Mount Tarawera, viaducts under construction, and the mountains of the Volcanic Plateau


There are three main groups of images in this album.

The first is about a climb up Mount Tarawera in September 1908. It includes views of the craters and the rift resulting from the eruption, and views over the surrounding countryside from the summit including lakes Tarawera and Rotomahana. The party also did some sailing in a launch on the lakes before moving on to the Waimangu thermal area and Wakarewarewa.

The second group feature railway viaducts being constructed on the main trunk line in May 1908. Those depicted are the Makatote Viaduct, the Hapuawhenua Viaduct, and the Taonui Viaduct. There are two photographs of the road bridge over the Makatote River, and two photographs of the party picnicing in the bush by the river.

The third group relates to climbing Mounts Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe over Easter 1909, and again over Easter 1910. There are views of Ngauruhoe erupting, the Mangaehuehu Glacier on Mount Ruapehu, the Crater Lake, the Ohinepango Spring, the party on both mountains, and a view Of Paretetaitonga Peak on Mount Ruapenu. Other images are photographic postcards one of which shows a group of Ohakune Boy Scouts on Mount Ruapehu (this group also includes four women).

Quantity: 1 album(s) Album(s).

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Girdlestone, Hubert Earle, 1879-1918 : Albums relating to surveying, tramping and climbing
1 album(s) Album(s), Photographs
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