Lodge, Nevile Sidney 1918-1989 :"Ah, Mr. Muldoon, welcome back from celebrating your 61st birthday in Dunedin! Congratulations!". Evening Post. 28 September 1982.

Lodge, Nevile Sidney, 1918-1989; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Shows four scenes in which Muldoon is being interviewed by a journalist on his return from a trip to Dunedin. The journalist asks him if he is feeling as well as he did 10 years ago to which Muldoon replies "absolutely". Then the journalist reminds him that that was how he felt before loosing the 1972 general election.

Muldoon's birthdate was 25 September 1921.

Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s).

Physical Description: Ink, white gouache, and crayon, 450 x 320 mm.

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Part of
Lodge, Nevile Sidney 1918-1989 :[Archive of original cartoons for the Evening Post and Sports Post, 1941 to 1988] / Lodge, Nevile Sidney 1918-1989 :[Cartoons for the Evening Post, 1982]
1 original cartoon(s), Works of art, Cartoons (Commentary), Ink, white gouache, and crayon, 450 x 320 mm., Orientation: Horizontal image
See original record

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