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We can connect 18 things related to 2000 and Presidents to the places on this map.

Scott, Thomas, 1947- :23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-090/112

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows the changes within coalition government as a genetic mutation where the Labour Alliance strands are repalaced with the Labour Greens strands. Comment on the plight of the refugee boat people. All Blacks coach John Mitchell calls for more excitement from the All Blacks. Jim Bolger promotes Kiwi Bank to other former world leaders. New Zealand horse Ethereal wins the Melbourne Cup. Helen Clark protects Turiana Turia from opposition accussations of political interference. President Bush attempts to calm and reassure the American people in the face of extreme threats from Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network. John Howard wins another term as Australian Prime Minister on the backs of refugee boat people. Jim Anderton and Bill English look for ways to provide gaurded support for New Zealand SAS involvement in Afghanistan. Shows lions in a zoo with a sign 'Big Cat poisoning Times...' The new rule in Kabul Afghanistan, don't dare NOT to show yourself. Shows a man having his beard removed and a women removing her veil. Both regimes the now deposed Taleban instituted. A bin Laden supporter talks about the perfect weapon they have against the American led attack into Afghanistan. However they have some problems with detonating the nuclear bomb. Factions within the Alliance Party turn on each other and vow to fight to the death. Comment on the increase in alcohol consumption due to the lowering of the drinking age, and expectation that the same thing will happen when cannibis is legalised. Shows the maze of buildings that United States Air Force missiles are trying to penetrate in Afghanistan. The chance of striking a target is pretty low. The Prime Minister is swollowed by a giant snake during a visit to the Amazon. A reporter asks her how the Amazon compares with NZ eco-tourism. Jim Anderton pretends to fire a gatling gun every time the Alliance Party President, Matt McCarten appears on television. Helen Clark arrives home to find the house demolished. Refers to Alliance Party infighting. Shows Jim Anderton and Matt McCarten facing off over the breakfast table. A Black Caps cricket player thanks an African rain-man for helping the team by creating rain which washed out the second test. Jim Anderton reassures everyone that the crisis within the Alliance Party is now over and he and Matt McCarten are now pulling in the same direction. The Alliance boat is now however sinking. New Zealanders make love twice a week on average. A woman comments that it is decidedly average. Afghanistan Alliance soldiers run over Taliban prisoners in an armoured tank. They blame the prisioners for being in the way. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :27 copies of cartoons (includes 14A) published in the Evening Pos...

Date: 2001 - 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-001/026

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Shows a destroyed bus (peace process) destroyed first by the Palestinian suicide bombers and them by Israeli war planes. Health spending priorities promote huge salaries for the CEO and a pittence for everyone else. Cartoon obituary to Sir Peter Blake. A dolphin weeps. Shows a flag at hslf-mast over the sea and a poem for Sir peter Blake. Peter Jackson, Director of Lord of the Rings dresses up for the New Zealand premiere. Debate in the Parliamentary Chamber on proposed changes referred to as the 'wipe the slate clean' Bill. Helen Clark hides from the anger of the grounded NZ Air Force capability. Children's perception of the difference in pay rises between MP's and teachers. Shows a tour guide explaining the virtues and down-side of New Zealand to a group of travel writers. Shows Bin Laden jumping the cue at the plastic surgery clinic. Shows MP's defending themselves at a press conference against charges of triple-dipping from public funds. Shows the men calling the tune on America's anti-terrorism campaign. Shows the leader of the National Party, Bill English asking Santa Claus for a Christmas present. Santa and his reindeer narrowly avoid being hit by airborne missiles. Shows an All Black selector recruiting new talent from a war zone. Shows Helen Clark and Jim Anderton clucking over their new baby (Air New Zealand), while Michael Cullen advises them not to get too attached as it'll be up for adoption as soon as it can stand on it's own feet. Winston Peters climbs up to his attic to dust off his 'super scare monger' suit. Slobadon Milosevich stands in the War Crimes Tribunal dock with his hands dripping in blood, he defys the authority of the court. A tribute to New zealand Criketerl, Chris Cairns as 'King of the Oval.' Shows Tranzrail passengers being shown a pick-axe they are to use in case of a derailment. Shows detainees at Guantanamo Bay being asked by their detainers if they have any complaints. They wear something like a gas mask so their answer is impossible to understand. Refers to anti-terrorism war and those captured by American-led forces. Shows politicicians as children engaged in petty squabbles as the election draws near. Comment on asylum seekers in Australia seeking help from the rest of the world. Shows Israeli troops in a armoured tank trying to force Yasser Arafat to end Palestinian violence. Shows an Australian teacher explaining to his students that only those arriving in Australia between 1840 and 2000 are 'fair dinkum Aussies'. National Party leader, Bill English dons a judges cloak, a hangman's noose and an executioners hood as he campaigns on a law and order platform. ACT leader, Richard Prebble outlines his stand on immigration policy. Quantity: 27 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:32 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2000

