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We can connect 6 things related to Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.), Banks and banking, New Zealand, and Unknown to the places on this map.

Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 an...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-024/046

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues, includes: Shows scientists' adhock research into the potential uses of genetic modification at the expense of commonsense. Comment on the intimidation tactics of Qantas Airlines toward Air New Zealand. Singapore Airlines are shown as Air New Zealands big sister ally. Christine Rankin considers taking further action following the release of the Employment Courts findings. Shows the Government (surfer) riding the knowledge wave only to be wiped out and lodged head first in the sand. Discussion between an Israeli soldier and Palestinian child. The soldier is trying to explain to the child how violence and retaliation works. The child just wants to play and go to the movies. Shows Helen Clark dealing with Steve Maharey and his use of obscene language. Shows members of the Electoral Reform Committee as angelic, working for the best interests of the country while having vested interests in the Committees outcome. Helen Clark calls on the All Blacks to crush the Australians while they've down. New Zealand reaction to the loss by the All Blacks to the Australians. Shows All Black Anton Oliver taking the blame for the loss against Australia. Comment on the Qantas involvement in running Ansett into the ground and leaving small creditors in ruins. Comment on the lack of constructive action being taken by the Pacific Forum to deal with global warming and the consequent rising of the ocean level. Shows Helen Clark encouraging all her Ministers to keep pets. Jim Anderton is shown wrapped in the arms of his pet octupus (Peoples' Bank). Shows West Coast MP, Damien O'Connor, addressing an audience about local mining and the poor decision made by Alliance MP Sandra Lee. He is reminded by a miner in the wings that his seat is still marginal. Shows Jim Anderton and Sandra Lee observing the Reefton Alliance office being pelted with food in reaction to Sandra Lee saying 'no' to mine expansion in the area. Shows a new army armoured vehicle running over an air force plane. Comment on the current situation where the armies supplies are being boosted while the air force is having its wings clipped. Shows thugs from the power company breaking into a persons house to extract money for the latest exorbitant power bill. Shows an All Black player finishing a Springbok (South African Rugby Team) and still feeling hungry. He thinks he could polish off the entire Australian Rugby Team (Wallabies) as well. Shows the relationship between government controlled power generators, empty lakes and increased revenue for power for the Reserve Bank. Shows a proposed statue for the entrance of the Sydney Harbour. Comment on Australia's policy to exclude refugees. Shows Michelle Boag's National Party purge of Parliamentary faithful. Comment on the level of ignorant public opinion over the boat people refugees trying to gain entry to Australia, by people ringing talkback radio. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-090/112

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows the changes within coalition government as a genetic mutation where the Labour Alliance strands are repalaced with the Labour Greens strands. Comment on the plight of the refugee boat people. All Blacks coach John Mitchell calls for more excitement from the All Blacks. Jim Bolger promotes Kiwi Bank to other former world leaders. New Zealand horse Ethereal wins the Melbourne Cup. Helen Clark protects Turiana Turia from opposition accussations of political interference. President Bush attempts to calm and reassure the American people in the face of extreme threats from Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network. John Howard wins another term as Australian Prime Minister on the backs of refugee boat people. Jim Anderton and Bill English look for ways to provide gaurded support for New Zealand SAS involvement in Afghanistan. Shows lions in a zoo with a sign 'Big Cat poisoning Times...' The new rule in Kabul Afghanistan, don't dare NOT to show yourself. Shows a man having his beard removed and a women removing her veil. Both regimes the now deposed Taleban instituted. A bin Laden supporter talks about the perfect weapon they have against the American led attack into Afghanistan. However they have some problems with detonating the nuclear bomb. Factions within the Alliance Party turn on each other and vow to fight to the death. Comment on the increase in alcohol consumption due to the lowering of the drinking age, and expectation that the same thing will happen when cannibis is legalised. Shows the maze of buildings that United States Air Force missiles are trying to penetrate in Afghanistan. The chance of striking a target is pretty low. The Prime Minister is swollowed by a giant snake during a visit to the Amazon. A reporter asks her how the Amazon compares with NZ eco-tourism. Jim Anderton pretends to fire a gatling gun every time the Alliance Party President, Matt McCarten appears on television. Helen Clark arrives home to find the house demolished. Refers to Alliance Party infighting. Shows Jim Anderton and Matt McCarten facing off over the breakfast table. A Black Caps cricket player thanks an African rain-man for helping the team by creating rain which washed out the second test. Jim Anderton reassures everyone that the crisis within the Alliance Party is now over and he and Matt McCarten are now pulling in the same direction. The Alliance boat is now however sinking. New Zealanders make love twice a week on average. A woman comments that it is decidedly average. Afghanistan Alliance soldiers run over Taliban prisoners in an armoured tank. They blame the prisioners for being in the way. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :20 cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 28 Februa...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-027/046

