996

By: Hildreth, Gabrielle, active 1998; Haysmith, Wynne, active 1995-2002

Reference: OHColl-0633

Description: Interviews Maori from the Helensville area of the Kaipara Harbour. Looks at their iwi, Ngati Whatua, the local pa, tikanga Maori, intertribal links, land issues, traditional food gathering and current farm forestry practices. Includes two interviews with Neil Barr. Interviewer(s) - Gabrielle Hildreth Interviewer(s) - Wynne Haysmith Quantity: 10 C60 cassette(s). 7 printed abstract(s). 7 interview(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.


Memories of the Kaipara oral history project : Part one

Date: 1992-1996

By: Hildreth, Gabrielle, active 1998; Shore Bennett, Beverley Doris, 1928-

Reference: OHColl-0430

Description: Interviews with long-term residents of the Helensville and Kaipara area. Includes a speech by Marina Fletcher to the Forest and Bird Society in 1994 and group recordings `Composite memories' and `Remembering Sunday' Interviewer(s) - Gabrielle Hildreth Quantity: 16 C60 cassette(s). 12 printed abstract(s). 12 interview(s). Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete.