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We can connect 81 things related to 2000 and China to the places on this map.

Waerea, James, 1940- :[16 cartoons published in New Zealand Truth and TV Extra between ...

Date: 2001

By: Waerea, James, 1940-2019; NZ Truth (Newspaper)

Reference: H-658-001/016

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international issues. Quantity: 16 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: 16 A4 size photocopies of faxed drawings.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :Forty-one cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post, 1 March - ...

Date: 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-610-001/041

Description: 41 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include Jim Anderton and employment schemes, the Americas Cup, children and guns in USA, Pinochet's return to Chile, Nandor Tanczos and cannabis, the Americas Cup victory parade, oil prices, the superannuation fund, the police review, new industrial law and the Employers' Federation, cloned pigs as organ donors, gangs and cannabis supply, China/Taiwan anniversary, air force purchases, Labour's popularity, petrol prices, dairy industry merger, Helen Clark and the Oscars, red cards and the Hurricanes rugby team, Queenstown tourist accidents, children not getting enough sleep, road rules and cannabis law, state agencies and medical records, property rights in non-marital relationships, Microsoft monopoly, genetic engineering, TVNZ 'star' system, A K Grant dies, the National Party, the new honours list, biosecurity, Elian Gonzales and starvation, US bear market and the NZ stock market, President Mugabe, Marian Hobbs, ANZAC day, Australias wins against NZ in sport, Zimbabwe under Mugabe, Helen Clark and the media. Quantity: 41 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: Bromides, approximately 220 x 160mm.


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times 17 May to 15 June, ...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-650-001/025

Description: 25 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Human rights violations in China China's successful bid for Olympic games Government's 'closing the gaps' policy Badly maintained rental housing Horomia Parekura as landlord in rundown housing Government pressure on Maori Affairs Ministers to prode adequate housing as a landlord Media interest in Christine Rankin, CEO of Work and Income NZ 'ENZA' takes a greedy amount of resources Government policy on smacking children NZ Post Board conflicts Helen Clark worries about her profile falling in the wake of high publicity given to the Christine Rankin case Slobadan Milosevic misbehaves at the War Crimes Tribunal Women throughout NZ dress in Christine Rankin style to express their solidarity Flu grips New Zealanders Does Christine Rankin dress appropriately or is she a victim of a personal vendetta? Paralells between Christine Rankin and the Barbie Doll Wilful destruction of Tranzrail by Executives State Services Minister uses Auditor General to track Health Board payouts Moari make ready for the Maori TV channel The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan calls for peace between the Israel and the Palestine Electricity Reforms lead to power cuts Jim Anderton draws a paralell between Laila Harre's ambition within the Alliance and being a witch Weight loss patches National popularity languishes following the replacement of Jenny Shipley as leader President Bush embraces missile proliferation Helen Clark absorbs the high praise given her throughout the Pacific Region Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Brockie, Robert Ellison (Dr) 1932- : Eighteen photocopies of cartoons published in the ...

Date: 2000

Reference: H-638-001/018

Description: Topics include developments along the Wellington waterfront, Prime Minster Helen Clark's attack on spend-thrift television managers, controversy over the national museum Te Papa's presentation of artworks, the Constitutional Conference 2000, the rebel coup in Fiji, activist Tame Iti's visit to Fiji during the rebel coup, the character of Jenny Shipley, the Leader of the Opposition, New Zealand's health record compared to that of France, New Zealand doctors and nurses emigrating while immigrant doctors are not employed in New Zealand, Associate Minister of Maori Affairs Tariana Turia's use of the word holocaust in a Maori context, the falling New Zealand dollar, the use of human DNA in pig embryos, American miltary responses to cut-backs in New Zealand defence spending, the non-pacific nature of the Pacific Ocean, the New Zealand-Australian agreement reached over social welfare and immigration policies, logging of native forests on the West Coast, the Treaty of Waitangi Tainui settlement advantaging the Hong KOng and Shanghai Bank. Quantity: 18 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size photocopies of black ink drawings.


