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We can connect 11 things related to New Zealand Cartoon Archive, TAPUHI, Australia, Politicians, and Public opinion to the places on this map.

Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[21 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 1 and ...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-678-001/021

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Shows two women having a cup of tea. One says to the other, 'Eric's always said that looking forward to the "beautiful game" is the thing that gets him through the day... but these nights it's the soccer. Refers to men staying up to watch the World Cup Soccer games. Comment on the premium increases announced by Southern Cross Healthcare. Shows priests looking for their sports programme on the computer. A consumer is confronted with fruit labeled with GE activists names. Finance Minister, Michael Cullen, sees mirages of cash surplus's on the super(annuation) highway. Shows Laila Harre reassuring a baby (Ewen Mee) that she knows exactly what's best for it. In his eagerness to get a shot away on the election trail, Bill English shoots himself in the foot. A family sit down to eat a meal. The man spits his out saying 'Sweetcorn??? GEZUS!!' Refers to the corngate affair. Comment on the health crisis in Northland. A pregnant woman prepares to travel out of the area to deliver her baby. Rod Donald and Jeanette Fitzsimons from the Green Party expect to do well in the (G)eneral (E)lection. Refers to their focus on genetic engineering. Shows Marian Hobbs as a stuffed scarecrow overseeing the GE corn crops. Helen Clark is indignant that interviewer John Campbell should expect an apology from her. She says that he doesn't fall into any of the groups that she's currently apologizing to. A teacher fills out a childs report card saying he has had an on-again, off-again approach to his work. There is a roster of teacher strikes on the wall behind the teacher. Shows some discontentment among the public for Helen Clarks leadership. Government released figures show crime is on the decrease but the public perception is the opposite. Winston Peters prepares to be Queen-maker following the general elections. A patient complains to his psychiatrist about chronic insomnia that even the Leaders' Debate won't fix. Shows Helen Clark and Bill English dressed as clowns at the circus (elections). Two children discuss the new Maori Television channel. They talk about it being on UHF and in Maori. They realise that not many people will be able to understand or receive the channel. A child asks his Mother to see Dr Cullen to fix his spots. Quantity: 21 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-two cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 O...

Date: 1998

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-539-022/043

Description: Political cartoons. Comment on the growing gap between the rich and poor in New Zealand. Soldiers explain why it is humane to cut people's throats once they've been driven from their homes. Jenny Shipley reacts negatively to Jim Bolger's book. Jenny Shipley does a unicycle act on the high/slack wire. She can't look down for fear of falling, and she can't look up for fear of the coalition government she carries on her shoulders. Jack Elder and Tuku Morgan line-up behind Tau Henare in a new political allegiance. The American Republicans are exposed in their determination to impeach President Clinton over sex allegations no matteer what public opinion is. Jenny Shipley announces under National's new housing policy people in sub-standard housing will be assisted to buy their properties rather than rent them. Tim Shadbolt has been re-elected Mayor of Invercargill. Russia backs the bloody regime of Slobodan Milosivic against the Albanians. Jenny Shipley receives a negative reaction from the Dairy Board members over comments they should dig their own graves and make their wills. Jenny Shipley's intention of ending the Producer Board's statutory monopolies is thinnly veiled to avoid farmer backlash prior to the election. The Labour Party surges in the polls although their visibility is low. A paralell is drawn between roading reforms proposals and the manner Warriors' boss comments on players like Matthew Ridge. Commment on telephone electronic cueing messages. Canadian newspapers report that Wellington has the best views in the world. A Wellintonian watches as storms blow uprooted trees, boats, cars and other debris past his window. General Pinochet in jail being interrogated over his part in crimes of terrorism committed against Chilean critics of his Military Junta. Two contenders for the Auckland Blues Rugby coaching job are given a lesson in sportsmanship. Otago win the NPC (National Provincial Championships). Palestinian and Israeli leaders are booed by their supporters for their efforts to bring peace to the Middle East. The Met. office build an ark as an indication of the weather to come. Tuariki Delamere considers his political future. Tau Henare sums up the essence of his new Mauri Pacific Party. Quantity: 22 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Eighteen cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 24 Dec...

