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We can connect 28 things related to Military policy, New Zealand, Unknown, New Zealand Cartoon Archive, and TAPUHI to the places on this map.

Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-four cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 Decembe...

Date: 1998 - 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-539-063/086

Description: General Pinochet complains about not being allowed to travel freely. Comment on the Minister of Defence's policy. Opposition Leader, Helen Clark, tells the public about National's intended defence spending. New Zealand's energy resources are put up for sale. Vultures gather around National's leader, Jenny Shipley. Jenny Shipley celebrates her first year as leader of the National Party. Boris Yeltsin reassures Russians he is still alive and running the country even though he is on an intravenous drip of Vodka. Finance Minister, Bill Birch in a pool after his attempt in the NZ Economic Free Fall Competitions. Jenny Shipley passes his togs, which he forgot to put on. Comment on the commercialisation of professional cricket. The House Judiciary Committee sit in judgement over President Clinton in the Lewinsky scandal. New ACC law allows victims the right to sue. Paul East quits politics to take up a cushy post for Foreign Affairs in London. Leaked conversations of Gilbert Myles. US military are relaxed about Iraqi missiles aimed at US Republicans. Jenny Shipley visits Bill Clinton. The world tryys to understand why Serbian security forces commit such terrible atrocitities. The Serbians say 'Because they can' Rachel Hunter and Jerry Hall discuss why they got rid of their rock star husbands. Pam Corkery quits politics. Bill Clinton tells the nation about the state of his relations with his wife Hillary following the Lewinsky allegations. The International Olympic Committee get 1st, 2nd and 3rd for Corruption, Greed and Arrogance. Monica Lewinsky is called to Washington for a high-level debriefing. The Government's response to people's needs following the storms in Northland. Sweetwaters festival leaves a mountain of unpaid debtors. Jenny Shipley advocates her favoured MMP option. Quantity: 24 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:61 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 10 Octobe...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-661-001/061

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Quantity: 61 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 an...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-024/046

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues, includes: Shows scientists' adhock research into the potential uses of genetic modification at the expense of commonsense. Comment on the intimidation tactics of Qantas Airlines toward Air New Zealand. Singapore Airlines are shown as Air New Zealands big sister ally. Christine Rankin considers taking further action following the release of the Employment Courts findings. Shows the Government (surfer) riding the knowledge wave only to be wiped out and lodged head first in the sand. Discussion between an Israeli soldier and Palestinian child. The soldier is trying to explain to the child how violence and retaliation works. The child just wants to play and go to the movies. Shows Helen Clark dealing with Steve Maharey and his use of obscene language. Shows members of the Electoral Reform Committee as angelic, working for the best interests of the country while having vested interests in the Committees outcome. Helen Clark calls on the All Blacks to crush the Australians while they've down. New Zealand reaction to the loss by the All Blacks to the Australians. Shows All Black Anton Oliver taking the blame for the loss against Australia. Comment on the Qantas involvement in running Ansett into the ground and leaving small creditors in ruins. Comment on the lack of constructive action being taken by the Pacific Forum to deal with global warming and the consequent rising of the ocean level. Shows Helen Clark encouraging all her Ministers to keep pets. Jim Anderton is shown wrapped in the arms of his pet octupus (Peoples' Bank). Shows West Coast MP, Damien O'Connor, addressing an audience about local mining and the poor decision made by Alliance MP Sandra Lee. He is reminded by a miner in the wings that his seat is still marginal. Shows Jim Anderton and Sandra Lee observing the Reefton Alliance office being pelted with food in reaction to Sandra Lee saying 'no' to mine expansion in the area. Shows a new army armoured vehicle running over an air force plane. Comment on the current situation where the armies supplies are being boosted while the air force is having its wings clipped. Shows thugs from the power company breaking into a persons house to extract money for the latest exorbitant power bill. Shows an All Black player finishing a Springbok (South African Rugby Team) and still feeling hungry. He thinks he could polish off the entire Australian Rugby Team (Wallabies) as well. Shows the relationship between government controlled power generators, empty lakes and increased revenue for power for the Reserve Bank. Shows a proposed statue for the entrance of the Sydney Harbour. Comment on Australia's policy to exclude refugees. Shows Michelle Boag's National Party purge of Parliamentary faithful. Comment on the level of ignorant public opinion over the boat people refugees trying to gain entry to Australia, by people ringing talkback radio. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times 16 June to 13 July,...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-651-001/023