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-631-001/032

Description: Topics include George W. Bush's takeover from Bill Clinton as President of the United States, the race between Al Gore and George W. Bush for the United States Presidency, Bush's pro-capital punishment record, pay cuts for television newsreaders, Associate Minister of Maori Affairs Tariana Turia's controversial use of the word 'holocaust', health restructuring, lip service at the APEC trade talks, Prime Minister Helen Clark's new persona as a fashion icon, indigenous Maori responses to whale strandings, indigenous 'rights' to whaling, low funding of police and police recruitment, the government's 'Closing of the Gaps' policy and racial harmony, the Serious Frand Office, the aftermath of the Fiji coup and government policy on sporting contacts, the legalisation of euthanasia in the Netherlands, smoking restrictions, sex education, teaching of spelling, subdivision town planning dispute in Queenstown, the World Trade Organisation and United States lamb tariffs, Australian attitudes towards aborigines and kiwi immigrants, protest at Waitangi Day celebrations, tree conservation and Christmas trees, and Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton's wish to establish a 'Peoples' Bank'. Quantity: 32 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-068/089

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. Comment about a biased referee during the Wellington vs Canterbury Ranfurly Shield match. Jenny Shipley threatens to deal ruthlessly with anyone in her caucus who plots against her. All Black selectors search for new talent in war zones. All Black coach looks to recruit referee Steve Walsh for the next All Black tour as he has shown he can single handedly alter the course of a game. Michael Cullen gifts Helen Clark and Jim Anderton the National Airline, Air New Zealand. Osama bin Laden speaks from the security of the Afghanistan mountain cave. Jenny Shipley steps down from National Party leadership, Bill English is nervous about what this means for him. Helen Clark's big moment - she is about to speak to the President of the United States but she's in bed, and he makes the toll call collect. Gary Toomy is paid out by taxpayer money to leave the Air New Zealand Board. The public try and understand why the Muslim world hasn't retaliated against bin Laden for causing the deaths of over 300 Pakistanis in the twin towers attack. President Bush tries to reassure the American public following the Sept. 11 attacks. Damage is assesses in Kabul following a series of wars, the last attacks being from the United States led forces. Comment on the daily and new dangers facing United States representatives. The Pentagon announces they are now dropping more food into Afghanistan than they are blowing up. Comment on the world wide fear of anthrax. Shows the Lions team, winners of the 2000 rugby tournament are in 2001 the pussycats of the competition. Rod Donald stands up to Jim Anderton on their reasons for choosing GE as their bottom-line issue when considering whether to support the coalition or not. Shows the political double-talk and deals being made over the growing refugee crisis. Shows that military force is no respecter of any religion. Shows Auckland Mayor, John Banks walking on water. Shows the hit and miss nature of American airstrikes in Afghanistan where innocent targets are frequently hit by accident. Wayne Mason's song 'Nature Enter Me' wins best NZ song at the same time NZ is divided over Genetic Engineering. Shows everyday genetic engineering in action when an unattractive but wealthy man asks a young and attractive woman to have children with him. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Thomas, 1947- and Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :21 copies of cartoons published in th...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.); Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-673-047/067