Date: 1997

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-448-065/082

Description: Political cartoons. Jim Anderton, leader of the Alliance Party outlines their strategy to become a coalition partner with Labour in the next Government. Jenny Shipley is wooed by potential deputies. Extreme weather conditions around the world does little to persuade big business there is any link between industrial pollution and global climate change. Farmers win concession in Taranaki land grab. The Maori MP's sing a tribute to the departing Prime Minister, Jim Bolger. Jenny Shpley is invested as New Zealand's first woman Prime Minister. A talk-fest is held on Global warming in kyoto, Japan. Jenny Shipley is loath to share the credit for the first year of coalition government. Recently promoted front benchers Maurice Williamson and John Luxton speak out on the new right politics. Psychiatric patients are not given the care they need.(repeated from 3/11/97) Jenny Shipley outlines the message of her administration. Allan Bollard is primed to take over Treasury. A worker's Christmas wish is that his factory won't shut down. Comment on the paralells between Rogernomics and Jenny Shipley's economic approach. John Luxton outlines the pros and cons of tariff reduction on New Zealand industries. On one hand thousands will be out of work, and on the other the homeless will have a chance of sleeping in new cars. Paul Holmes and his wife separate, she seeks a settlement. The government is unable to come to grips with the dangerous levels of private sector overseas debt. After years of record profits and stupendous capital gain, Bell Ameritech decide to rid themselves of Telecom. Quantity: 18 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 3 and 31 M...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-558-021/041

Description: Political cartoons. Treasury advocates currency union with USA. Lockwoock Smith is put in charge of the Tourism portfolio and left to clean up following the Tourism Board fallout. The battle for the head of the World Trade Organisation continues, New Zealander Mike Moore, is one of the 2 contenders. Drivers face problems and delays as new re-licensing system comes into force. Fire Services boss Roger Estall is advied to quit. Helen Clark launches her election pledge card. Fire Services boss, Roger Estell plunders again in the public relations field. Bill English explains the reason behind selling Contact Energy to overseas investors was to retire overseas debt. Comment on who should pay for using the roads. A Nato representative explains the accidental bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. The National Party cabinet discuss what to do with the budget surpluses. Max Bradford suggests buying back the dams and lowering the price of power. After several coup in Fiji, democracy is starting to grow again. Roger Estall, Fire Service boss, is urged to quit and take a Government pay-out. Bill Birch presents his last budget as National Party finance minister. New Zealand celebrates beating the Australians in cricket. Comment on the closing of mental health institutions and patients being thrown to under resourced commuity health services. New Zealand is like a lamb to the slaughter after opening trade to the world by removing trade barriers, however the rest of the world, particularly the United States is not following our lead. Comment on the All Black coach, John Hart dropping Isitolo Maka from the All Black squad. Max Bradford attempts to justify increased power prices due to electricity reform. Paralells are drawn between the sheep subsidy of the 1980's and the effect of MMP in subsidising new politicians. The Crusaders win the Super 12 tournament. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Twenty cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 30 April...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-558-001/020

