Hiscocks, Ercildoune Frederick, fl 1899-1940s :Their occupation gone. War Office closed for time being by order. J W. "Yes, Sir Joseph". E F Hiscocks [1911]. "Now listen here you three, Wilhelm, Franz Josef, Victor Emmanuel ..."

Hiscocks, Ercildoune Frederick, fl 1899-1940s :Their occupation gone. War Office closed for time being by order. J W. "Yes, Sir Joseph". E F Hiscocks [1911]. "Now listen here you three, Wilhelm, Franz Josef, Victor Emmanuel ..."

Shows Sir Joseph Ward in a central position pointing sternly towards Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, Emperor Franz Josef of Austria and Victor Emmanuel of Italy, evidently telling them not to consider waging war. On the left, Uncle Sam and John Bull tiptoe away, looking cheerful, with thumbs up. In the background, the English War Office is labelled as closed by order of Joseph Ward.

An original drawing for an illustration which appeared in Hiscocks' publication "Joe Ward abroad" (1911)

Quantity: 1 drawing(s).

Physical Description: Ink and blue pencil, on card bound into album, 245 x 306 mm.

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Hiscocks, Ercildoune Frederick :Original caricatures (chiefly [of Sir Joseph] Ward) / E. F Hiscocks [1910 and] 1911 / Hiscocks, Ercildoune Frederick :Original caricatures (chiefly [of Sir Joseph] Ward) / E. F Hiscocks [1910 and] 1911
1 drawing(s), Works of art, Ink drawings, Caricatures, Ink and blue pencil, on card bound into album, 245 x 306 mm.
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Hiscocks, Ercildoune Frederick, fl 1899-1940s :Their occupation gone. War Office closed for time being by order. J W. "Yes, Sir Joseph". E F Hiscocks [1911]. "Now listen here you three, Wilhelm, Franz Josef, Victor Emmanuel ...". Hiscocks, Ercildoune Frederick :Original caricatures (chiefly [of Sir Joseph] Ward) / E. F Hiscocks [1910 and] 1911. Ref: E-212-q-007. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23013717

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