Fire Destroys - (Te Ao Hou - No 3. Summer 1953)

Fire Destroys - (Te Ao Hou - No 3. Summer 1953)
Summer 1953
Maori Affairs DepartmentMaori Affairs Department
Te Ao Hou

There are twelve million acres of publicly owned forests in New Zealand, including State forests, National parks and Crown lands, and some four million acres of privately owned forest, much of it on Maori land. The indigenous softwood resources (rimu, matai, totara, etc.) cover a million acres, less than seven per cent of the total forest area, and...

Crown copyright
Te Ao Hou - No 3. (Summer 1953)
See original record on Te Ao Hou website

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Maori Affairs Department. Fire Destroys - (Te Ao Hou - No 3. Summer 1953). Ref: Mao03TeA. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/195123

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