The crucible / by Peter King.

The crucible / by Peter King.
King, Peter, 1961- author.
ISBN 9781927264423
King, Peter, 1961- Changels Genesis trilogy ; pt. 6.

"As the community attempts to close down the mystery of the Renwick fire and resettle on Earth their enemies move quickly capture them. Only when it becomes clear they are planning to release a deadly a influenza epidemic do the Changels realise flight is not an option. Everyone, including Sue, must commit everything to prevent a massive plague. But that means a fight some will not survive" --Publisher description.


Novel for young adults.

Edition 3.

Other Versions
Online version: Crucible

Related to
Contained in (work): King, Peter, 1961- Bruderschaft.

Wellington, New Zealand : Peter King Publishing, [2016]
455 pages ; 23 cm
See original record

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