Laboratory rearing of the raspberry bud moth, Heterocrossa rubophaga (Lepidoptera : Carposinidae) on blackberry


The raspberry bud moth, Heterocrossa rubophaga (Lepidoptera : Carposinidae), was reared for four successive generations on Rubus ostryfolius (Rydb.), one of the many entities that comes under the general name blackberry, Rubus fruticosus (L.). The moths were reared at 20 _ 1_C, 50-60% RH, and 18 h photoperiod. The average life cycle parameters were : egg development, 8 days; larval period, _18.6 and _20.8 days; prepupal and pupal period, _22.1 and _20.8 days; neonate larva to adult, _40.7 and _41.6 days; adult weight, _4.2 and _4.3 mg; fecundity, 53 eggs per female held at 18 _ 1_C and 24 h dark. Larvae developed through four instars.

New Zealand journal of zoology 18(1), 89-91, 1991
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