Description: Political cartoons. Paralells between the Nazi ethnic cleansing of the Jews in the 1940's and the ethnic cleansing in Europe in the 1990's. Shows Milosevic soaking in a blood bath to take his mind off the Nato bombing raids. A Serbian soldier explains to the West via a reporter the reasons behind their present actions. The electricity reforms continue to cost the consumer more. The military invite refugees from Kosovo to return to their destroyed homes. Milosevic is prepared to destroy Kosovo in order to save it. Shows India testing a long-range nuclear missile off the back of a cow. Shows Nato commander explaining their strategy of punishing Milosevic by bombing Serbia. This resulted in mass destruction of property and life but no direct harm to Milosevic. New Zealand yachties receive large slaries but are not prepared to pay for weather data from Government Agencies. Serbs use human shields to protect their forward tank movement. Following sex scandals, the Scouts tighten up their screening of adult supervisors. Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley fight over their respective attributes. They agree that women bring poise to politics even in an arguement. Max Bradford gets the country into trouble over electricity reforms. Minister of Tourism, Murray McCully, objects but does not intervene in large, secret and tax-free payouts to directors he forced to resign. Comment on Anzac Day commemorations. Shows two men in their respective backyards burning their Hurricanes supporters rugby gear, comment on another year where the Hurricanes have not played well. Comment on Tau Henare's behaviour of holding onto his Cabinet position when his party, NZ First, pulled out of the National coalition government. Minister of Tourism, Murray McCully, is encouraged to resign after a tourism related row adversely affects National's position in the polls. A new flag for America with a hand holding a smoking gun. Hillary Commission recommends 10 minutes of physical activity, three times a day for couch potatoes. Quantity: 20 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-068/089

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Comment about a biased referee during the Wellington vs Canterbury Ranfurly Shield match. Jenny Shipley threatens to deal ruthlessly with anyone in her caucus who plots against her. All Black selectors search for new talent in war zones. All Black coach looks to recruit referee Steve Walsh for the next All Black tour as he has shown he can single handedly alter the course of a game. Michael Cullen gifts Helen Clark and Jim Anderton the National Airline, Air New Zealand. Osama bin Laden speaks from the security of the Afghanistan mountain cave. Jenny Shipley steps down from National Party leadership, Bill English is nervous about what this means for him. Helen Clark's big moment - she is about to speak to the President of the United States but she's in bed, and he makes the toll call collect. Gary Toomy is paid out by taxpayer money to leave the Air New Zealand Board. The public try and understand why the Muslim world hasn't retaliated against bin Laden for causing the deaths of over 300 Pakistanis in the twin towers attack. President Bush tries to reassure the American public following the Sept. 11 attacks. Damage is assesses in Kabul following a series of wars, the last attacks being from the United States led forces. Comment on the daily and new dangers facing United States representatives. The Pentagon announces they are now dropping more food into Afghanistan than they are blowing up. Comment on the world wide fear of anthrax. Shows the Lions team, winners of the 2000 rugby tournament are in 2001 the pussycats of the competition. Rod Donald stands up to Jim Anderton on their reasons for choosing GE as their bottom-line issue when considering whether to support the coalition or not. Shows the political double-talk and deals being made over the growing refugee crisis. Shows that military force is no respecter of any religion. Shows Auckland Mayor, John Banks walking on water. Shows the hit and miss nature of American airstrikes in Afghanistan where innocent targets are frequently hit by accident. Wayne Mason's song 'Nature Enter Me' wins best NZ song at the same time NZ is divided over Genetic Engineering. Shows everyday genetic engineering in action when an unattractive but wealthy man asks a young and attractive woman to have children with him. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Bromhead, Peter 1933-:Twenty-three cartoons published in the Sunday Star Times between ...

Date: 2000

By: Bromhead, Peter, 1933-

Reference: H-644-001/023

Description: Strip cartoons. Standard of NZ cartoonists, NZ immigration and choosing the 'right' people, young NZ'ers more interested in tennis than rugby, the Bledisloe Cup is all anyone is talking about at the moment, the business of forcasting economic doom, public boredom with politicians antics, food labelling, attacks on newsprint media for printing 'bad news' stories, new Employment Relations Bill and its down side for workers, politicians funnier than cartoonists, NZ's shrinking dollar, the value of participation in sports, lack of good news for NZ'ers, dangers of watching too much television, Reserve Bank scare tactics, NZ emmigration and brain drain, NZ dollar gets consumed by the American dollar, uncertainties generated by Maori/Pakeha debate, advertising creatives try to sell Fiji to the public after the coup, middle class double standards about boxing, public outcry and interest in topless parties, American criticism of NZ Defence spending, the discontent engendered by ACC placing monetary values on body parts, the public search for the best petrol prices. Quantity: 23 digital print(s). Physical Description: A4 size colour print-outs.