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. The All Blacks and Wallabies rugby teams put aside their differences to farewell John Eales. Australian Prime Minister's stance on Afghani refugees coming into Australia. Jim Bolger promotes the People's Bank as Jim's Bank. A red neck Australian suggests Helen Clark take the rest of their non-white population as well as the Afghan refugees. Air Force cadets sit an exam, one question asks what the greatest threat to NZ's combat Air Force is. The options include Helen Clark. Jim Bolger walks the tight-rope between credibility and scepticism with Jim Anderton on his shoulders. Refers to their working relationship within the People's Bank. A pilot looks alarmed as the left wing (Ansett Australia) is cut off the plane (Air New Zealand). Winston Peters gives his position on people seeking refugee status in New Zealand. The Statue of Liberty weeps as the twin towers in New York smoulder. Osama bin Laden reminds the world of the dignity and nobility of their cause. A paralell is drawn between breaking the cycle of welfare dependency and the government bail-out of the Air New Zealand Board. On board an Air New Zealand flight sit members of the Air New Zealand Board. They wear Mickey Mouse hats. The world mourns the loss of their citizens in terrorist attacks on New York's twin towers. Flags fly at half mast. Trans-Tasman rivally continues over rugby, airlines and CER. NZ First leader, Winston Peters finds his 'super scare monger' suit in time for the next election. Uncle Sam tries to find a way of fighting terrorism while occupying the high moral ground. Osam bin Laden refuses to leave Afghanistan by plane. Shows Michael Cullen and the Labour Cabinet divided on whether or not to rescue Air New Zealand or to place it in statutory management. President George W Bush presents his complex response to fighting the terrorist network, divide the world into 'them' and 'us.' Shows the twin towers in New York under attack with a written reminder on the nature of fanaticism. Shows the air and sea crammed with every type of combat vessel heading toward Afghanistan and asks the question, 'ok, now what?' A proposal for dealing with released, violent psychiatric patients. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:19 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2000 - 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-632-001/019

Description: Topics include US President George W. Bush's verbal ineptitude and his attitude to 'commies', former Minister of Maori Affairs Dover Samuel's relationship with Prime Minister Helen Clark, Member of Parliament Tau Henare's changing political allegiances, delays on the Cook Strait ferries, controversy over Minister of Consumer Affairs Phillida Bunkle's official residence in Wellington, Christmas presents, Santa Claus's allegedly 'illegal' behaviour, government expenditure on eradication of the varroa bee mite and on the arts, controversy over an advertisement using a haka, Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton's attempts to establish a 'Peoples' Bank', buying babies by internet, bonuses given to S.O.E. employees, legalisation of marijuana, kaumatua and Maori greviances, Helen Clark's policy towards Waitangi Day, the formation of a new Maori political party by Derek Fox, Helen Clark's contrasting speeches supporting entrepreneurs and against exploitive businessmen, and promotion of sport in schools. Quantity: 19 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[9 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 15 and ...

Date: 2004

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-740-038/046

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Quantity: 9 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :18 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 1 and...

Date: 2002

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-674-047/065

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues. The government is shown as a highway robber giving an ultimatum to a motorist, 'petrol tax or your life'. A Hurricanes rugby player pulls himself up from the toilet bowl were they were flushed in an earlier season. Helen Clark and Phil Goff reserve the right to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe while remembering their early protesting days. A child suggests sharing the disputed Middle East territory to both the Israeli's and the Palestinians. They think it's a crazy idea. President George W Bush addresses the nations he lectured on free trade telling them that America can impose tariffs on steel imports if they like and it's too bad for everyone else. Comment on President Mugabe's interference in the voting process leading up to the Zimbabwe elections. Shows a member of the IRB (International Rugby Board) Vernon Pugh snatch the football (Rugby World Cup) from an All Black players hands. The player has landed flat on his back. America's war on terror appears to be becoming more frightening than the terror itself. Yaser Arafat and Sharon flex their muscles in a game of arm wrestling while chest deep in a blood bath. Vernon Pugh, Head of the International Rugby Board and Trevor Mallard, Minister of Sport size each other up. A boy tries to stop his father burning his Hurricanes rugby jersey, the rugby team is winning again. George W Bush outlines his approach to the use of nuclear weapons. Treasury suggest selling off thousands of war memorial sites around the country get a better return on the real estate investment. John O'Neill, Chief Executive of the Australian Union justifies Australia gaining the right to host all of the Rugby World Cup games. He admits they have got blood on the hands from stabbing the NZRFU in the back. Jim Anderton assumes The Thinker position as he contemplates the many political parties he's been through or started and left. Helen Clark in army fatigues gains shelter behind the huge boot of the American Forces. She rehearses what she'll say to President Bush if he brings up New Zealand's nuclear free stance when they next meet. Shows three Oscars all lined up with tags attached to them. They are being held in storage till 2003 for Lord of the Rings. David Lange, former New Zealand Prime Minister, tells New Zealanders that the United States wanted to liqudate him. Lange suggests they tried this by offering deals on bulk purchases for take-away food. The secret thoughts of Helen Clark and George W Bush when the first meet. Quantity: 18 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Darroch, Bob, 1940- :[Cartoons published in the Whangarei Report and the Christchurch S...

