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We can connect 5 things related to TAPUHI, Fiscal policy, New Zealand National Party, and Political campaigns to the places on this map.

Scott, Thomas, 1947- :Political cartoons published in the Evening Post from 1 April 199...

Date: 1998

Reference: H-501-001/021

Description: Shows the race for the rural vote with National in the lead, followed by Act and Labour in the rear. Comment on Paul Holmes seeking to be Mayor of Auckland while retaining his nightly TV show. All Blacks captain Sean Fitzpatrick retires from rugby - a tribute. Shows the tension between Winston Peters and Bill Birch. Shows the only ones winning from the Melbourne docks picket are the lawyers. John Luxton explains why New Zealand should phase out tariffs ahead of the rest of the world. A guy at the pub suggests introducing a work for the cabinet salary scheme would have more effect than a work for the dole scheme. Pol Pot is met in Hell by Hitler and Stalin. Politicians lobby to a near empty hall. The public favour paying for their televised sport rather than pay more on their Broadcasting Licence fee to get free to air sports. Paul Holmes agrees with himself that he would make an outstanding Mayor for Auckland. Helen Clark shows a growing obsession with the National leader, Jenny Shipley. Max Bradford sees the benefits of splitting up ECNZ. A toast to the Northern Ireland peace deal. Graham Latimer calls for Maori to get superannuation at age 50. Winston Peters thinks that informed public servants should not have any say in the debate over splitting ECNZ. Winston Peters tries to reassure New Zealanders they have nothing to fear about the Japanese economy committing hara kiri. Outbreak of crytoporidiosis linked to public swimming pools. Jenny Shipley and Winston Peters wear the defeat over the Government's referendum proposal on Auckland's local body assets. Money considerations guide surgical decisions in New Zealand hospitals. The elderly have the national superannuation surcharge removed. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: Sizes vary slightly, the average cartoon frame being approximately 14 x 20 cm.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 3 and 31 M...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-558-021/041

Description: Political cartoons. Treasury advocates currency union with USA. Lockwoock Smith is put in charge of the Tourism portfolio and left to clean up following the Tourism Board fallout. The battle for the head of the World Trade Organisation continues, New Zealander Mike Moore, is one of the 2 contenders. Drivers face problems and delays as new re-licensing system comes into force. Fire Services boss Roger Estall is advied to quit. Helen Clark launches her election pledge card. Fire Services boss, Roger Estell plunders again in the public relations field. Bill English explains the reason behind selling Contact Energy to overseas investors was to retire overseas debt. Comment on who should pay for using the roads. A Nato representative explains the accidental bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. The National Party cabinet discuss what to do with the budget surpluses. Max Bradford suggests buying back the dams and lowering the price of power. After several coup in Fiji, democracy is starting to grow again. Roger Estall, Fire Service boss, is urged to quit and take a Government pay-out. Bill Birch presents his last budget as National Party finance minister. New Zealand celebrates beating the Australians in cricket. Comment on the closing of mental health institutions and patients being thrown to under resourced commuity health services. New Zealand is like a lamb to the slaughter after opening trade to the world by removing trade barriers, however the rest of the world, particularly the United States is not following our lead. Comment on the All Black coach, John Hart dropping Isitolo Maka from the All Black squad. Max Bradford attempts to justify increased power prices due to electricity reform. Paralells are drawn between the sheep subsidy of the 1980's and the effect of MMP in subsidising new politicians. The Crusaders win the Super 12 tournament. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947-:Twenty-two cartoons published in the Evening Post between 2 and 31...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-587-022/043

Description: Political cartoons. Jack Elder tries to explain his innocence in awarding a travel grant to a school cultural group containing colleagues' daughters. NZ First waken from political death in time to campaign for the 1999 General election. A green lipped muscle reads scary stories from the book 'Tales from the Lab' to his children. Refers to research into cancer cures. Infant looks suspiciously at mother's nipple and opts for the scrambled egg if there's any chance of the milk having been genetically modified or irradiated. NZ and Australian Ministers of Health have declared war on depression. A drepressed man says over the breakfast table, when politicians start slashing their wrist in large numbers, then he'll cheer up. Over a beer two men discuss All Black coach, John Hart's performance. Police warn the public of an IBM fugitive. Refers to the IBM scoop of public money for a Police computer main-frame that never eventuated. Politicians avoid the responsibility of the INCIS Police computer fiasco. Media woman interviews state minister on the tit for tat shooting down of Indian and Pakistan military planes. She suggests there may be a risk of it leading to nuclear war. The minister says they'll cross that bridge when they come to it. Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley battle it out in the preferred Prime Minister Polls. Shows the Statue of Liberty with a gun to her head. The caption says, 'tighten up the gun laws America, or the lady gets it...' Boris Yeltsin appoints his 5th Prime Minister in 17 months. The new Prime Minister looks distincly uneasy as his chair sits on a trap-door. Shows and elephant (IBM) being sting by a bee (Bill Birch). Refers to the Police INCIS computer fiasco. Earthquake rocks Turkey, they call for help. Academics discuss the government's five-step knowledge-based economy plan to restore NZ's stand of living. One says, 'Sounds fabulous, except that you can't take two steps across an abyss...' New Zealand Black Caps beat the English cricket team. World athletics is shackled by the weight of the illegal use of performance enhancing drugs. Mike Moore leaves government politics with a sense of freedom at last. Possible outcome of mixing human genes into cows. Petrol Companies hold motorists to ransom with higher petrol prices. The shadow of violence hangs over voting in East Timor. Derek Quigley steers the select committee looking into decommissioning NZ's air-strike capability. National are alarmed as they thought Quigley was on their side. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[18 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 11-31 ...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-675-016/033