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in Otago Daily Times, 27 August to 1 October...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-659-001/030

Description: Suggested increases in Health Taxes Modern Oxymorons (dry wine, rap music, coalition partner, criminal justice, working party, military intelligence) National Party seeks to purge weak and non-performing caucus members An Australian Aborigine points out the irony of Mr Howard's reasons for keeping asylum seekers out of Australia. Helen Clark's hesitation in launching the Kiwi Bank A barfly draws a parallel to his fear of going home with the boat-people seeking refugee status Comment on the new Australian anthem - being surrounded not by sea but by army keep out asylum seekers Jim Anderton supported by Jim Bolger walks the tightrope of getting the Kiwi Bank off the ground, flanked by scepticism and credibility Comment on unnecessary military hardware Jim Bolger's political swerving toward the left over his involvement in the Kiwi Bank noted. An Afghanistan refugee wearing a plane costume seeks asylum, citing the support Australia gave to the Air NZ/Ansett rescue package. Comment on the Australian public's lack of compassion toward the plight of the asylum seekers An Air NZ hostess points out to two pilots that Air NZ Board members are on board, identified with Mickey Mouse hats on. The Statue of Liberty holds her head in pain as smoke from the World Trade Centre twin towers drifts by. Air NZ Hostess points out to public that their life jackets, "muggins the tax payer" is under their seats. Air NZ Pilots note that extra seats have been strapped to the plans wing for Air NZ Board members to keep them away from taxpayers. President George W Bush appoints himself as sheriff to hunt down an indescript wanted person. Aussie barflys brag about selling the airline Ansett to NZ when it was already in a bad way. NZ Defence Force complain that they don't have any spare military equipment to lend to America. Helen Clark offers President Bush a 13-strong anti-aircraft squad in the form of the Air NZ Board. President Bush unconvincingly tries to reassure the American people they have identified Bin Laden as the target and they know where to find him. Air NZ quality control has fallen short. American navy invades the Middle East creating a new type of boat-people in the world Comment on the media packaging and Americanisation of the war against terrorism targeted at Osama Bin Laden The decline in public confidence of Air NZ shares. Comment that Helen Clark may seem more attractive if she was prevented from speaking. George W Bush seeks advice from his daddy, former President Bush. Air NZ flight operations are paralysed by goverment imposed "due diligence" during the public bail-out of the company. Enthusiasm expressed by those running for local body council positions and the public reaction to the them. Quantity: 30 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[18 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 11-31 ...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-675-016/033

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Comment on New Zealands cancer treatment compared to Australia. Verbal sparring between Helen Clark and Bill English. Helen Clark looking forward to Bill English being plastered in the boxing ring and he referring to her art fraud incident. Comment on rural doctor shortage. Rural famlies resort to taking their children to the local vet. Shows Labour Finance Minister, Michael Cullen, fishing (electioneering) with a tin of fat worms (budget). Shows small boy asking his father to borrow his gun for the nativity scene at school. Cartoonist Tom Scott receives a Doctorate from Massey University. The agitated voice of Rob Muldoon comes from the sky. Shows National Party President, Michael Boag in a box. Bill English asks National Party Divisional Conference delegates to form an orderly queue to try the magic trick of cutting her in half. Comment on Jeff Wilson's retirement from international rugby. Shows Helen Clark and Peter Davis in trenchcoats, hats and sun glasses with an umbrella. Passersby wonder if she's worried about the hole in the ozone layer or the holes in the Kyoto Protocol. Comment on the perceived waste of money within the Maori Television Service. Shows Helen Clark having cut free the Employments Contract Act now has a large cat (wildcat strikes) on her back. Comment on teachers anger and frustration with Labour's Education Minister, Trevor Mallard's dealings throughout the teacher contract negotiations. Shows Helen Clark and her husband Peter Davis in the kitchen, Peter is preparing a picnic as he heard Helen say that once Michael Cullen had presented his budget they would go to the country - i.e. set the date for the election. Comment on so-called 'Maori bashing' of Derek Fox for his handling of the Maori Television Service engagement of Cheif Executive, John Davy. Shows a shearing shed scene. Comment on the popularity of Jim Anderton in the Wigram Seat, one shearer suggests the voters are like sheep in their blind acceptance of him. Shows two older people opening their front door to Bill English who is dressed up as a police officer in boxing gloves carrying his drawn truncheon (law and order). Comment on the clash of traditional Indian past-times of snake charming and lying on beds of nails to intensify the practitioners mental state, with the new order of nuclear weapons. Shows three tables in a restaurant and how they are divided to accommodate smokers, non-smokers and passive-smokers. Quantity: 18 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size horizontal photocopies