Tremain, Garrick :37 Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times from 16 July to 25 Aug...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-655-001/037

Description: 37 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. A panda bear sits and swings the five Olympic rings in its paws with Olympic officials commenting on China's successful bid for the Olympic games. Comment on ASH's view of underage smoking - two children walk past a cinema and a man in an alleyway furtively offers to show them pictures of people smoking. Comment on Jim Anderton's aim for a 'Peoples Bank' - Jenny Shipley is portrayed as a bank teller sitting under a signd your breath'. Public cynicism of Michael Cullen's proposed Superannuation scheme. Farmers discussing their lack of confidence in ENZA. Cartoonist's reaction to the disparity between the financial levels of sports peoples and other people when being assessed to be published on the 'rich list'. Comment on the publication that 'kiwi kids' are overweight. A male ironing clothing offers comment on Helen Clark Jenny Shipley Silvia Cartwright Sian Elias and Michelle Boag being in positions of power. Comment by a male sitting down to breakfast that deer velvet being a sex aid is 'bunkum'. Michael Cullen is shown standing next to a poker machine called 'Future Super' indication it is the helath and education monines that the poker machine needs to work on. Comment on the outcome of Max Bradford's electricity reforms. Max Bradford is in an electricial repair shop being told that if the article he brought for repair was not broken before Bradford tried to fix it it is broken now. Helen Clark Parekura Horomia and Michael Cullen presenting their individual position on the issue of Maori TV A schoolteacher chastises Max Bradford for blaming others. Michael Cullen and Helen Clark watch two overweight dogs named Super and Maori TV eating while two thin dogs named Education and Health are straining at their leads for food. A nurse opens the expectant fathers waiting room door to tell Mr Anderton to go home and he will be notified if there is any sign of labour getting serious. Early visitors arrive on the shores of New Zealand with the comment that the natives may regret not having an immigration policy. Christine Rankin wears two very large earings one labled 'winzum' the other 'lose some'. Comment on the news that the right-of-way road rule is to be revised. Jim Anderton Helen Clark and Michael Cullen cling to a life raft identified as Beneficiary Voting Block with two boaties in the background commenting that even the knowledge wave did not loosen their grip. Comment on Helen Clark's support for funding going to the arts. Comment on Laila Harre and holiday shopping Finger pointing from Pete Hodgson and Max Bradford as to who is to blame for the electricity reforms not working/ Rugby fans pay their first visit to Dunedin and pass comment on the wearing of tartan trousers. Shows a bloody battle of Gengis Khan's army. Word is being passed around to forget about the plundering and go for the 'bonus point'. Refers to the NZ cricket teams decision to stop their point scoring run glut against Australia and take the bonus point offered by a technicality. Shows two young school boys discussing public educations failure to teach reading, writing and numeracy. Shows Jim Anderton on the steps of Treasury with water flooding under the front doors and down the steps. Comment on Anderton's attempts to stop the 'leaks' coming from Treasury. Comment on the public boredom over multi-millionaire Steve Fossett's attempts to fly around the world non-stop in a hot-air balloon. Shows Marian Hobbs with a large wind instrument wrapped around her playing 'NZ Music' to a man who represents the NZ public. He has a large flat neck collar on representing the new NZ music quota. The collar prevents him from putting his fingers in his ears should not wish to listen to the music. Shows mother explaining to her crying children that their father is now going to play golf rather than take them sailing. The change is due to their father being agitated by NZ Professional Golfer Grant Waite's performance. Comment on prison staff's industrial 'go-slow' and the opportunities it creates for prisoners to escape. Shows a large area of forestry being felled for the sake of sending 'positive signals' to overseas companies. Shows an elderly couple, justifying to a squad of police officers at their front door, that they are doing all they can in the nationwide drive to save electricity. Shows Marian Hobbs introducing a rock band called 'Marian and the quotas'. Shows Sam Neill at the Jurassic Park 3 movie premiere with an old pre-historic friend. Shows a woman in an art gallery asking if a framed display is a piece of art. The gallery worker assures her it is and explains that it is Creative New Zealand's justification for their travel expenditure. Quantity: 37 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies on sheets 297 x 210 mm.


University of Otago :Stewart McLennan "Still life with decanters" c 1945; [and] Unknown...