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. National Party leader, Jenny Shipley expresses hurt over the medias reporting of her retirement announcement. Comment on the New Zealand Cricket team getting into the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) through the backdoor. Shows a tertiary student weighed down by a huge student debt. Helen Clark walks with Titewhai Harawira on Waitangi Marae unrecognised by local Maori. Shows Finance Minister, Michael Cullen at the controls of Air New Zealand trying to reassure the flying public. Shows big banks slashing interest rates as a response to the fledgling Kiwi Bank. Comment on the Greens response to environmental disasters as long as there is a media presence. Helen Clark and Bill English outline their versions of closing-the-gaps strategies. Shows film director, Peter Jackson as Lord of the Oscars for Lord of the Ring's 13 nominations Australian Prime Minister, John Howard receives a box of bleeding heart chocolates from Helen Clark. Shows Ian Fraser about to assume his new position as head of TVNZ. Obituary to actor Kevin Smith with a Shakespearean quote. Comment on the Privacy Law that exposes a Judge for viewing pornography yet won't reveal if your flatmate is a homicidal maniac with a history of mental illness. Comment on the Alliance Party dealing with dissension in its ranks. A soldier is about to shoot his own foot. Two young men wonder where it all went wrong when women can talk openly about their vaginas yet a male judge can't look at vagina's in private. Shows Nandor Tanczos with his new Maori Sovereignty flay, a cross between a dope plant and unfurling koru. Comment on the poor season the Wellington Super 12 team, the Hurricanes have had. Michael Cullen and the Listeners, Gordon Campbell receive the award for getting something so wrong. They predicted that Lord of the Rings would be a huge drain on the NZ taxpayer. Bill English brings Helen Clark his own head on a plate as Labour surges in the polls. Obituary to Goon and poet, Spike Milligan along with a piece of poetry. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- and Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :21 copies of cartoons published in th...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.); Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-673-047/067

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. The All Blacks and Wallabies rugby teams put aside their differences to farewell John Eales. Australian Prime Minister's stance on Afghani refugees coming into Australia. Jim Bolger promotes the People's Bank as Jim's Bank. A red neck Australian suggests Helen Clark take the rest of their non-white population as well as the Afghan refugees. Air Force cadets sit an exam, one question asks what the greatest threat to NZ's combat Air Force is. The options include Helen Clark. Jim Bolger walks the tight-rope between credibility and scepticism with Jim Anderton on his shoulders. Refers to their working relationship within the People's Bank. A pilot looks alarmed as the left wing (Ansett Australia) is cut off the plane (Air New Zealand). Winston Peters gives his position on people seeking refugee status in New Zealand. The Statue of Liberty weeps as the twin towers in New York smoulder. Osama bin Laden reminds the world of the dignity and nobility of their cause. A paralell is drawn between breaking the cycle of welfare dependency and the government bail-out of the Air New Zealand Board. On board an Air New Zealand flight sit members of the Air New Zealand Board. They wear Mickey Mouse hats. The world mourns the loss of their citizens in terrorist attacks on New York's twin towers. Flags fly at half mast. Trans-Tasman rivally continues over rugby, airlines and CER. NZ First leader, Winston Peters finds his 'super scare monger' suit in time for the next election. Uncle Sam tries to find a way of fighting terrorism while occupying the high moral ground. Osam bin Laden refuses to leave Afghanistan by plane. Shows Michael Cullen and the Labour Cabinet divided on whether or not to rescue Air New Zealand or to place it in statutory management. President George W Bush presents his complex response to fighting the terrorist network, divide the world into 'them' and 'us.' Shows the twin towers in New York under attack with a written reminder on the nature of fanaticism. Shows the air and sea crammed with every type of combat vessel heading toward Afghanistan and asks the question, 'ok, now what?' A proposal for dealing with released, violent psychiatric patients. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Evening Post :Photographs of Wellington buildings, banking, & sports

Date: ca 1930-ca 1977

By: Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: PAColl-3250

Description: Images of many new buildings, and bridges. Also demolition of old buildings prior to construction. Some photographs of banking and sporting activities Quantity: 96 b&w original photographic print(s).

Online Image

Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991:The commissionaire. [1955-1956]

Date: 1955 - 1956

By: Colvin, Neville Maurice, 1918-1991; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: B-184-044

Description: 'Commissionaire' PM Sid Holland holds open the door to a theatre for a small boy sucking a lollipop. Above the door are the words 'Commission Agent' a "Who-dunnit-and-how-can-we-solve-it" mystery'. The 'Programme' reads '1. Commission news, 2. Bugs Bunny Committee (very funny), 3. Travelogue - round N.Z. with a Commission, 4. Documentary - How a Commission works, Intercommission, 5. "Commission Agent"'. On another notice board are the words 'Coming this Thursday WATT's IN THE BUDGET'. Context - the May budget being presented by Finance Minister Jack Watts in 1955 or 1956. The emphasis on the word 'commission' probably refers to the 'New Zealand Monetary Commission 1955-1956'. The Monetary Commission was a Royal Commission established in March 1955 to investigate the deficiencies of the banking system and to try to display inconsistencies in Social Credit precepts. Social Credit had won 11% of the total vote in the 1954 election which upset political calculations. At bottom of cartoon in pencil is text reading '4 col Leader P. Wed' and 'Stipple (where have I heard that word before?) as indicated'. Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and letratone on paper, 380 x 560 mm

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