Description: 23 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Europeans clean-up after the Americans' bloody their hands with oil deals Rural NZ angry following power price increases. Michael Cullen and Winston Peters play the sweet tune of "superannuation" leading the public to their demise. Swiss Government permit their army to carry guns when peacekeeping for the first time. Room for only one dairy industry trader in NZ's global outreach. A choice must be made between the NZ Dairy Group and Kiwi William Hague loses the British election to Tony Blair. Michael Cullen reassures the public the political parties can reach a concensus over superannuation. Public confidence is low over Air NZ's ability to make good management decisions following their purchase of Ansett. Winston Peters climbs back into the picture of superannuation ready to kick it around as a political football. The Labour Party woo Winston Peters over their new super scheme. Air NZ's purchase of Ansett seen as the white elephant that will end up grounding the Air NZ fleet. Publicans question the significance of second hand smoke in bars compared with second hand beer. Public cynicism of Michael Cullen's proposed Superannuation scheme. Laila Harre places the issue of paid parental leave at the Prime Minister's doorstep demanding it be dealt with now. The Public Health system is reeling from ongoing restructuring and unable to deal their basic functions. Public opinion that the lowering of the drinking age leads to a lack of sober youth to fight for the country. A new ever demanding creature has been given birth by the government - venture capital. Michael Cullen hails the budget as 'prosperity in our time'. Michael Cullen disparagingly hopes that the Prime Minister is not playing fast and loose with the country's money. Airline accidents impact on New Zealanders. Local council members seek for youth to be represented on council. Could this be Jim Anderton's next big idea, the people's airforce with armed troops flying hang gliders? NZ taxpayers show their displeasure with funding the Prime Minister's settlement for defamation in the Yelash case. Restuaranteer's reactions to the proposed 50% smoke free legislation. Helen Clark tries to make the Green Party seem more palatable to Alliance leader, Jim Anderton. Quantity: 23 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :27 copies of cartoons (includes 14A) published in the Evening Pos...

Date: 2001 - 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-001/026

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows a destroyed bus (peace process) destroyed first by the Palestinian suicide bombers and them by Israeli war planes. Health spending priorities promote huge salaries for the CEO and a pittence for everyone else. Cartoon obituary to Sir Peter Blake. A dolphin weeps. Shows a flag at hslf-mast over the sea and a poem for Sir peter Blake. Peter Jackson, Director of Lord of the Rings dresses up for the New Zealand premiere. Debate in the Parliamentary Chamber on proposed changes referred to as the 'wipe the slate clean' Bill. Helen Clark hides from the anger of the grounded NZ Air Force capability. Children's perception of the difference in pay rises between MP's and teachers. Shows a tour guide explaining the virtues and down-side of New Zealand to a group of travel writers. Shows Bin Laden jumping the cue at the plastic surgery clinic. Shows MP's defending themselves at a press conference against charges of triple-dipping from public funds. Shows the men calling the tune on America's anti-terrorism campaign. Shows the leader of the National Party, Bill English asking Santa Claus for a Christmas present. Santa and his reindeer narrowly avoid being hit by airborne missiles. Shows an All Black selector recruiting new talent from a war zone. Shows Helen Clark and Jim Anderton clucking over their new baby (Air New Zealand), while Michael Cullen advises them not to get too attached as it'll be up for adoption as soon as it can stand on it's own feet. Winston Peters climbs up to his attic to dust off his 'super scare monger' suit. Slobadon Milosevich stands in the War Crimes Tribunal dock with his hands dripping in blood, he defys the authority of the court. A tribute to New zealand Criketerl, Chris Cairns as 'King of the Oval.' Shows Tranzrail passengers being shown a pick-axe they are to use in case of a derailment. Shows detainees at Guantanamo Bay being asked by their detainers if they have any complaints. They wear something like a gas mask so their answer is impossible to understand. Refers to anti-terrorism war and those captured by American-led forces. Shows politicicians as children engaged in petty squabbles as the election draws near. Comment on asylum seekers in Australia seeking help from the rest of the world. Shows Israeli troops in a armoured tank trying to force Yasser Arafat to end Palestinian violence. Shows an Australian teacher explaining to his students that only those arriving in Australia between 1840 and 2000 are 'fair dinkum Aussies'. National Party leader, Bill English dons a judges cloak, a hangman's noose and an executioners hood as he campaigns on a law and order platform. ACT leader, Richard Prebble outlines his stand on immigration policy. Quantity: 27 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty cartoons published in the Evening Post between 2 and 27 Febru...