Date: 2014 - 2015

Reference: Eph-E-UNIVERSITY-Otago-2015-01

Description: Calendar which can be used on either side, as each has a full chart of the months of the year 2014. One side shows a reproduction of a work by an unknown Cantonese artist of missionary Alexander Don and a young Chinese man, and the other reproduces a linocut by Stewart McLennan. Includes notes on each art work by Natalie Poland, Curator of Pictorial Collections, Hocken Collections, University of Otago. Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: Offset print on both sides of sheet, 840 x 595 mm. Provenance: Donated by Otago University in 2014.


Sunk by junk...

Date: 27 August 2008

From: Body, Guy Keverne, 1967-:Original cartoons. 1986-2011

By: NZ Truth (Newspaper)

Reference: A-453-006

Description: Shows a Chinese junk representing 'Chinese products' that has blasted a hole with a lead cannon ball in the side of a New Zealand ship representing 'NZ manufacturing'. A sailor in the junk says 'You'll be pleased to know we've reduced the lead content...' Refers to public concern about the high lead content in imported children's toys. Inscriptions: Recto - bottom left - 27AugA14Cartoon 186mmx133 [in pen] Quantity: 1 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: Ink and felt-tip pen on paper, 210 x 300mm


Interview with Raymond Wong

Date: 5 April 2003 - 05 Apr 2003

From: Tung Jung oral history project

By: Wong, Raymond Ling Yui, 1911-2009

Reference: OHInt-0747-10

Description: Interview with Raymond Wong, born in Wellington in 1911. Talks about family life in New Zealand and being sent to China for further education at the age of 14. Refers to his training and employment as a radio officer on coastal ships for a British company in Hong Kong. Mentions meeting his New Zealand-born wife Betty in China, marrying her in 1935, then returning to New Zealand. Discusses his father having returned earlier and set up another fruit and vegetable shop in Cuba Street and working for the family business (Wong Tong and Sons) which he joined when he came back. Comments about working in the green grocers markets and moving to Nelson in 1954 where he joined another family firm. Talks about his father's choice to immigrate to New Zealand, family experiences as Chinese immigrants and reflects on his cultural identity as a Chinese New Zealander. Interviewer(s) - Kitty Chang Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHC-014101 Quantity: 1 C90 cassette(s). 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 30 Minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete OHA-5057. Colour ink jet print image of Raymond Wong and his wife (no date). Search dates: 1911 - 2003


Interview with Harry Moon

Date: 02 Jan 2004

From: Tung Jung oral history project

By: Moon, Harry, 1931-

Reference: OHInt-0747-05

Description: Interview with Harry Moon, born in Jung Seng district of Guangzhou, China, in 1931. At the start of WWII, Harry, aged 8, was taken on a refugee's permit from Hong Kong to his father in New Zealand. Mother returned to China. Harry taught Confucist morals and philosophy. Father and 3 uncles had market garden in Wairoa. Went to Wairoa school - learned English easily. Later moved to Gisborne and stayed with uncle. Then moved to Nelson and stayed with uncle Mr Ng King Ming who had a fruit shop. Harry went to Nelson College. He expected to return to China after the war but the Labour government granted refugees permanent residency so Harry stayed in NZ. In 1948 (age 17) sent back by father to China for 2 years to experience Chinese culture. Advised to return to NZ when the Communists took control in 1949. Mother also came to NZ at that time. 1949-50 worked in Gisborne for his uncle Mr Ng Norman Yew Luen. Moved to Wellington and worked for Ken and Jessie Wong She in Molesworth Street and then for Jack Young in Cuba Street. Lent money by father to buy a fruit shop in Johnsonville in 1952. Bought another shop in Johnsonville Mall in 1961 and worked there until he retired in 1996. Discusses new business practices and auction system - business 'snowballed.' Freedom to spend time with children and grandchildren. Feels he is a mixture of 50% Chinese and 50% New Zealander - adapts well to both worlds. Reflects on the importance and emphasis on Chinese language and culture in NZ in the early days. Discusses wider horizons for the young ones. Reflects on need to make next generation financially secure after coming from an impoverished country. Harry feels accepted in NZ, has not experienced racial prejudice. Reflects on changes in attitudes towards 'foreigners' over time - today more tolerance and understanding. Interviewer(s) - Kitty Chang Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHC-014096 Quantity: 1 C90 cassette(s). 1 printed abstract(s). 1 interview(s). 1.20 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete OHA-5052. 2 Photocopies of a photograph of Harry Moon aged about 8, with his father in Wairoa. Colour photograph of Harry Moon at the time of the interview Search dates: 1931 - 2004


