Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 1769-1857

Doctor and naturalist, artist and author. Listed in LC National Union Catalogue, which contains an entry for "Naturhistorische fruchte der ersten K.K. unter dem kommando des Herrn v Krusenstern gluckliche vollbrachten erdumseeglung gesammelt von Dr Tilesius" (St Petersburg, 1813). Listed in Benezit, as born and died in Muhlhausen, a pupil of Oeser at Leipzig. Drew landscapes of many countries, and illustrated geographic and scientific books.

There are 5 related items to this topic

Artist unknown :Noukahiwa (Oceania). Lacoste et fils aine [sc. Turin, 1844].

Date: 1844

From: [Various artists] :[Costume plates of Oceania] Torino [Turin] ; Fontana, 1844

By: Lacoste, pere et fils, active 1830-1840s; Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 1769-1857

Reference: A-119-030

Description: Standing portrait of a warrior from Nuku Hiva, with his body entirely tattooed. He wears a narrow loin cloth, a headdress incorporating teeth, and what appears to be a bone necklace. He carries a gourd and a long-handled broad-bladed club whose decoration includes a face. Artist is possibly Wilhelm Gottlieb Tilesius von Tilenau, who made similar pictures, during the voyage of Krusenstern on the Nadezhda and Neva, in 1803-1806. See reproduction of a similar image in "Great voyages of exploration; the golden age of discovery in the Pacific", by Jacques Brosse, translated by Stanley Hochman (Doubleday, 1983), page 120. Wahlen's book is a translation of his "Moeurs, usages et coutumes de tous les peuples du monde..." Bruxelles, 1843-44. Vol. 4. Other Titles - Nuku Hiva, Noukahiva Extended Title - From: Wahlen, A. Usi e costumi sociali, politici, et religiosi... Vol. 2 Oceania. Torino, 1844-1847. Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Lithograph, handcoloured, on sheet 270 x 175 mm.


[Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb], 1769-1857 :Morai (Cimiterio) a Nuka-hiva [180...

Date: 1804 - 1835 - 1838 - 1836 - 1843

From: Various artists :[66 engravings of Oceanian subjects, including Tahiti, Marquesas, Tonga, Pitcairn, Vanuatu, and Polynesia in general. 1838-1843].

By: Danvin, Victor Marie Felix, 1802-1842; Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 1769-1857; Boys, active 1835

Reference: A-318-034

Description: Shows two native figures in the right foreground, walking past two carved statues, and pillars behind them with straight leaves protruding from their tops. Beyond these are some buildings of a compound which is the cemetery. A palm and a large-leaved plant are shown, and there is a range of mountains in the distance. Plate 138 in Domeny de Rienzi's book. In the French edition, Danvin is inscribed as the copyist and Boys as the engraver. Other Titles - Polynesie - Morai (espece de cimitiere) a Nouka-Hiva Other Titles - Polynesia - Morai (cemetery) at Nuku Hiva Extended Title - From G L Domeny's "Oceania o quinta parte del mondo revista geografica ed etnografica della Malesia, della Micronesia, della Polinesia e della Melanesia ...". Venezia, Giuseppe Antonelli, 1838-43. (Italian edition of his "Oceanie ...". Paris, Firmin Didot freres, 1835-36). Inscriptions: Recto - top right - 138 Krusenstern's account mentions Dr Tilesius drawing a sketch of this cemetery on 12 May 1804. (see Biblioteca Australiana edition of English translation, 1968, volume 1, page 127) - it is also quoted in French in the French version of Domeny de Rienzi, volume 2, page 247. Quantity: 1 b&w art print(s) extracted from book.. Physical Description: Engraving, black and white, on paper, 141 x 216 mm. Provenance: Purchased at Dunbar Sloane Ltd Winter Antique auction, 1997, lots 462, 463, 466, 468, and 470.


Artist unknown :Polinesia - Baia di Tchitchagoff. [ca 1815-18. 1838-43].

Date: 1815 - 1835 - 1838 - 1818 - 1836 - 1843

From: Various artists :[66 engravings of Oceanian subjects, including Tahiti, Marquesas, Tonga, Pitcairn, Vanuatu, and Polynesia in general. 1838-1843].