Date: 1998

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-448-083/102

Description: Political cartoons. President Clinton goes on television to clear his name of sex scandal allegations. Lockwood Smith pledges drought relief to the farmers of Marlborough. Taxpayers get hit for $270 million payouts to Equiticorp statutory managers. A Texas justice representative justifies their views on capital punishment. 158 years after the birth of New Zealand, historians work out why the country still suffers from labour pains - fish hooks in Article II of the Treaty. Titewhai Harawira makes Leader of the Opposition, Helen Clark weep at Waitangi. Shows an alternate way Titewhai Harawira could have protested over Helen Clark speaking on the marae. Jenny Shipley and Helen Clark outline their positions on military action against Iraq. Comment on the proposed military bombing solution for dealing with Iraq's chemical weapons. New Zealand cricket fans get excited over the Black Caps beating the Australian Cricket team. Te Papa gets the thumps up. Jenny Shipley dons her armour and helmet to do battle. The Press Gallery at Parliament struggle to describe the Prime Minister's, Jenny Shipley's, State of the Nation speech. Comment on National's Code of Social Responsibility. Helen Clark, who has been critical of the parenting skills of other MP's is reminded of Frank Sinatra's advise to the Pope on the issue of birth control, 'He no play da game, he no make the rules...' The newly streamlined Mercury Energy is responsible for plunging Auckland into ongoing power cuts. An Iraqi child survivor of American bombing reads, a letter from the President, Bill Clinton. Members of the Board of Mercury Energy are wired to the main power grid - they will be the first to know when the energy to Auckland returns. A Mercury Energy executive defends their performance. Winston Peters unveils his preferred immigration application form. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times 17 May to 15 June, ...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-650-001/025

Description: 25 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Human rights violations in China China's successful bid for Olympic games Government's 'closing the gaps' policy Badly maintained rental housing Horomia Parekura as landlord in rundown housing Government pressure on Maori Affairs Ministers to prode adequate housing as a landlord Media interest in Christine Rankin, CEO of Work and Income NZ 'ENZA' takes a greedy amount of resources Government policy on smacking children NZ Post Board conflicts Helen Clark worries about her profile falling in the wake of high publicity given to the Christine Rankin case Slobadan Milosevic misbehaves at the War Crimes Tribunal Women throughout NZ dress in Christine Rankin style to express their solidarity Flu grips New Zealanders Does Christine Rankin dress appropriately or is she a victim of a personal vendetta? Paralells between Christine Rankin and the Barbie Doll Wilful destruction of Tranzrail by Executives State Services Minister uses Auditor General to track Health Board payouts Moari make ready for the Maori TV channel The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan calls for peace between the Israel and the Palestine Electricity Reforms lead to power cuts Jim Anderton draws a paralell between Laila Harre's ambition within the Alliance and being a witch Weight loss patches National popularity languishes following the replacement of Jenny Shipley as leader President Bush embraces missile proliferation Helen Clark absorbs the high praise given her throughout the Pacific Region Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 2 and 30 N...

