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We can connect 84 things related to ACT New Zealand (Political party), 2010, and All rights reserved to the places on this map.
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Fletcher, David 1952- :You said you would support our leader in the event of a leadersh...

Date: 2011

From: Fletcher, David, 1952- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017688

Description: 'The Politician' cartoon strip. A colleague is outraged that the minister did not support his leader in the leadership coup after he had said that he would. The minister's reply is 'Ten minutes is a long time in politics'. Context - the ACT party is in disaray after former leader of the National Party overturned ACT leader Rodney Hide and took over as ACT leader in a fairly bloodless coup. Some ACT colleagues did not support Rodney Hide as might have been expected. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941- :"It's definitely John Banks and he's headed this way." 19...

Date: 2011

From: Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Waikato Times].

By: Waikato Times (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0017858

Description: Two men stand on the balcony of a tall building in Epsom using a telescope to spot John Banks who is heading their way. Context - The Act Party is refusing to reveal if anyone other than former Auckland City mayor John Banks has put their name forward to be the party's candidate for Epsom. The incumbent Rodney Hide does not have the backing of new ACT leader, Don Brash. . Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Winter, Mark, 1958-:Brash. 26 April 2011

Date: 2011

From: Winter, Mark, 1958- : Digital cartoons published in the Southland Times and other papers

By: Southland times (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0017609

Description: The cartoon shows a definition of the word 'brash'. It reads 'brash, aggressive noun, rash, pushy, tactless or in this case, ACTless, the antithesis of Hide, party animal any party - lacking discernment, having leadership aspirations for the Don of a new error'. Context - former National Party leader Don Brash has taken over the leadership of the ACT Party in a coup, throwing ACT leader Rodney Hide out. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Slane, Christopher, 1957-: "Act needs fresh blood and I need fresh brains..." 29 April ...

Date: 2011

From: Slane, Christopher, 1957-: Digital cartoons published in the Listener, New Zealand Herald, or New Zealand Farmers' Weekly

By: Listener (Periodical)

Reference: DCDL-0017775

Description: Former National Party leader Don Brash rises as a vampire from his tomb and grabs ACT leader Rodney Hide by the throat. The headstone for the tomb features a statue of Roger Douglas and bears the words 'Lest we forget - Rogernomics'. Don Brash says 'ACT needs fresh blood and I need fresh brains...' Context - Don Brash has ousted Rodney Hide from the leadership of the ACT Party and taken over the role himself. Roger Douglas is now an ACT MP but is famous (or infamous, depending on you point of view) for his monetarist market forces economic reforms, dubbed Rogernomics, when he was Minister of Finance in David Lange's Labour government in 1984. Don Brash is very committed to similar thinking on economics policies.. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956-: When Rodney awoke that morning, he became aware of someone else i...

Date: 2011

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017692

Description: Text reads 'When Rodney awoke that morning, he became aware of someone else in the room...' The cartoon shows former ACT leader Rodney Hide sitting in a hospital bed with former National Party leader Don Brash beside him. Do Brash asks whether Rodney Hide is aware that he had a major fall in the night. Context - the ACT party is in disarray after former leader of the National Party overturned ACT leader Rodney Hide and took over as ACT leader in a fairly bloodless coup. Published on the on the Scoop nationwide website. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941- :"Don has already put your name down." 4 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Hawkey, Allan Charles, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Waikato Times].

By: Waikato Times (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0017753

Description: Former ACT leader Rodney Hide fronts up at the enrolment desk for a seminar called 'Plan for life after parliament'. The man at the desk tells Hide that 'Don has already put your name down'. Context - Don Brash has ousted Rodney Hide from the leadership of the ACT Party and taken over the role himself. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Nisbet, Alistair, 1958- :"Observe... the breath of life!" 1 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Nisbet, Alastair, 1958- :Digital cartoons

By: Press (Christchurch, N.Z.)

Reference: DCDL-0017882

Description: In the first of two frames the new leader of the ACT Party, Don Brash, tries to resuscitate a man who represents 'Capitalism' and in the second frame leader of the new Mana Party, Hone Harawira, tries to resuscitate a man who represents 'Activism'. Both of them say 'Observe... The breath of life!' Context - Don Brash overthrew the former ACT leader, Rodney Hide in a bloodless coup and has taken his place so that the ACT Party which includes the initiator of 'Rogernomics', Roger Douglas, becomes a very right-wing capitalist party while Hone Harawira, who left the Maori Party because of ideological differences has started the Mana Party which will be more left wing and activist than the Maori Party. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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'ACT believes that widespread catastrophic changes in climate is not proof of climate c...