By: Danvin, Victor Marie Felix, 1802-1842; Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 1769-1857; Chavannes, active 1835

Reference: A-318-032

Description: Shows a rowboat manned by about seven men. One of them appears to be letting off a cannon in one end of the boat. On shore in the foreground is a group of three figures in native dress, watching the boat. The background shows a corner of the bay with precipitous rock faces and hills. The text of the French version of Domeny de Rienzi says that this bay was named by Krusenstern. Krusenstern says that he sent Lieutenant Lowenstern on 11 May 1804 to the west of the bay of Tayo-Hoae (Taioa), and he discovered this bay about 5 miles west of Taioa Bay, and brought Krusenstern to see it on 15 May, with Captain Lisianskoy, Drs Horner, Dr Tilesius, Dr Langsdorff, and some officers of the Neva. He named it Port Tschitschagoff because the natives had no particular name for it, although it is near the valley of Schegua. See description of the bay in Krusenstern (English version, Biblioteca Australiana edition, 1968, page 128-131. Therefore, likely to be based on a work by Dr Tilesius, who accompanied the Krusenstern voyage. The bay is near the south point of Nuku Hiva, now named Chickagoff Point. Plate 136 in Domeny de Rienzi's book. In the French edition, Danvin is inscribed as the copyist and Chavannes as the engraver. Other Titles - Polynesie - Baie de Tchitchagoff Other Titles - Polynesia - Chickagoff Bay Other Titles - Tschitschagoff Extended Title - From G L Domeny's "Oceania o quinta parte del mondo revista geografica ed etnografica della Malesia, della Micronesia, della Polinesia e della Melanesia ...". Venezia, Giuseppe Antonelli, 1838-43. (Italian edition of his "Oceanie ...". Paris, Firmin Didot freres, 1835-36). Inscriptions: Recto - top right - 136 Quantity: 1 b&w art print(s) extracted from book.. Physical Description: Engraving, black and white, on paper, 141 x 216 mm. Provenance: Purchased at Dunbar Sloane Ltd Winter Antique auction, 1997, lots 462, 463, 466, 468, and 470.

Online Image

Artist unknown :Australia. Morai e luoghi di sepoltura; Piroghe dell'Isola Mandana. Tav...

Date: 1774 - 1804 - 1841

By: Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 1769-1857; Hodges, William, 1744-1797; Hill, Julian, active 1996-2009

Reference: A-327-041

Description: Two images. The upper one, based on an original by Wilhelm Gottlieb Tilesius von Tilnau shows a burial ground in Nuku Hiva with two effigies seated on a raised platform between two sheaves of bound stalks or branches. Two figures stand in the right foreground, and there is a columned shelter or dwelling in the right background, beneath rocky volcanic peaks (cf A-318-034, done in 1804 on Krusenstern's voyage). The lower image shows a canoe with a triangular sail. There are seven figures on board, the one at the left at the stern using a large paddle to propel the boat. The lower picture shows some similarities to William Hodges' "Resolution Bay in the Marquesas" of 1777. The Isola Mandana may be the Marquesas, which were discovered by Mandana in the late 16th century. Also compare with A-318-033, "Polinesia - Piroghe delle isole Nuca-iva". [April 1774] Other Titles - Places of burial; Canoe of Mandana Island Extended Title - From "Galleria universale di tutti i popoli del mondo", by Guiseppe Antonelli. Venezia, 1841. Volume 3, plate 88. Quantity: 1 colour art print(s).

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Artist unknown :Infoding pa Nukahiwa. [1849-1850]

Date: 1849 - 1843 - 1850

By: Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gottlieb, 1769-1857; Berghaus, Heinrich Karl Wilhelm, 1797-1884

Reference: A-449-009

Description: Standing portrait of a warrior from Nuku Hiva, with his body entirely tattooed. He wears a narrow loin cloth, a headdress incorporating teeth, and what appears to be a bone necklace. He carries a gourd and a long-handled broad-bladed club whose decoration includes a face. The same or similar face motif is tattooed on the front of his thighs. Artist is possibly Wilhelm Gottlieb Tilesius von Tilenau, who made similar pictures, during the voyage of Krusenstern on the Nadezhda and Neva, in 1803-1806. The wood engraving was possibly originally published in Augustus Wahlen, Moeurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, Oceanie (Bruxelles: A La Librairie Historique-Artistique, 1843), facing p.200 One modification has been made to the Swedish impression from the one published in Wahlen, namely the removal of most of the inscription PANNEMAKER. LISBET., originally beneath the figure's right foot, with only the last letter and the stop (T.) remaining Other Titles - Native of Nuku Hiva (translation from the Swedish) Extended Title - From: Dr Heinrich Berghaus, Jordens Folkslag, efter deras egendomlighet (Stockholm: Bonniers Forlag, 1849-1850) Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Wood engraving, hand-coloured with gum arabic, on sheet 242 x 159 mm

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