Date: 1998

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-539-044/062

Description: Astronauts try to escape the reminiscing of an earlier generation astronaut. Saddam Hussein and Bill Clinton work out a deal where Clinton looks good to the American public at mid-term elections, and America lifts the sanctions against Iraq. Inland Revenue Department employees sell information about clients to debt collection agencies. Tales of extraordinary courage including reading Jim Bolger's autobiography 'view from the top' in one sitting. Richard Prebble offers words of encouragement to Jenny Shipley and at the same time secures a ball and chain around her ankle. Rod Deane of Telecom manipulates the Maurice Williamson puppet while saying it is the Minister's call whether they deregulate further or not. A large shark (Shamrock Holdings) is about to devour a smaller shark (BIL) in a corporate raid. Generation X do not really benefit from changes to the student loan scheme. Jenny Shipley drives a stake through the heart of John Luxton for backing Producer Board reform. Iraq stands defiantly against the United States until they see the proximity of their weapons. Comparison between Theodore Roosevelt's and John Luxton's approach to problems. Jenny Shipley considers face-to-face diplomacy with Malaysian leader, Mr Anwar. Comment on Winston Peter's ability to bounce back come election time. Web pages have been sabotaged world-wide forcing people into unfamiliar pastimes like talking to their children. The political right is about to be hit by a train (Labour and the Alliance Parties). Jenny Shipley views economic policy and intervention differently from the comfort of Singapore. Comment on the outrage generated by the idea of having a compulsory photo identification on drivers' licences. National's defence policy regarding a 3rd ANZAC frigate comes under question by the Prime Minister. General Pinochet may be sent back to Chile to stand trial on charges of torture, murder and genocide. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Winter, Mark 1958- :The New Zealand Air-today-gone tomorrow Force. 31 March, 2000

Date: 2000

From: Winter, Mark 1958- :14 copies of cartoons published between between January 2000 and 23 March 2001 variously in the Southland Times and the PSA Journal.

By: Southland times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-641-001

Description: Comment on the plight of the NZ Air Forces fighter plane capability and retirement. Quantity: 1 photocopy/ies black and white photocopy on card. Physical Description: A4 photocopy


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-three cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 31...

Date: 1997

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-448-022/044

Description: The Fire Service reduce their services to the public as a consequence of being restructured. North Health argue their case for not giving Rau Williams life-saving kidney dialysis treatment. Jim Bolger holds onto the National Party leadership against growing calls for renewal of the Party, starting at the top. Labour enjoys record lead in the polls. Bill English, Minister of Health, despairs over the state of the public health system. Winston Peters is increasingly alarmed by Neil Kirton's unexpected statements. The splitting of ECNZ into two competing groups has resulted in higher power prices. The TVNZ Board discuss a strategy to get the public behind selling off TVNZ. Public discussion over the death of Rau Williams who had kidney dialysis treatment withheld from him. Winston Peters and Jim Bolger disagree over the question of more frigates in the NZ fleet. Tuku Morgan argues against the TVNZ sell-off. Obituary to Rau Williams and Jim Bolger's 'kinder and gentler society'. Jim Bolger attempts to deal with Jenny Shipley's leadership bid. Comment on the current justice system where violent offenders are let free on bail and their elderly victims lock themselves up alone in their homes. Jim Anderton's Alliance Party deals with demands from the Green Party. Jim Bolger heads for Chogm as his National Government plunges to record unpopularity. Wide-spread health cuts are introduced to the public health sector. Comment on the apparent collusion between defence attorneys and their gang clients. Jim Bolger seems pleased to be on a first-name basis with many of the world's leaders. Panic spreads as stockmarkets tumble everywhere. Shows the inter-dependant relationship between the American Wall St. stock market and the New Zealand stock market. Minister of Health, Bill English doesn't comprehend the seriousness of doctors' dissatisfaction with their conditions. 'This is your life' TV programme returns. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides. Processing information: Subject headings updated in 2022 as part of inclusive metadata work.


