Funeral rites and ceremonies - Great Britain

There are 7 related items to this topic

[Ephemera relating to the British Royal Family, royal visits, the monarchy. 1970s]

Date: 1970 - 1979

Reference: Eph-B-ROYAL-1970s

Description: Includes: 1972: Commonwealth Day message from Her Majesty the Queen, Head of the Commonwealth. 3 June 1972, Buckingham Palace [Single sheet] 1974: Right Royal cookery; the Royal Family's favourite recipes. A New Zealand Woman's Weekly bonus booklet, 8 April 1974. 1977: E II R Royal concert in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Christchurch Town Hall, Friday March 4th 1977. Programme (With the Skellerup Woolston Band - conductor Mervyn Waters, the Christchurch Youth Orchestra - director Peter Zwartz, Combined Primary Schools Junior and Senior Representative Choirs, Cashmere High School Chamber Music Orchestra - conductor Carol A Moffatt, the New Zealand Ballet - artistic director Philip Chatfield, with the Canterbury Orchestra - director Dobbs Franks, pianist Patrick O'Byrne, the Christchurch Harmonic Chorale). 1979: Ceremonial. Funeral of Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma in Westminster Abbey on Wednesday 5th September 1979 at 11.30 am. [Photocopy only] 1979: Westminster Abbey. Order of service at the funeral of Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma 1900-1979. Wednesday 5 September 1979, 11.30 am [Photocopy only] Quantity: 1 folder(s). Physical Description: Offset prints, sizes varying up to 330 mm.


Jordan, William Joseph, 1879-1959 (Collector): Orders of services [held in the United K...

Date: 1944 - 1948

From: [Ephemera, programmes and menus for visits of state by foreign dignitaries to New Zealand, and by New Zealand politicians overseas. 1900-1949]

Reference: Eph-B-STATE-1945-01

Description: Bound collection of programmes, tickets and orders of service, collected by Sir William Jordan during a posting in the United Kingdom (actually beginning in late 1944): 1944: Souvenir brochure to mark the entertainment of the school children of Ramsgate by the courtesy of the New Zealand National Patriotic Fund on the occasion of the relief on the 30th September 1944 of Kent coastal towns from enemy shelling. December 1944. Programme 1945: Memorial service for passengers and crew of Liberator A.L. 504 (Commando), lost in flight, March 27th 1945. Church of St Martin-in-the-Fields, 7 June 1945. Order of service The Girls' Life Brigade display at the Royal Albert Hall, 9 June 1945. Programme Westminster Abbey. The second Sunday after Trinity; the Eve of the Feast of St Barnabas, apostle and martyr. Evensong at which will take place the installation of [High Commissioners for Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa). 10 June 1945. Order of service Luncheon to General of the Army Dwight D Eisenhower G.C.B.. The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Sir Frank Alexander. Mansion House 12 June 1945. Toasts and music; Ticket; Invitation; Admittance card Memorial service for passengers and crew of 'York M.W. 126', who lost their lives on November 14th 1944. Westminster Abbey, 28 June 1945. Order of service Memorial service for the Right Honourable John Curtin, M.P., Prime Minster of the Commonweath of Australia. Westminster Abbey, 18 July 1945. Order of service Luncheon by the Government of New Zealand in honour of Mr W J Jordan, High Commissioner for New Zealand in the United Kingdom. Parliament House Wellington, 1 November 1945. Toast list / menu (Inserted loose) 1946: Offical programme of the Victory celebrations, [London] 8 June 1946 The Royal Society Empire Scientific Conference 1946. Programme of the ceremony of opening by His Sacred Majesty King George VI. Senate House of the University of London, 17 June 1946 Guild of Freemen of the City of London. Luncheon at the Hall of the Worshipful Company of Tallow Chandlers, 19 June 1946. Programme A Thanksgiving for the victory achieved in the Battle of Britain in the year nineteen hundred and forty. Westminster Abbey, 15 September 1946. Order of service Royal Colonial Institute Lodge. Meeting. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street London, 4 January 1946. Invitation Ceremonial of His Majesty's proceeding to Parliament. 12 November 1946 1947: 'The Freeman'; official journal of the Guild of Freemen of the City of London, no. XCVI [96. 1947] The Easter dinner. The Right Hon the Lord Mayor (Sir Bracewell Smith). The Mansion House, 16 April 1947. Music, toasts, menu Order of service in memory of the Right Honourable James Edward Hubert, fourth Marquess of Salisbury, K.G., G.C.V.O., C.B., High Steward of Westminster. 1861-1947. Westminster Abbey, 16 April 1947 Royal luncheon to Their Majesties the King and Queen, upon their return from the Union of South Africa and the Rhodesias. Guildhall, 15 May 1947. Menu Arangements for the ceremony of admission to the Freedom of the City of London of Her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth. Guildhall, 11 June 1947 Luncheon following the presentation of the Freedom of the City to her Roayl Highness the Princess Elizabeth. Mansion House, 11 June 1947. Music, toasts, menu; Table plan His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, delivered 21 October 1947. London, His majesty's stationery office, [1947] Ceremonial of His Majesty's proceeding to Parliament, 21 October 1947 Unveiling of the national memorial statue of His Late Majesty King George V by His Majesty King George VI. Westminster, 22 October 1947 1948: Unveiling of the memorial to President Roosevelt by Mrs Roosevelt. Grosvenor Square London, 12 April 1948. Order of ceremony Pilgrims dinner to Mrs Roosevelt. Savoy Hotel, 12 April 1948. Includes table plan Service of thanksgiving on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the marriage of His Majesty King George VI and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. St Paul's Cathedral, 26 April 1948. Order of service Laying of the foundation stone of the new chamber of the House of Commons, by the speaker Col. the Rt. Hon. D Clifton Brown. 26 May 1948. Order of proceedings War memorial dedication and unveiling, Westminster Abbey for the Submarine Service of the Royal Navy, the Commandos, the Airborne Services and Special Air Service. 21 May 1948. Order of service Westminster Abbey, 20 June 1948. Holy Communion / Matins/Evening Service. Order of services Laying the foundation stone of All Hallows Berkyngechirche by the Tower, Guild Church of Toc H, by Her Most Excellent Majesty The Queen. 19 July 1948. Order of service Quantity: 1 volume(s). Physical Description: Letterpress booklets, bound into hardback volume, 340 x 212 mm., front cover with gilded crest of the General Assembly Library Provenance: Previously held in the Parliamentary Library.