Interview with Dorothy Gee

Date: 6 October 2005 - 06 Oct 2005

From: Oral history of Chinese women in New Zealand

By: Gee, Dorothy, 1921-2013

Reference: OHInt-0804-03

Description: Oral history interview with Dorothy Gee (nee Bing), born in 1921 in Patea. Talks about her family background. Details schooling in Auckland - mentions Parnell School. Discusses the fruit shop her mother opened in Parnell - decribes their house above the shop. Talks about her family's visit to China - mentions the voyage to Sydney on the 'Wanganella'. Describes her parents village in China - details the length of their stay. Talks about her schooling in China. Discusses their return to New Zealand - talks about settling in Blenheim. Details the family business they started there. Recalls meeting her husband George - discusses their marriage in 1940, the birth of their children, and the shop they managed in Wellington. Talks about George's involvement in municipal affairs - refers to him becoming the first Chinese mayor in New Zealand. Details the various places she has visited around the world. Mentions her meetings with various Governors General, the Queen, Princess Ann, Princess Alexandra, and the Ambassadors of China and America. Talks about starting the Women's Guild at the Chinese Anglican Church - mentions running the Anglican Church bazaar. Mentions her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Talks about the growth in opportunities for Chinese women in New Zealand. Access Contact - See Oral History Librarian Interviewer(s) - Kitty Chang Accompanying material - 1 colour photograph, 9 x 11.5 cm, October 2005, and 1 black and white copy of a photograph, 1940; biographical information relating to Dorothy Gee. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHC-014736 Quantity: 1 C90 cassette(s). 1 printed abstract(s). 0.56 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete OHA-5333. 1 colour photograph, 9 x 11.5 cm, of Dorothy Gee, October, 2005; 1 black and white copy of of a wedding photograph of Dorothy and George Gee, 1940. Search dates: 1921 - 2005


Interview with Jean Meng Yee

Date: 27 April 2006 - 27 Apr 2006

From: Oral history of Chinese women in New Zealand

By: Meng Yee, Jean, 1938-

Reference: OHInt-0804-08

Description: Oral history interview with Jean Meng Yee (nee Louie), born 1938 in Taishan, China. Talks about her early life in Hong Kong and Taishan - mentions the Japanese invasion of China. Details her father's life in New Zealand and China. Discusses life in Taishan during and immediately after World War II. Talks about her arrival in New Zealand in 1949 - discusses adjusting to life in New Zealand. Details the Chinese traditions practiced by her family. Refers to her marriage - mentions the Chinese community in Gisborne. Access Contact - See Oral History Librarian Interviewer(s) - Kitty Chang Accompanying material - 2 colour photographs, 10 x 7.5 cm and 9 x 12 cm, 1 copy of a photograph; an extract from the Gisborne Baptist Church Bulletin, Sunday 11th January, 1959, Vol 4/No 2; biographical information relating to Jean Meng Yee. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHC-014744 Quantity: 1 C90 cassette(s). 1 printed abstract(s). 1.27 Hours and minutes Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete OHA-5338. 2 colour photographs, 10 x 7.5 cm and 9 x 12 cm, of Jean Meng Yee. April 2006; 1 copy of a photograph of Allan and Jean Meng Yee on their wedding day, 3rd January, 1959. Search dates: 1938 - 2006