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Comment on New Zealands cancer treatment compared to Australia. Verbal sparring between Helen Clark and Bill English. Helen Clark looking forward to Bill English being plastered in the boxing ring and he referring to her art fraud incident. Comment on rural doctor shortage. Rural famlies resort to taking their children to the local vet. Shows Labour Finance Minister, Michael Cullen, fishing (electioneering) with a tin of fat worms (budget). Shows small boy asking his father to borrow his gun for the nativity scene at school. Cartoonist Tom Scott receives a Doctorate from Massey University. The agitated voice of Rob Muldoon comes from the sky. Shows National Party President, Michael Boag in a box. Bill English asks National Party Divisional Conference delegates to form an orderly queue to try the magic trick of cutting her in half. Comment on Jeff Wilson's retirement from international rugby. Shows Helen Clark and Peter Davis in trenchcoats, hats and sun glasses with an umbrella. Passersby wonder if she's worried about the hole in the ozone layer or the holes in the Kyoto Protocol. Comment on the perceived waste of money within the Maori Television Service. Shows Helen Clark having cut free the Employments Contract Act now has a large cat (wildcat strikes) on her back. Comment on teachers anger and frustration with Labour's Education Minister, Trevor Mallard's dealings throughout the teacher contract negotiations. Shows Helen Clark and her husband Peter Davis in the kitchen, Peter is preparing a picnic as he heard Helen say that once Michael Cullen had presented his budget they would go to the country - i.e. set the date for the election. Comment on so-called 'Maori bashing' of Derek Fox for his handling of the Maori Television Service engagement of Cheif Executive, John Davy. Shows a shearing shed scene. Comment on the popularity of Jim Anderton in the Wigram Seat, one shearer suggests the voters are like sheep in their blind acceptance of him. Shows two older people opening their front door to Bill English who is dressed up as a police officer in boxing gloves carrying his drawn truncheon (law and order). Comment on the clash of traditional Indian past-times of snake charming and lying on beds of nails to intensify the practitioners mental state, with the new order of nuclear weapons. Shows three tables in a restaurant and how they are divided to accommodate smokers, non-smokers and passive-smokers. Quantity: 18 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 2...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-587-044/064

Description: Political cartoons. The leader of the National Party Jenny Shipley makes statements designed to preempt attacks by her challenger for the leadership, Bill English. Shows a rat on the lap of a first class air traveller. The air hostess reassures the woman that they only have cochroches in economy class. Refers to Air New Zealand's cut back of onboard services. Public comment on the Lottery Board. Some wish Jim Anderton could be on the board to balance the National Party members, others discuss the necessity of $500,000 per year to run the Lotto.. Violence in East Timaor gets directed toward the media who give up and go home. Jenny Shipley shakes hands with President Habibie of Indonesia at the APEC Conference in Auckland. His hands are dripping blood. Dr Cullen has a minder who carries a tranquilliser gun, he uses it on Dr Cullen when needed. The military in East Timor are doing everything they can to stop stories being told of church burnings, lootings and mass killings. The Timor crisis has focused world attention on the APEC Leaders meeting in Auckland. Habibie opens Indonesia to International peace-keepers now that everyone worth killing has been dealt with and everything worth steeling has been stolen. Jenny Shipley follows America's lead over dealing to East Timor. Helen Clark and Jim Anderton are bought to a point of accepting that APEC was a success for Prime Minister Jenny Shipley. Bill Clinton plays golf in Queenstown overseen by an armed military man. President Jiang of China shows his appreciation to Jenny Shipley for her crack-down on Tibetan protesters. UN peace-keepers in Timor are given well wishes by soldiers past. Pam Corkery regrets that she wasn't a star in the Parliamentary system even though her temperament was perfect for the place. Comment on the hit-and-miss quality of medical care from Gisborne cervical smear specialists and labs. The National Party comes to ACT's Richard Prebble's rescue by not running a candidate in Wellington Central. Prebble is shown as a toothless dog being given a set of teeth by National. Shows the inequity of treatment and remuneration between professional rugby players and peace-keeping troops. Jenny Shipley announces the date of the 1999 General Election to a sleeping audience. The National and Labour Parties say they will concentrate on policy in the election lead-up but infact they focus on their leaders personalities. Shows the change in behaviour of militia in the face of UN peace-keepers. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.

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