Crimp, Daryl- :7 cartoons published in Otago Daily Times, 2 October to 9 October, 2001

Date: 2001

By: Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-656-001/007

Description: New Zealand All Blacks seen to have too many coaches. Afghanistan ruling Taleban refuses to acknowledge American threats of air and missile strikes. Helen Clark's government bail-out of Air NZ Board seen as public error threatening to weigh the nation down. Australia in for a drought Discussion at the highest government levels attempt to justify the public bail-out of AirNZ. AirNZ bites the hand that feeds it, the NZ taxpayer. Paralell drawn between the money lost on the national airline, Air NZ and the proposed Kiwi Bank, linked to Jim Anderton. Quantity: 7 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :Twenty-one cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and 2...

Date: 1999

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-587-044/064

Description: Political cartoons. The leader of the National Party Jenny Shipley makes statements designed to preempt attacks by her challenger for the leadership, Bill English. Shows a rat on the lap of a first class air traveller. The air hostess reassures the woman that they only have cochroches in economy class. Refers to Air New Zealand's cut back of onboard services. Public comment on the Lottery Board. Some wish Jim Anderton could be on the board to balance the National Party members, others discuss the necessity of $500,000 per year to run the Lotto.. Violence in East Timaor gets directed toward the media who give up and go home. Jenny Shipley shakes hands with President Habibie of Indonesia at the APEC Conference in Auckland. His hands are dripping blood. Dr Cullen has a minder who carries a tranquilliser gun, he uses it on Dr Cullen when needed. The military in East Timor are doing everything they can to stop stories being told of church burnings, lootings and mass killings. The Timor crisis has focused world attention on the APEC Leaders meeting in Auckland. Habibie opens Indonesia to International peace-keepers now that everyone worth killing has been dealt with and everything worth steeling has been stolen. Jenny Shipley follows America's lead over dealing to East Timor. Helen Clark and Jim Anderton are bought to a point of accepting that APEC was a success for Prime Minister Jenny Shipley. Bill Clinton plays golf in Queenstown overseen by an armed military man. President Jiang of China shows his appreciation to Jenny Shipley for her crack-down on Tibetan protesters. UN peace-keepers in Timor are given well wishes by soldiers past. Pam Corkery regrets that she wasn't a star in the Parliamentary system even though her temperament was perfect for the place. Comment on the hit-and-miss quality of medical care from Gisborne cervical smear specialists and labs. The National Party comes to ACT's Richard Prebble's rescue by not running a candidate in Wellington Central. Prebble is shown as a toothless dog being given a set of teeth by National. Shows the inequity of treatment and remuneration between professional rugby players and peace-keeping troops. Jenny Shipley announces the date of the 1999 General Election to a sleeping audience. The National and Labour Parties say they will concentrate on policy in the election lead-up but infact they focus on their leaders personalities. Shows the change in behaviour of militia in the face of UN peace-keepers. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.

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