Interview with Judith Cheung

Date: 23 October 2005 - 23 Oct 2005

From: Oral history of Chinese women in New Zealand

By: Cheung, Judith, 1937-

Reference: OHInt-0804-01

Description: Oral history interview with Judith Cheung (nee Lowe), born on the 8th February 1937 in Goon Fu, China. Talks about her parents - details her father's life in New Zealanad prior to his marriage. Discusse coming to New Zealand as a war refugee - mentions Keith and Doreen Lowe, and Bickky Fong. Recalls her father's grocery shop in Gisborne. Talks about beginning school in New Zealand - mentions attending a Chinese School in Gisborne. Recounts how she recieved her English name. Recalls how she learnt to speak English. Discusses the Chinese community in Gisborne - mentions concerts and festivals organised by the community. Discusses race relation between Maori, Pakeha and Chinese in Gisborne while she was growing up. Mentions her father's objection to her wish to persue tertiary training. Talks about running the grocery shop for her parents. Discusses her trip to Hong Kong with her cousin Betty - talks about travelling into China - mentions seeing Chairman Mao. Discusses feelings about returning to China and seeing her extended family. Details her trip home through Japan - mentions Yering Ching Sing and William Kwok. Mentions meeting her husband Alex in Hong Kong - details their engagement and marriage ceremony. Discusses their decision to live in New Zealand rather than Hong Kong. Talks about the toy manufacturing business they started in Auckland - details the division of work between her and her husband and the production process. Discusses their investment in a market near the Auckland railway station. Mentions the sovernir shops they established in Auckland. Talks about her children and their respective careers. Discusses her position as Foundation Secretary and then President of the Tung Jung Association in Auckland - mentions Peter Chan. Talks about being Charter Member of the Rotary International Club - discusses the joint projects undertaken with the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU). Discusses her current work with community groups within New Zealand. Talks about the opportunities for Chinese women in New Zealand - discusses the importance of connecting with their Chinese heritage. Access Contact - See Oral History Librarian Interviewer(s) - Kitty Chang Accompanying material - 1 colour photograph, 27 x 20 cm [date unknown]; biographical information relating to Judith Cheung. Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHC-014733 Quantity: 1 C90 cassette(s). 1 printed abstract(s). 1 Hours Duration. Finding Aids: Abstract Available - abstracting complete OHA-5331. 1 colour photograph, 27 x 20 cm, of Judy Cheung [date unknown]. Search dates: 1937 - 2005


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[25 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 1 June...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-677-001/025

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Shows father and son watching a World Cup Soccer game. The boy comments that he's going to play soccer when he grows up as it gives him all day to do something else. Comment on the nature of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Shows Sharon and Arafat as two dogs. Sharon is huge and dangerous and Arafat is small and timid. George W Bush points out Arafat as being the dangerous dog and the other needing to be put on a lead for his own protection. Comparing the Black Caps cricket performance with the teachers strike. The Beehive is bombarded by a swarm of Painted Apple Moth demanding an apology from Helen Clark. Refers to all the apologies Clark has given recently. Nandor Tanczos argues that using cannabis has never done him any harm. Helen Clark defends her position on giving special treatment to Maori. Walking frames are unloaded ready for a political address by Winston Peters. Helen Clark prays to God to look after the country while she campaigns. She reassures God she'll pick the job up again on the 28th of July (the day after the election). Jim Anderton receives a gold Mickey Mouse watch from his former Alliance Party colleagues. A New Zealand couple receive a written apology from Helen Clark for the things she will do once back in power. Helen Clark and Bill English get breifed about not hitting below the belt. Helen Clark's belt (popularity) goes all the way up to her arm-pits and Bill English's belt only comes up to her knees. A storm cloud (resurgent unionism) rains over a school. The forecast is for continuing stormy weather for the next three years. Helen Clark stands on a chair screaming as 4 large rats (Rising Dollar, Falling Commodity Prices, Popularity Decline, Rising Interest Rates) approach her. A child comments on the 2002 snap election. Helen Clark does the Dance of the Seven Veils with possible election dates. The audience call for her to give them a date. A man is about to take a pill (rural GP subsidy) but it is too little to help with his condition, a giant knife (rural dissolution policies) through his body. Shows Winston Peters using immigration to brew up trouble as a way of getting back into power. Comment on the number of apologies the Prime Minister has been making. Comment on the likelihood of the Teacher Settlement Package being ratified. Shows Helen Clark ticking off the list of apologies she's planning to make. Comment on the possibility of a mad-cow disease outbreak in New Zealand. Shows Helen Clark holding firm on not letting anything out in regards to the possible election date. Shows Air New Zealand's new no-frills airline, the plane has no seats. Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Scott, Thomas, 1947- :[23 copies of cartoons published in the Evening Post between 27 J...

Date: 2001

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-; Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.)