Jordan, William Joseph, 1879-1959 (Collector): Orders of services [held in the United K...

Date: 1950 - 1951

From: [Ephemera, programmes and menus for visits of state by foreign dignitaries to New Zealand, and by New Zealand politicans overseas. 1900-1949]

Reference: Eph-B-STATE-1950-01

Description: Includes: 1950: Ceremonial to be observed at the Opening of Parliament by His Majesty the King accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen. 6 March 1950. Sheriffs' inauguration breakfast. The Mansion House, 28 September 1950. Menu / toast list Ceremonial to be observed at the Opening of Parliament by His Majesty the King accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen. 31 October 1950. In Memoriam His Majesty King Gustaf V of Sweden. Died 29 October 1950. Cathedral Church of St Paul Wellington, 9 November 1950. Order of service Order of memorial service for His late Majesty King Gustaf V of Sweden. St Martin-in-the-Fields. 17 November 1950. Corporation of London. Reception and luncheon to her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and the Prince of the Netherlands. Guildhall, 22 November 1950. Music, menu, toasts Order of service in memory of Edward William Spencer Cavendish, Tenth Duke of Devonshire, K.G. (1895-1950). Westminster Abbey, 7 December 1950 Order of service of Commemoration. The foundation of the Province of Canterbury New Zealand 1850. St Paul's Cathedral, 15 December 1950. Luncheon following the Canterbury Centennial service at St Paul's Cathedral. The Mansion House, 15 December 1950. Menu, toasts; and Table plan 1951: Canada Club dinner; guest of honour the Rt Hon Louis St Laurent, Prime Minister of Canada. Savoy Hotel, 8 January 1951. Plan of tables The Pilgrims dinner in honour of the Honourable Walter S Gifford, American Ambassador to the Court of St James's. Savoy Hotel, 9 January 1951. Seating plan New Zealand Society. Commemorative dinner. Lancaster Room, Savoy Hotel, 11 January 1951. Menu and seating plan New Zealand Day celebration. Order of service of thanksgiving and commemoration held in the church of St Margaret Lothbury. 6 February 1951. Order of service Shakespeare's birthday celebrations. Luncheon held on the 387th anniversary of the poet's birthday. Conference hall, Stratford-Upon-Avon, 23 April 1951. Menus and toast list Dinner on the occasion of the opening of the British Industries Fair of 1951. The Mansion House London, 30 April 1951. Menu and toasts Order of service in memory of Ernest Bevin, P.C., Lord Privy seal, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from 1945 to 1951. Westminster Abbey, 24 April 1951. Service of dedication on the occasion of the opening of the Festival of Britain by His Majesty the King. St Paul's Cathedral, 3 May 1951. Order of service Empire Day banquet. Chief guest HRH the Duke of Gloucester, K.G. Grosvenor House, 24 May 1951. Menu, toasts and seating plan University of Cambridge Honorary degrees. 7 June 1951 Choral evensong with the interment of the ashes of the Right Hon. Ernest Bevin, M.P. Westminster Abbey, 8 June 1951. Order of service [Out of order at end of volume] Order of Memorial service for Field-Marshal the Right Honourable Jan Christiaan Smuts, Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, 1919-24, 1939-48. Born 1870, died 1950. Westminster Abbey 26 September 1950 Quantity: 1 volume(s). Physical Description: Programmes bound in hard cover, 340 x 215 mm. Provenance: Previously held in the Parliamentary Library.


Jordan, William Joseph, 1879-1959 (Collector): Orders of services [held in the United K...

