St Peter's Schoolroom, Ghuznee Street :Vice-regal command night, Tuesday, May 25th, 1886. Grand performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's Aesthetic opera, Patience; or Bunthorne's bride. Conductor, Mr Hautrie West. [1886].

St Peter's Schoolroom, Ghuznee Street :Vice-regal command night, Tuesday, May 25th, 1886. Grand performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's Aesthetic opera, Patience; or Bunthorne's bride. Conductor, Mr Hautrie West. [1886].
Elliott, Pauline June (Lady), 1922-2009

Arrangement of text with decorative border. Lists the cast of characters; the performers include: Mr S Hawkins, Mr A P Mason, Mr Arthur Clothier, Mr J E Read, Mr W R Bock, Miss Parkes, Miss L Grant, Miss B Gaby, Miss Young, Miss A Crease. The conductor is Hautrie West, and the leader of the orchestra Mr A Hill. The manager is Mr J E Read, and the secretary Mr S G Ingram. His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois was patron and was present.

Inscriptions: Recto - bottom left - Bock and Cousins Printers, Brandon Street, Wellington.

Quantity: 1 b&w photo-mechanical print(s) on silk fabric..

Physical Description: Letterpress on silk, 320 x 232 mm.

Provenance: Donated by Lady P J Elliott in 1977.

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Alternative form available: File print in Ephemera Room.

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Partly restricted - Please use surrogate in place of original
Part of
[Theatre programmes for opera performances in New Zealand. 1880s].
1 b&w photo-mechanical print(s) on silk fabric., Ephemera, Letterpress works, Silk (Textile), Theatre programmes, Letterpress on silk, 320 x 232 mm., Orientation: Vertical image
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Elliott, Pauline June (Lady), 1922-2009. St Peter's Schoolroom, Ghuznee Street :Vice-regal command night, Tuesday, May 25th, 1886. Grand performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's Aesthetic opera, Patience; or Bunthorne's bride. Conductor, Mr Hautrie West. [1886].. [Theatre programmes for opera performances in New Zealand. 1880s].. Ref: Eph-B-OPERA-1886-02. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22658454

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