Date: 1999 - 2001

By: Darroch, Bob, 1940-; Christchurch star (Newspaper : 1958- )

Reference: A-316-142/160

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand social issues and politics. Unemployed fathers as role models to their sons, the pracitical side of genetic modification, 20th century sees out-of-control war, violence and death, United States aims to curb people's access to guns, election year sees 32,000 more operations being done, study shows teenages think about girls approx. every three minutes, marriages end in divorce due to the Rugby World Cup, parents supervise their children to school, move to replace cigarettes with cannabis, supermarkets selling to underage drinkers, kiwi dollar plummets to record low, family politics of winning, cricket bribery revealed, Black Caps perform poorly in cricket, children's language shocks, 600 Air Force staff made redundant, new complications of professional rugby, moves to ban children from movies that portray smoking, travellers face uncertain choice of destinations following world terrorist attacks. Original drawings for A-316-144, -152, -156 and -160 in separate folder and individually catalogued Quantity: 15 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size photocopies of ink and letraset drawings.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:14 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 28 Januar...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-666-001/014

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Quantity: 14 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size

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Brockie, Robert Ellison 1932- :'Y'all comin' with me to nail this varmit?' National Bus...

Date: 2002

From: Brockie, Robert Ellison, 1932- :Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DX-003-072

Description: American President George W Bush sits on his horse with Saddam Hussein in his rifle sites. His cowboy friends show no interest in joining him in the hunt for Saddam. Other Titles - 'Er..I'm washing my hair tonight' NZ; 'Um...' China; ''Erm...' Europe; 'Er...' Russia;'Um...' Extended Title - Blazing Saddles. Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Evans, Malcolm, 1945- :'The motion is... That this summit demands...' New Zealand Heral...

Date: 2002

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DX-002-097

Description: Helen (Clark) announces a summit resolution from the highest point of a pile of elephants dung. Perhaps putting New Zealand's voice in scale to the big world players like the United States. Extended Title - 'Hurry up Helen!' Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Brockie, Robert Ellison, 1932- :Help win the Iraq peace. National Business Review, 14 N...

Date: 2002

From: Brockie, Robert Ellison, 1932- :Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DX-003-110

Description: President of the United States, George W. Bush is a cowboy organ grinder and his chained monkey is British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Bush holds out his arrow ridden hat to ask for monney from various heads of state, including Jacques Chirac, Helen Clark, and Vladimir Putin, who walk past. Extended Title - France 'Quelle Horreur!', Germany, Russia, Turkey, NZ. The United States led invasion was launched on the 20th of March 2003. Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :And we are delighted to welcome Prime Minister Clark... Someth...

Date: 2005

From: Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]

Reference: DX-022-156

Description: The President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, introduces the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark, at the World Leaders Summit. The summit has been called to address the Boxing Day tsunami that wreaked havoc in costal areas by the Indian Ocean. Refers to the Forshore and Seabed debate that Clark had to grapple with throughout 2004. Extended Title - Welcome to Jakarta. World Leaders Tsunami Summit. Quantity: 1 digital image(s) ..

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Brockie, Robert Ellison 1932- :'Free world trade rhetoric!' National Business Review. 1...

Date: 2002

From: Brockie, Robert Ellison, 1932- :Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DX-003-059

Description: Shows United States President, George W. Bush, speaking through a TV screen about free world trade while dumping $40 billion worth of U.S. farm subsidies on New Zealand. Other Titles - $40 billion U.S. farm subsidies. NZ. Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Scott, Thomas, 1947- :'Mrs Key, what's it like standing beside the most handsome charis...

Date: 2013

From: Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[Digital cartoons published in the Dominion Post]

By: Dominion post (Newspaper)

Reference: DCDL-0024179

Description: Shows Bronagh Key standing between her husband, Prime Minister John Key, and Mexican president, Enrique Pena Nieto, looking towards Nieto. A reporter asks her what it's like standing beside the most handsome, charismatic leader in the world, and John Key responds, 'Come on guys. She's used to it by now'. Refers to a state visit to Latin America to discuss trade issues in March 2013. Nieto, who assumed office on 1 December 2012, is known for his good looks and Hollywood smile. (, 7 Mar 2013) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :"I did not .... have cheques... with that man!" 4 May 2012

Date: 2012

From: Evans, Malcolm Paul, 1945- :Digital cartoons

By: Press (Christchurch, N.Z.)

