A salvo from a British battleship falling close to an.ltalian battleship of the Conic di Cavour class as she ran for home on July 9 in $jie Bailie c?f the Imiimi Sea. The fleeing icai-slugls gans ate filairilx tFalacfl uhii.fl ike beam, $ji^.&<hQsttrsup*iH (Evening Post, 31 August 1940)

A salvo from a British battleship falling close to an.ltalian battleship of the Conic di Cavour class as she ran for home on July 9 in $jie Bailie c?f the Imiimi Sea. The fleeing icai-slugls gans ate filairilx tFalacfl uhii.fl ike beam, $ji^.&<hQsttrsup*iH (Evening Post, 31 August 1940)
Evening Post
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A salvo from a British battleship falling close to an.ltalian battleship of the Conic di Cavour class as she ran for home on July 9 in $jie Bailie c?f the Imiimi Sea. The fleeing icai-slugls gans ate filairilx tFalacfl uhii.fl ike beam, $ji^.&/records/17762086

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