The civil airport at Aalborg, in northern Denmark, scene of a raid by the Royal Air Force. There is a military field as well, and this was probably the target of the bombers. The foreground is occupied by a large cement works, while in the background and to the left is him Fiord, which runs doivn to the North Sea. (Evening Post, 22 April 1940)

The civil airport at Aalborg, in northern Denmark, scene of a raid by the Royal Air Force. There is a military field as well, and this was probably the target of the bombers. The foreground is occupied by a large cement works, while in the background and to the left is him Fiord, which runs doivn to the North Sea. (Evening Post, 22 April 1940)
Evening Post
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The civil airport at Aalborg, in northern Denmark, scene of a raid by the Royal Air Force. There is a military field as well, and this was probably the target of the bombers. The foreground is occupied by a large cement works, while in the background and to the left is him Fiord, which runs doivn to the North Sea. (Evening Post, 22 April 1940). Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/17763200

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