Reference: H-673-001/023

Description: Cartoons on political and social issues including: Rugby referee laying down the rules to the All Blacks and their competing team. Comment on the Christine Rankin (WINZ) case where various public servants accused her of dressing in a sexually provocative way. Shows Slobadov Milosevic being taken to the guillotine (World Court). He seems unaware of what he's done wrong. Comment on Christine Rankin's credibility in not being re-appointed as CEO of WINZ. Comment on the crisis facing the NZ Post Board and where the blame is being placed by the CEO and the rest of NZ Post. Shows Slobodan Milosevic at the World Court facing War Crimes charges. He does not accept the jurisdiction of the court. Cartoon shows his hands and fore-arms soaked and dripping with blood. Shows male public opinion on the comments by the head of the PM's Dept., Mark Prebble, over not knowing where to look when he caught sight of Christine Rankin's breasts. Show's the two sides of political alliance with Helen Clark by NZ Post Chairman of the Board, Ross Armstrong. Mark Prebble explains how public servants in the Labour administration should model themselves on the Soviet Politburo. He suggest Christine Rankin model herself on Mrs Kruschev who is shown as obese and with only her face and forearms showing. Comment on under-age drinking. Cartoon obituary to New Zealand film maker John O'Shea, 1920-2001. Comment on the deteriorating relationship between enza and fruit growers. Shows members of the public commenting on the Versace fashion exhibition at Te Papa. Shows a Tibetan in the stocks. He congratulates China, his oppressor, being the next Olympic games hosts. Shows consumer confusion over multiple power providers and name changes along with power cuts and expensive power bills leading to illness and possible premature death. Shows Tiger Woods commenting on the $500 fee golf fans are asked to pay to watch him play. Shows whales contemplating their move up the world's hit list. Comment on Michelle Boag's new prominence in the National Party with the ex-Prime Minister Jenny Shipley now in her shadow. Comment on globalisation and free trade protests. Comment on the Governments reaction to huge electricity price hikes. Comment on the poor state of the public Health System. Shows Max Bradford, Minister of Electricity, reporting his success in electricity reforms, only to be shown up by a power cut. Shows two rat scientists discussing how human experiments with genetics led to the rats becoming the dominant species and in turn exterminating humans. A human skeleton is in the foreground. Quantity: 23 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: B5 size bromides.


Scott, Tom, 1947- :85 cartoon bromides published in the Evening Post between 2 February...

Date: 2000

By: Scott, Thomas Joseph, 1947-

Reference: H-648-001/085

Description: 85 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include cricketers, PM's avoidance of Waitangi Day protests, Treaty of Waitangi signing 1840, Maori sovereignty, Israel's hard line on Palestine, perils of being a child in NZ, Rugby sevens, Fiji's lack of moral fibre, genetic relationship between humans and slugs, corporate savaging of small shareholders, dairy farmers play down record returns, farmer reaction to vet strike, People's Bank documents leaked, Anderton looks for way to get rid of Phillida Bunkle, cricket rules questioned, possible beaurocracy of Kiwi Bank, NZ Post attempts to gag Richard Prebble, Bunkle and Hobbs on political scrap-heap, NZ rich list, possum damage Australian tax payer responsibility, cricket match-fixing, Bunkle unlikely to get back into Cabinet, extended rugby season not cricket, Kiwi Bank customers may bring their debt with them, Super-12 referees, census forms, British border control officials under fire, NZ scenery blocked by pine trees, ACT conservation policy - eat Kiwis, Germans announce NZ sheep have scrapies, Winstone Peters argues against opinion polls, RCD farmers support border control of foot-and-mouth, TVNZ presenters fight amongst themselves, Helen Clark and her husband communicate via e-mail, Clark defends and attacks her husband, CNN broadcasts incorrect information about NZ cases of foot-and-mouth disease, skyhawks put out to pasture, Clark and Shipley fight it out, MIR space station breaks up, Hobbs on the rack, Air Force apologise to Clark, Clark wins 'scariest skirt' award, George W Bush's stance on carbon dioxide emissions, Jonathon Hunt fails to name drunken MP's, Milosovich faces punishment, Clark and Anderton negotiate deal to get rid of Bunkle, Bush's foreign policy stance escalates world tensions, women in leadership roles - men ponder their choices, Bush questions the colour of 'red China', Tiger Woods - king of the golf world, Clark hot and cold on America, Shipley faces political crisis, schizophrenic flatmates, Ansett NZ maintenance, Anderton farmers' favourite, schizophrenic flatmates, cervical screening and justice, Rankin missed by bomb on WINZ building, message from Qantas NZ, airline collapses while owner plays golf, dawn parade 2030, Saturn TV, Bush armwrestles Chinese dragon, King and budget decisions, air ticket competition, US impose tariffs on NZ farmers, white house and star wars, Hurricanes fans pray for victory, Clark axes skyhawks, Hitler and Hirohito and Clark, female, sex and animals, arms race history, TVNZ internal affairs, Clark and Blair campaigns, McVeigh dies in Oklahoma, Clark out of touch, Peters makes a come-back, burning effigies, global warming, Dairy Board merger, Maori Party, taxing home ownership, soya sauce scare, Bob Dylan on Radio NZ, importance of appearance in the public service. 85 H-648-033 misrecorded as a Tom Scott cartoon when it is in fact a Garrick Tremain. Refiled H-645 series. Quantity: 85 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: A4 bromides