Date: 2011

From: Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]

Reference: DCDL-0016913

Description: Leader of the ACT Party Rodney Hide relaxes on the psychiatrist's couch and tells the psychiatrist that 'ACT belives that widespread catastrophic changes in climate is not proof of climate change...' A newspaper lying on the floor has a headline reading 'Record floods, record snow, record drought'. The psychiatrist wonders whether Mr Hide is familiar with the term 'in denial'. ACT leader Rodney Hide has said climate change and global warming was a hoax. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Webb, Murray, 1947- :[Don Brash]. 5 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DCDL-0017762

Description: Caricature of Don Brash, formerly leader of the National Party but now leader of the ACT Party after overturning Rodney Hide. Title supplied Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hilary Calvert. 20 September 2010

Date: 2010

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

Reference: DCDL-0015618

Description: Caricature of Hilary Calvert, new ACT MP from Dunedin who replaced sacked David Garrett. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"Well yes our landlady has gone into politics, and I'd like to apologise to all our pat...

Date: 2010

From: Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0015752

Description: A prostitute stands on the steps of the 'House of Pleasure' - 'Gentlemen's Retreat' and tells a reporter that her landlord has gone in to politics and that she would like to apologise to all of their patrons for 'being associated with that seedy industry'. Refers to new Act MP Hilary Calvert [who] says she has no criminal skeletons in her closet, but she has admitted that a brothel is run from one of her investment properties. The reference to skeletons in cupboards is to her predecessor David Garrett who admitted to having stolen a dead baby's identity to forge a passport - he was the ACT spokesman for law and order. (NZ Herald - 11 October 2010) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Smith, Ashley W, 1948- :"Shouldn't one of us be Tonto?" 16 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Smith, Ashley W, 1948- :[Digital cartoons published in the Shipping Gazette, MG Business, or Presto]

By: MG business - mercantile gazette (Periodical)

Reference: DCDL-0017893

Description: The cartoon shows Prime Minister, John Key, and the new leader of ACT, Don Brash, as cowboys sitting astride their mounts and wearing masks. They are both attempting to play the part of the Lone Ranger but John Key suggests that one of them should play the part of Tonto, his sidekick. Context - Don Brash has overthrown Rodney Hide from his leadership of the ACT Party and has taken the role himself. Context - In his letter of resignation from the National Party, Don Brash took the opportunity to let John Key know that he disagrees with interest-free student loans, the Working For Families marginal tax rate, and the "exorbitant cost" of KiwiSaver subsidies. The cartoon suggests that Don Brash intends ACT to have considerable influence over government policy. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Crichton, Anna, 1957- :Hide's fall. 6 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Crichton, Anna, 1957- :Digital cartoons

By: New Zealand herald (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0017844

Description: Rodney Hide, who has been overturned as ACT leader by Don Brash, appears as Superman, but, against a background of skyscrapers, is falling from a very high building. Context - Don Brash took control of the ACT Party after a bloodless coup. Title supplied by librarian The cartoon was drawn to accompany an article called 'When there's no success like failure' in the 'Nick Smith on business' column in the NZ Herald 6 May 2011. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Hubbard, James, 1949- :"This country is in a hole. And ACT says dig..!" 20 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017345

Description: In the first of four frames ACT Party leader Rodney Hide, up to his waist in a hole he has dug, holds a newspaper with a headline that reads 'Mine the conservation land - Hide' and says 'This country is in a hole, and ACT says dig..! In the second frame he is up to his neck in the hole and he repeats 'When you're in a hole you should.' In the third frame the top of his head shows and in the fourth he has disappeared altogether but an anxious '..UM' rises from the hole. Context - Act leader Rodney Hide says mining conservation land is "vital to New Zealand's future success". Hide reopened the debate about mining at his party's annual conference on Sunday when he said Act would allow mining in conservation land. He told TV ONE's Breakfast today that "if we shut mining down, we shut New Zealand down". (TVNZ 16 March 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-:[Brash and Hide.] 28 April 2011

Date: 2011

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

By: Press (Christchurch, N.Z.)

