New Zealand irrigation overview.

Bloomer, D. J. (Daniel James), 1959-; Curtis, A. (Andrew); Reese, P. (Paul); Irrigation New Zealand (Organisation)
ISBN 9780473241063
Irrigation information books ; bk. 1.

Irrigation in New Zealand -- Irrigation system types -- Equipment.

"This book is part of a series providing a comprehensive training resource for irrigation industry participants in New Zealand. It introduces location, use and significance of irrigation to New Zealand, the types of irrigation systems in use and the common components of them"--Cover verso.

"Compiled by: D.J. Bloomer, A. Curtis and P. Reese"--Cover verso.

Includes bibliographical references.

Other Versions
Online version: New Zealand irrigation overview
Christchurch, N.Z. : Irrigation New Zealand, [2013]
28 pages : colour illustrations ; 30 cm
See original record

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