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:49 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-645-001/049

Description: 49 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Quantity: 49 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies

Online Image

Brockie, Robert Ellison 1932-:NZ Ratifies Kyoto emissions protocols. National Business ...

Date: 2001

From: Brockie, Robert Ellison, 1932- :Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DX-003-042

Description: Shows the legs of the big boys on the international stage, US, Australia, India and China with NZ only reaching their ankles in relative size. NZ is committing suicide on it's sword by ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on carbon emmisions while the big 4 are holding back. Extended Title - US. AUSTRALIA. INDIA. CHINA. NZ. '...we lead by example' Quantity: 1 digital image(s).

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Hubbard, James, 1949- : "What's with all these disasters?.." 13 March 2011

Date: 2011

From: Hubbard, James, 1949-: Digital caricatures and cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0017302

Description: The cartoon is a spoof of Rodin's famous sculpture 'The thinker' and shows it with a globe for its head. It holds a newspaper that reads 'Massive 'quake in Japan - ChCh. 'quake, China 'quake, Aus. Floods fires etc. etc.' The thinker ponders 'What's with all these disasters?..' Context - The massive earthquake in Japan that led to a devastating tsunami and now threats from several damaged nuclear power stations, the earthquakes in Christchurch on 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011, the 5.8-magnitude earthquake in Yingjiang County, southwest China's Yunnan Province on March 15, 2011, and the January floods in Queensland, Australia, as well as bush fires on the outskirts of the Western Australia capital Perth. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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"This report on your abuse of travel perks is out - it says the infringements are only ...

Date: 2010

From: Fletcher, David, 1952- :Digital cartoons

Reference: DCDL-0016270

Description: 'The Politician' cartoon strip. The minister's aide tells him that the report on his travel perk infringements is out and his offending was only minor. The minister wishes he had infringed rather more since he may have got away with it. This refers to the Pansy Wong affair. Minister of Women's Affairs Pansy Wong resigned from her portfolio after it was revealed that on a trip to China in 2008 her husband Sammy Wong was involved in a business deal. An independent investigation of travel claims by Mrs Wong and her husband Sammy was ordered by Speaker Lockwood Smith. The trip was made with a 90 percent taxpayer-funded rebate on their airfares, and it is against the rules to use the allowance for private business. Mrs Wong has apologised and paid back the $474 rebate for the China trip. An Auditor-General's inquiry called for by the Labour opposition is not considered necessary. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :Building a bridge. Otago Daily Times, 31 May 2005.

Date: 2005

From: Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]

Reference: DX-022-262

Description: Shows New Zealand Prime Minister, Helen Clark, dressed in overalls and with a hammer in her hand building a bridge between New Zealand and China. In the gap between the two countries which are depicted as cliffs, with the name, 'China' on the left and 'New Zealand' on the right are a great many prisoners, some in chains, some holding tools. The phrase 'prison labour' appears beneath them. Refers to Helen Clark's visit to China looking for an early agreement on a comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA) but China's civil rights abuses could create complications. Quantity: 1 digital image(s) ..

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