Brockie, Robert Ellison (Dr) 1932- : Eighteen photocopies of cartoons published in the ...

Date: 2000

Reference: H-638-001/018

Description: Topics include developments along the Wellington waterfront, Prime Minster Helen Clark's attack on spend-thrift television managers, controversy over the national museum Te Papa's presentation of artworks, the Constitutional Conference 2000, the rebel coup in Fiji, activist Tame Iti's visit to Fiji during the rebel coup, the character of Jenny Shipley, the Leader of the Opposition, New Zealand's health record compared to that of France, New Zealand doctors and nurses emigrating while immigrant doctors are not employed in New Zealand, Associate Minister of Maori Affairs Tariana Turia's use of the word holocaust in a Maori context, the falling New Zealand dollar, the use of human DNA in pig embryos, American miltary responses to cut-backs in New Zealand defence spending, the non-pacific nature of the Pacific Ocean, the New Zealand-Australian agreement reached over social welfare and immigration policies, logging of native forests on the West Coast, the Treaty of Waitangi Tainui settlement advantaging the Hong KOng and Shanghai Bank. Quantity: 18 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size photocopies of black ink drawings.


Scott, Thomas, 1947-:Twenty-two cartoons published in the Evening Post between 2 and 31...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-587-022/043

Description: Political cartoons. Jack Elder tries to explain his innocence in awarding a travel grant to a school cultural group containing colleagues' daughters. NZ First waken from political death in time to campaign for the 1999 General election. A green lipped muscle reads scary stories from the book 'Tales from the Lab' to his children. Refers to research into cancer cures. Infant looks suspiciously at mother's nipple and opts for the scrambled egg if there's any chance of the milk having been genetically modified or irradiated. NZ and Australian Ministers of Health have declared war on depression. A drepressed man says over the breakfast table, when politicians start slashing their wrist in large numbers, then he'll cheer up. Over a beer two men discuss All Black coach, John Hart's performance. Police warn the public of an IBM fugitive. Refers to the IBM scoop of public money for a Police computer main-frame that never eventuated. Politicians avoid the responsibility of the INCIS Police computer fiasco. Media woman interviews state minister on the tit for tat shooting down of Indian and Pakistan military planes. She suggests there may be a risk of it leading to nuclear war. The minister says they'll cross that bridge when they come to it. Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley battle it out in the preferred Prime Minister Polls. Shows the Statue of Liberty with a gun to her head. The caption says, 'tighten up the gun laws America, or the lady gets it...' Boris Yeltsin appoints his 5th Prime Minister in 17 months. The new Prime Minister looks distincly uneasy as his chair sits on a trap-door. Shows and elephant (IBM) being sting by a bee (Bill Birch). Refers to the Police INCIS computer fiasco. Earthquake rocks Turkey, they call for help. Academics discuss the government's five-step knowledge-based economy plan to restore NZ's stand of living. One says, 'Sounds fabulous, except that you can't take two steps across an abyss...' New Zealand Black Caps beat the English cricket team. World athletics is shackled by the weight of the illegal use of performance enhancing drugs. Mike Moore leaves government politics with a sense of freedom at last. Possible outcome of mixing human genes into cows. Petrol Companies hold motorists to ransom with higher petrol prices. The shadow of violence hangs over voting in East Timor. Derek Quigley steers the select committee looking into decommissioning NZ's air-strike capability. National are alarmed as they thought Quigley was on their side. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Crimp, Daryl 1958-: 3 cartoons published in Otago Daily Times, between 18 January and 2...

