Charles Hill & Sons Ltd :Hill & Sons, [agents for] Henry Heath London; Woodrows Hats; John Stetson & Co Philad[elphi]a; James E Mills London. We are in receipt of regular shipments of hats ... Wellington, N.Z. [1897]

Charles Hill & Sons Ltd :Hill & Sons, [agents for] Henry Heath London; Woodrows Hats; John Stetson & Co Philad[elphi]a; James E Mills London. We are in receipt of regular shipments of hats ... Wellington, N.Z. [1897]

Shows panels with details of all four overseas hat manufacturers for which C Hill & Sons was the sole agent. Other makers who supplied hats to the company were: Christy & Company Ltd, Tress & Company, MacQueen & Company, Glynn & Company, Cool Spring Company, De Clermont & Company of Paris.

Extended Title - From Charles Hills & Sons Ltd catalogue, 1897, back cover.

Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s).

Physical Description: Lithograph, 360 x 282 mm.

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Alternative form available: Scanned from original.

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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
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Charles Hill & Sons Ltd : Hill & Sons, Hat and Cap Manufacturers, Wellington, N.Z. Established 1875 [Catalogue]. McKee & Gamble, lith, Wellington, 1897.
1 colour photo-mechanical print(s), Advertisements, Ephemera, Lithographs, Lithograph, 360 x 282 mm., Orientation: Vertical image
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Charles Hill & Sons Ltd :Hill & Sons, [agents for] Henry Heath London; Woodrows Hats; John Stetson & Co Philad[elphi]a; James E Mills London. We are in receipt of regular shipments of hats ... Wellington, N.Z. [1897]. Charles Hill & Sons Ltd : Hill & Sons, Hat and Cap Manufacturers, Wellington, N.Z. Established 1875 [Catalogue]. McKee & Gamble, lith, Wellington, 1897.. Ref: Eph-C-COSTUME-1897-01-06. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23073051

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