Land records and diary notes / translated by Rangi Pouwhare

Land records and diary notes / translated by Rangi Pouwhare
1890-1904 (2005)
Pouwhare, Rangi, active 2004

Transcription/translation of MS-Papers-6571-016. Contains lists of owners, relative shares and other information for Maori land blocks along the South Wairarapa Coast; also contains diary notes by Iraia Te Whaiti between 1890 and 1904 about personal affairs, hui and farming.

Quantity: 1 Electronic document(s).

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Part of
Te Whaiti family : Collection / 2/2 Iraia Te Whaiti - Translations and transcriptions of diaries
1 Electronic document(s), Electronic records (Digital records), Manuscripts, Electronic documents
See original record

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Land records and diary notes / translated by Rangi Pouwhare. Te Whaiti family : Collection. Ref: MSDL-2186. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/32745259

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