Date: 2002

By: Otago daily times (Newspaper); Crimp, Daryl, 1958-

Reference: H-663-006/008

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Contents cover heavy rainfall causing commodity shortfalls, the success of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film, the efforts made by the NZ Defence Forces to develop a multifuctional ship. Quantity: 3 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: 3 cartoon photocopies by Crimp, ink on paper.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- and Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :21 copies of cartoons published in th...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.); Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-673-047/067

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. The All Blacks and Wallabies rugby teams put aside their differences to farewell John Eales. Australian Prime Minister's stance on Afghani refugees coming into Australia. Jim Bolger promotes the People's Bank as Jim's Bank. A red neck Australian suggests Helen Clark take the rest of their non-white population as well as the Afghan refugees. Air Force cadets sit an exam, one question asks what the greatest threat to NZ's combat Air Force is. The options include Helen Clark. Jim Bolger walks the tight-rope between credibility and scepticism with Jim Anderton on his shoulders. Refers to their working relationship within the People's Bank. A pilot looks alarmed as the left wing (Ansett Australia) is cut off the plane (Air New Zealand). Winston Peters gives his position on people seeking refugee status in New Zealand. The Statue of Liberty weeps as the twin towers in New York smoulder. Osama bin Laden reminds the world of the dignity and nobility of their cause. A paralell is drawn between breaking the cycle of welfare dependency and the government bail-out of the Air New Zealand Board. On board an Air New Zealand flight sit members of the Air New Zealand Board. They wear Mickey Mouse hats. The world mourns the loss of their citizens in terrorist attacks on New York's twin towers. Flags fly at half mast. Trans-Tasman rivally continues over rugby, airlines and CER. NZ First leader, Winston Peters finds his 'super scare monger' suit in time for the next election. Uncle Sam tries to find a way of fighting terrorism while occupying the high moral ground. Osam bin Laden refuses to leave Afghanistan by plane. Shows Michael Cullen and the Labour Cabinet divided on whether or not to rescue Air New Zealand or to place it in statutory management. President George W Bush presents his complex response to fighting the terrorist network, divide the world into 'them' and 'us.' Shows the twin towers in New York under attack with a written reminder on the nature of fanaticism. Shows the air and sea crammed with every type of combat vessel heading toward Afghanistan and asks the question, 'ok, now what?' A proposal for dealing with released, violent psychiatric patients. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Bromhead, Peter, 1933- :[27 cartoons published in the Auckland Star and the Sunday Star...

Date: 1979 - 1988

By: Bromhead, Peter, 1933-; Auckland star (Newspaper)

Reference: A-337-104/130

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand political, economic and trade issues. Quantity: 27 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Black ink on card, approximately A4, sizes vary. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Bromhead, Peter 1933-:Twenty-three cartoons published in the Sunday Star Times between ...

Date: 2000

By: Bromhead, Peter, 1933-

Reference: H-644-001/023

Description: Strip cartoons. Standard of NZ cartoonists, NZ immigration and choosing the 'right' people, young NZ'ers more interested in tennis than rugby, the Bledisloe Cup is all anyone is talking about at the moment, the business of forcasting economic doom, public boredom with politicians antics, food labelling, attacks on newsprint media for printing 'bad news' stories, new Employment Relations Bill and its down side for workers, politicians funnier than cartoonists, NZ's shrinking dollar, the value of participation in sports, lack of good news for NZ'ers, dangers of watching too much television, Reserve Bank scare tactics, NZ emmigration and brain drain, NZ dollar gets consumed by the American dollar, uncertainties generated by Maori/Pakeha debate, advertising creatives try to sell Fiji to the public after the coup, middle class double standards about boxing, public outcry and interest in topless parties, American criticism of NZ Defence spending, the discontent engendered by ACC placing monetary values on body parts, the public search for the best petrol prices. Quantity: 23 digital print(s). Physical Description: A4 size colour print-outs.


Bromhead, Peter 1933- :[28 cartoons published in the Auckland Star in July-August 1986.]

Date: 1986

By: Bromhead, Peter, 1933-; Auckland star (Newspaper)

Reference: A-362-084/111

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Quantity: 28 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Black ink on card, sizes vary. Provenance: Donated by the artist in 1997.