Date: 1942 - 1945

From: [Ephemera, programmes and menus for visits of state by foreign dignitaries to New Zealand, and by New Zealand politicians overseas. 1900-1949]

By: Jordan, William Joseph, 1879-1959

Reference: Eph-B-STATE-1942-01

Description: Bound collection of programmes, tickets and orders of service, collected by Sir William Jordan during a posting in the United Kingdom: 1942: Funeral of Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, at St George's Chapel Windsor Castle, 23 January 1942. Ticket; and Order of service New Zealand Day celebration. Order of service of Thanksgiving and commemoration held in the Church of St James, Garlickhythe, 6 February 1942 Royal Colonial Institute Lodge. Installation of R W Bro William J Jordan, Past Grand Warden, New Zealand. Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street, 20 May 1942. Invitation, programme, luncheon menu; and notice to say the Duke of Kent would attend Form of service in memory of Air Commodore His Royal Highness George Edward Alexander Edmund, Duke of Kent. Westminster Abbey, 9 September 1942. Plus ticket 1943: Edward Algernon Fitzroy, speaker of the House of Commons 1928-1943. Born 24 July 1869, died 3 March 1943. St Margaret's Westminster, 8 March 1943. Order of service George, Viscount Galway, G.C.M.G. St Mark's North Audley Street, 31 March 1943. Order of [funeral] service St Paul's Cathedral. A service of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the victory granted to Britain and her allies in North Africa. 19 March 1943. St Paul's Cathedral. Order of service of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the success granted to the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain and commemoration before God ... 26 September 1943 Westminster Abbey. Order of service at the funeral of Admiral of the Fleet Sir A Dudley P R Pound, G.C.B., O.M., G.C.V.O. 26 October 1943. 1944: ANZAC Day service of remembrance . St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square. Eric S Loveday, M.A., Vicar. 25 April 1944. Order of service Funeral of Her Late Royal Highness the Princess beatrice (Princess Henry of Battenberg), at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. 3 November 1944. Order of service In memoriam Deneys Reitz, 1882-1944. Church of St Martin-in-the-Fields London, 25 October 1944. Order of service In memory of the Most Reverend and Right Honourable William Temple ... Lord Archbishop of Canterbury ... 1881-1944. Westminster Abbey, Eve of the Festival of All Saints, 31 October 1944. Order of Service 1945: The order of service in memory of The Right Honourable David, Earl Lloyd-George, O.M. Westminster Abbey, 10 April 1945 St Paul's Cathedral, 17 April 1945. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945 [Order of service] The Order of service for the Enthronement of the Most Reverend Father in God, Geoffrey, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England. Cathedral Church of Christ, Canterbury, 19 April 1945 Thanksgiving for Victory. Church of England, Brussels, 13/5/45. Order of service A service of thanksgiving to Almighty God for the victory granted in Europe to Britain and her allies. St Paul's Cathedral, 13 May 1945. Order of service Royal Colonial Institute Lodge. Installation of W Bro Sir George M Boughey. Freemasons' Hall London, 16 May 1945. Order of service Quantity: 1 volume(s). Physical Description: Programmes bound in hard cover, 250 x 195 mm. Provenance: Previously held in the Parliamentary Library.


Artist unknown :[In memoriam card for Edith Anne Waghorn]. 1920.

Date: 1920

By: Rayment, Sheila M, active 1987

Reference: A-304-001

Description: Front of folded card shows monogram initials of the deceased, and inside is a short verse, and the words: "In loving memory / of/ Edith Anne Waghorn, / who departed this life January 4th, 1920, / age 53 years. / Her end was Peace". Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s) with black-edged envelope.. Physical Description: Printed folded card 90 x 115 mm, with inner sheet held in with thin black robbon tied in bow. All enclosed in black-rimmed envelope of same dimensions. Provenance: Edith Ann Waghorn (1866?-1920) was the great-aunt of the donor, who also provided a colour file print (in D&P files) of Ms Waghorn's painting of a Māori princess. Ms Waghorn was a commercial artist who visited New Zealand in about 1903-06.


Artist unknown :In memoriam. Sir Henry Irving. Born February 6th 1838. Died October 13t...

Date: 1905

By: Whiteley, C (Mrs), active 1970

Reference: D-014-011

Description: A paper handkerchief with a reproduction of a photograph of actor Sir Henry Irving and biographical detail, surrounded by mauve and purple flowers. Possibly produced on the occasion of his funeral service in Westminster Abbey. Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Chromolithograph & photolithograph on rice paper, 357 x 357 mm Provenance: Donation: Mrs C. Whiteley, Wellington, 29 May 1970 Processing information: Previously housed at Curios-012-006.


Legal documents and other papers

Date: [1808-1970]

From: Kidman, Fiona Judith (Dame), 1940- : Papers, photographs, ephemera and recordings

Reference: fMS-Papers-7118-3

Description: Comprises invitations to funerals of Agnes Alexander (1854) and Neil Small (1843), copy of bond and disposition in security by Margaret and Jane Telfer in favour of Frederick Small (1935) and copy of disposition by Frederick Small in favour of Margaret and Jane Telfer (1855), burgess tickets of Neil Small (1815) and Frederick Small (1845), Irvine ticket for Neil Small junior (1908), vellum wallet and `History of the ancestors' by John Sutherland; also extract from John 14 Quantity: 1 folder(s).