Reference: DCDL-0021122

Description: Context: (Wordplay cheques - sex) ACT Party leader John Banks received a donation in the form of two cheques that amounted to $50,000 from internet millionaire Kim Dotcom during his campaign for the Auckland supercity mayoralty in 2010 but declared it as anonymous in his campaign returns. Failure to declare donations where a candidate knows the source is punishable by up to two years imprisonment and an NZ$10,000 fine. The cartoon also makes a reference to the 'Monica Lewinsky affair' which led to the impeachment of President Clinton for lying when he said 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman'. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

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Scott, Tom, 1947- :80 cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post between 1 Septembe...

Date: 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-

Reference: H-647-001/080

Description: 80 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include Laila Harre and views on liberalisation of cannabis laws, Helen Clark asserts authority over Ms Turia, Maori and pakeha racial guilt and shame, Ms Turia reluctantly apologises for 'holocaust' comments, Dr Cullen ponders low business confidence as Grouch Marxist, Timor's Indepencence birthday celebrations destroyed by violence, Fijian-Indian refugees in Fiji following coup, political posturing over Treaty of Waitangi clause in free trade agreement with Singapore, US dollar blasts kiwi dollar, Sydney 2000 Olympics begin, Winston Peters plays the race card in the hopes of raising his popularity, Olympic swimming athletes get the once over by their female onlookers, Australian-New Zealand currency merger proposal, Prebble gets axed by Jenny Shipley, Kiwi dollar low and oil prices high, New Zealand is best at all the wrong things, sports couch potatoes, Milosevic runs for the presidency, US dollars gains steam with President Clinton in charge, women's performance at the Olympics, political awards, NZ toasts the Olympics, army peace keepers get pay review by Clark, 3 Middle East faiths based on love and compassion unable to share sacred site, Don Brash fails the Kiwi dollar, Clark and Milosevic relations, Israeli and Palestinian relations, court call for accountability of parole officers, NZ cricket sports fan still in the dark, NZ dollar down - sharemarket down - petrol prices up, Middle East pro-war protest singer, Clinton attempts to negotiate Middle East and National Party crises, Mr Mudgeway in padded cell waiting for big NZ sports win, rural economy on the up for farmers, Swain and Horomia on ownership of the Taranaki oil and gas fields, Lions rugby team claim the Air New Zealand trophy, Clark seeks an alliance with big business, Clark's alliance with big bisiness consumated, one-tree-hill pine tree felled along with Mike Smith, same-sex marriages, Clark preparing to kneecap Ruth Dyson for Norm Hewitt comments, Property Bill, Dyson resigns over drunk driving incident, purity pledge, cricket match-fixing, support for Paul Holmes' salary, lack of real choice in US presidential elections, NZ Melbourne Cup race winner, US election results on a knife edge, boxing - Lennox vs Tua, All Blacks beat France, Lennox Lewis vs David Tua boxing fight, US presidential election goes to court, English strung up as heretic, Tipene O'Reagan let's nature take its course with stranded whales, Labour Party victory conference, CNN backgrounds the US election count process, petrol prices high, US presidential election fought out on American flag, George Hawkins' suggested cost cutting measures for the Police, National Party leadership based on personality deficit of Bill English, George W. Bush wins Florida, Clarks preparation for Waitangi Day, Tainui iwi's new grievance cycle, Mrs Mudgeway's son hopes to qualify for ACC compensation, Clinton is back as President?, the new and the old All Black diet, signs of recovery in NZ economy being hidden from Don Brash, NZ/Australia defence spending and policies, Hawkins hands out pornography to Police to cut phone-sex costs, being a modern day All Black, Clark and Cullen's popularity increases, Simon Upton departs the National Party, obituary to reporter Mike Robson, America - where every judge counts in becoming President, Clark still unable to apologise to Dover Samuel, cricket at the Basin Reserve for Boxing Day test, petrol war, Anderton and Bunkle over question of where Phillida resides, Paul Holmes CD for Christmas makes Granddad throw-up. Quantity: 80 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal bromides

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