Bromhead, Peter 1933- :[Nine cartoons published in the Dominion between 16 August 1999 ...

Date: 1999 - 2000

By: Bromhead, Peter, 1933-; Dominion (Newspaper)

Reference: H-637-001/009

Description: Topics inlude the high price of whitebait, the effect of the 1999 election on business confidence, the public image of the Inland Revenue Department, shortcomings in the equipment of the New Zealand peace-keepers in East Timor, attitudes towards the millenium, the non-event of the Y2K bug, the high cost of funding the national museum, Te Papa, the cost of buying frigates, the exorbiant pay paid to television newsreaders as a news item, control of the varroa bee mite. Quantity: 9 colour photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: A4 size colour prints


Scott, Tom, 1947- :85 cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post between 2 February...

Date: 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-

Reference: H-648-001/085

Description: 85 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include cricketers, PM's avoidance of Waitangi Day protests, Treaty of Waitangi signing 1840, Maori sovereignty, Israel's hard line on Palestine, perils of being a child in NZ, Rugby sevens, Fiji's lack of moral fibre, genetic relationship between humans and slugs, corporate savaging of small shareholders, dairy farmers play down record returns, farmer reaction to vet strike, People's Bank documents leaked, Anderton looks for way to get rid of Phillida Bunkle, cricket rules questioned, possible beaurocracy of Kiwi Bank, NZ Post attempts to gag Richard Prebble, Bunkle and Hobbs on political scrap-heap, NZ rich list, possum damage Australian tax payer responsibility, cricket match-fixing, Bunkle unlikely to get back into Cabinet, extended rugby season not cricket, Kiwi Bank customers may bring their debt with them, Super-12 referees, census forms, British border control officials under fire, NZ scenery blocked by pine trees, ACT conservation policy - eat Kiwis, Germans announce NZ sheep have scrapies, Winstone Peters argues against opinion polls, RCD farmers support border control of foot-and-mouth, TVNZ presenters fight amongst themselves, Helen Clark and her husband communicate via e-mail, Clark defends and attacks her husband, CNN broadcasts incorrect information about NZ cases of foot-and-mouth disease, skyhawks put out to pasture, Clark and Shipley fight it out, MIR space station breaks up, Hobbs on the rack, Air Force apologise to Clark, Clark wins 'scariest skirt' award, George W Bush's stance on carbon dioxide emissions, Jonathon Hunt fails to name drunken MP's, Milosovich faces punishment, Clark and Anderton negotiate deal to get rid of Bunkle, Bush's foreign policy stance escalates world tensions, women in leadership roles - men ponder their choices, Bush questions the colour of 'red China', Tiger Woods - king of the golf world, Clark hot and cold on America, Shipley faces political crisis, schizophrenic flatmates, Ansett NZ maintenance, Anderton farmers' favourite, schizophrenic flatmates, cervical screening and justice, Rankin missed by bomb on WINZ building, message from Qantas NZ, airline collapses while owner plays golf, dawn parade 2030, Saturn TV, Bush armwrestles Chinese dragon, King and budget decisions, air ticket competition, US impose tariffs on NZ farmers, white house and star wars, Hurricanes fans pray for victory, Clark axes skyhawks, Hitler and Hirohito and Clark, female, sex and animals, arms race history, TVNZ internal affairs, Clark and Blair campaigns, McVeigh dies in Oklahoma, Clark out of touch, Peters makes a come-back, burning effigies, global warming, Dairy Board merger, Maori Party, taxing home ownership, soya sauce scare, Bob Dylan on Radio NZ, importance of appearance in the public service. 85 H-648-033 misrecorded as a Tom Scott cartoon when it is in fact a Garrick Tremain. Refiled H-645 series. Quantity: 85 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: A4 bromides


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:49 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-645-001/049

Description: 49 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Quantity: 49 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies

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