Reference: DCDL-0017698

Description: The cartoon shows former leader of the National Party, Don Brash, dressed as a groom with an 'ACT' badge on his lapel. He holds the hand of his diminutive bride, former ACT leader Rodney Hide, who stands in a pool of blood with a dagger stuck into his back and who holds a bouquet of lilies. Both grin broadly. Context - The ousting of Rodney Hide from the leadership of the ACT Party by Don Brash who is the new leader. There was obviously considerable political manoeuvring behind the scenes before the announcement was made - ACT now has both Roger Douglas and Don Brash as lead members - both far right. This move will have been of great interest to the National Party also. Title provided Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Walker, Malcolm, 1950-:[Don Brash and John Key collude] 4 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Walker, Malcolm, 1950- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017795

Description: Former leader of the National Party Don Brash and PM John Key stand back to back holding pop guns that have just been fired. Former ACT leader Rodney Hide clushes his wounded backside and rushes away. Context - Don Brash has ousted Rodney Hide and taken over his role as leader of the the ACT Party in a bloodless coup (hence the pop-guns). The cartoon suggests collusion with John Key. The ACT Party now has both Roger Douglas, the creator of 'Rogernomics' the financial reforms in 1984 that introduced deregulation and a reliance on the markets for economic growth, and Don Brash who is a follower of that line of thinking. Their influence on the National Party in probable coalition arrangements will pull New Zealand further to the political right. Title provided Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Nisbet, Alistair, 1958- :Future tornado predictions?... 8 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Nisbet, Alastair, 1958- :Digital cartoons

By: Press (Christchurch, N.Z.)

Reference: DCDL-0017883

Description: The title is 'Future tornado prediction?... There follow six cameos featuring the new ACT leader Don Brash and others in his trajectory. In the first frame 'Seemingly dormant air begins spinning to the right...' and the head of Don Brash starts to spin in an anti-clockwise direction. In the second cameo Don Brash 'then collides with stale air spinning from the left and the head of the leader of the Labour Party, Phil Goff, seems to be running out of steam as he spins to the left. Next comes 'unstable air spinning from the North' and Hone Harawira, the leader of the new Mana Party, appears with steam belching out of his ears. The Don Brash tornado 'then merges with the tepid air spinning in the centre...' as he twists around the Prime Minister, John Key 'creating volatile air that no matter what the spin...' John Key and Don Brash are twisted together so tightly that lightning strikes and they move off together in a vortex that 'will flatten everything in its path...' - A sign saying 'Welfare' is lying on the ground. Context - The former leader of the National Party has ousted Rodney Hide from his role as leader of ACT and taken over himself. Together with Roger Douglas he will be espousing a very right-wing monetarist ideology which he probably hopes will influence the National government. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945-:[Back seat drivers.] 1 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017697

Description: The cartoon shows former National Party leader Don Brash and former Maori Party MP Hone Harawira each holding a pretend steering wheel, one labelled 'ACT' and the other 'Mana'. They are both sitting on the back seat of a car making 'Bbbrrrmmm' noises and pretending to drive. Context - Don Brash has ousted Rodney Hide from the leadership of the ACT Party and Hone Harawira has left the Maori Party to form a new party that is to be called 'Mana'. The little Evans man says 'Back seat drivers' suggesting that each is driving others from behind. Colour and black and white versions available Title from file name Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Webb, Murray, 1947- :[Hide, Key, Brash.] 28 April 2011

Date: 2011

From: Webb, Murray, 1947- :Digital caricatures

By: Dominion post (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0017710

Description: Cartoon shows Prime Minister John Key dancing with former leader of the National Party Don Brash who has just staged a coup and taken over the leadership of the ACT Party; Rodney Hide, the ousted former leader of ACT falls to the ground, tripped up perhaps. Context - Rodney Hide on Thursday 28 April 2011, relinquished the leadership of the ACT party saying Don Brash would do a better job in the run-up to the election. Prime Minister John Key is not ruling out the possibility of incoming ACT leader Don Brash becoming a minister in a National-led government after the November election. (Radio NZ 29 April 2011) Title from file name Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Smith, Hayden James, 1976- : The FAST and the FURIOUS - how to get new wheels. 4 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Smith, Hayden James, 1976-:[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]

By: Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0017782

Description: The cartoon is entitled 'The fast and the furious - How to get new wheels'. In three cameos on the left side former leader of the National Party Don Brash hijacks ACT leader Rodney Hide's car by threatening Hide with a gun and then tossing him out and taking over the steering wheel himself. I the three cameos on the right side former Maori Party MP Hone Harawira leaps out of the Maori Party car that has plummeted off the road and crawls to safety; next we hear banging and sawing noises coming from a garage and lastly we see Hone on his new hand-made motor scooter named 'Mana'. Don Brash sneers 'Nice ride Hone!' and Hone replies 'Least I made my own'. Context - Don Brash has replaced Rodney Hide as ACT leader after a bloodless coup and Hone Harawira has resigned from the Maori Party and started his own party which is to be called 'Mana'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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