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We can connect 302 things related to 2000, Scoop (Firm), and 2010 to the places on this map.
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Doyle, Martin, 1956-:Warning to farmers - wild animal killing stock. 3 May 2011

Date: 2011

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0017718

Description: Text reads 'Warning to farmers - wild animals killing stock!'It continues with lengthy text that suggest that a prize bull on the Molesworth (St.) Station has been viciously killed by having its head ripped off, its guts removed and its 'hide' ripped off in a 'brash' attack. Context - this is a metaphor for the trouncing of former ACT leader Rodney Hide by former National leader Don Brash who has taken over the role himself. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Heartfelt Plea - Wood the person hoo keeps depositing large amoun...

Date: 2012

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0021291

Description: Context: Leader of the ACT Party, John Banks, lied about so-called anonymous donations made to his Auckland mayoralty campaign. In fact they had come from Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :If you're a visitor to Auckland and you see this jabbed at you by...

Date: 2011

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0018810

Description: The cartoon shows a hand making an offensive gesture. Text says that 'If you're a visitor in Auckland and you see this jabbed at you by another motorist... relax - it's just Tau Henare (one of our MPs) saying hello.' Context: Refers to an incident in Auckland when Tau Henare gave the fingers to another driver and shouted abuse at her. He was driving a National Party car. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Kuri Porangi Primary - All us kidz went 2 a fool skool assembly t...

Date: 2012

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0022368

Description: Shows Prime Minister John Key pointing out features of the league tables with Education Minister Hekia Parata sitting behind him bound and gagged and John Banks with a paper bag over his head. Context: Refers to the controversial 'league tables', the publishing of 'national standards' results for each school. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956-:"How the hell do you unpack this lot?" 27 April 2011

Date: 2011

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0017716

Description: A customs official wonders 'How the hell do you unpack this lot?' as he surveys a suitcase overflowing with cocaine and various kinds of strange creatures. A snake says 'We were set up by some nasty manipulative creep!', a spider says 'There was a whole web of them', some bug says 'I'm a silly girl...' and someone enjoys the cocaine 'This is good stuff, man...' Context - The problem of smuggling drugs and rare animals but specifically the case of New Zealander Sharon Armstrong has been imprisoned in Argentina after being caught with 5k of cocaine concealed in the base of a suitcase. She says she feels foolish and has been caught in a scam. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Stunning new entries in the World of Unwearable Art!... 5 August ...

Date: 2011

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0018525

Description: Text reads 'Stunning new entries in the WORLD OF UNWEARABLE ART!' The cartoon shows a young women split into six parts and surrounded by text relating to 'VSM' (Voluntary Student Membership) - 'designer: Heather Roy at her most savage best, ripping the student world apart...' Context: The cartoon addresses the Education (Freedom of Association) Amendment Bill...generally know as VSM Bill. An ACT Party Bill intended to dismantle compulsory student unions, promoted by Heather Roy (now in the name of Sir Roger Douglas), will undermine the services, facilities and vibrant campus environments that students currently use and enjoy. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956-:If anyone puts a false bottom on your suitcase at an airport, be w...

Date: 2011

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0017717

Description: Text reads 'If anyone puts a false bottom on your suitcase at an airport, be worried. (Be very worried.) A man with a false bottom attached to him sits on a suitcase in the customs area of an Argentinian airport. Context - the case of New Zealander Sharon Armstrong has been imprisoned in Argentina after being caught with 5k of cocaine concealed in the base of a suitcase. She says she feels foolish and has been caught in a scam. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Offer you can't refuse. 12 July 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0025578

Description: Nigel Morrison in the guise of a croupier announces 'OK, here's the deal, MPs. Vote for the Bill today or you wake up tomorrow with your Convention Centre in downtown Darwin'. Accompanying note from cartoonist states 'SkyCity's "warning" to MPs ahead of their "conscience" vote on the Convention Centre deal changes the game from blackjack to blackmail. My cartoon depicts Nigel Morrison, SkyCity Entertainment managing director, in the role of Dealer at a card table filled with 'parliamentarians''. Skycity manangement warned that if the Convention Centre Bill was not passed they would withdraw their offer of providing a Convention Centre in Auuckland. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Never smelt better. 9 August 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Facebook (Firm); Scoop (Firm); Twitter Inc (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0025835

Description: A pot of gold, according to its label, worth $30 million, is poured into the aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point. Surrounding onlookers, 'Rio Dorado', 'Tiwai', 'Meridian' and another, make comments. The anonymous person asks 'What the flamin' hell is all that yellow stuff?' 'Tiwai' replies that it is 'liquid gold from the beehive smelter' and 'Meridian' comments 'Never smelt better'. Accompanying note from cartoonist states: '$30 mil is a gilt-edged sticking plaster over a festering smelter. Still, good work if you can get it.' In August 2013, after threats from Rio Tinto ('Rio Dorado' - 'Golden River'), the majority shareholder of the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter, of closure, the government gave a $30 million subsidy to support the smelter, guard against any unemployment and ensure that the smelter's power supplier, Meridian Energy, would still be able to offer a reasonable share price in the upcoming partial sale of its assets. This was widely regarded as blatant corporate welfare. Published on Martin Doyle's cartoon Facebook site ( and Twitter (Twitter@Mart_cartoons) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Unified, loving team. 24 September 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm); Twitter Inc (Firm); Facebook (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026195

Description: Shows David Cunliffe, the new Labour Party leader stating that "Labour is now a unified, loving team. And anyone who doesn't think so is going to wake up tomorrow to find they've been horribly murdered during the night". A devil-like figure on his left shoulder adds "Possibly with a bungee cord". Accompanying note from the cartoonist states "David Cunliffe's first days as Labour leader have brought a chorus of sweetness and light from his caucus edged though it is with a certain cold steel." Cartoon was also self published on Martin Doyle's cartoon Facebook site ( and Twitter (Twitter@Mart_cartoons) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Leak both ways. 25 September 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm); Twitter Inc (Firm); Facebook (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026197

Description: Cartoons commenting on political and social issues worldwide, published on the Scoop news website. Accompanying note from the cartoonist states "What exactly does Nick Smith think a Minister of Conservation is paid to do; snoop on DOC staff... or listen to their actual warnings of "toxic" waterways? Cartoon depicts Nick Smith." Cartoon was also self published on Martin Doyle's cartoon Facebook site ( and Twitter (Twitter@Mart_cartoons) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :An abject submission. 20 September 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm); Twitter Inc (Firm); Facebook (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026193

Description: Shows two figures one representing DOC (Department of Conservation)/Doris Johnston and Nick Smith. The figure representing DOC/Doris Johnston states "Fish just LOVE swimming in sewerage!" and Nick Smith adds "That's what submission is all about". Accompanying note from the cartoonist states "DOC's craven submission (or not) concerning water quality issues arising from the proposed Ruataniwha Dam is a disgrace to the department. DOC is like a blind, bottom-dwelling fish that's lost sight of its raison d'etre. Cartoon depicts 'DOC' (only indirectly via gender depicting Doris Johnston, DOC) and Minister of Conservation Nick Smith." Cartoon was also self published on Martin Doyle's cartoon Facebook site ( and Twitter (Twitter@Mart_cartoons) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Screening the applicants. 7 October 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026352

Description: Accompanying note from cartoonist states 'Wellington City Council's decision to employ unpaid members of the public to monitor its security cameras is an innocent but early indication of how universal surveillance will be managed: citizen on citizen. Training individuals is like herding cats'. Cartoon shows a group of people watching footage from a CCTV camera. Footage is headed 'CCTV footage 0247 - any night, Courtney Place' The screen shows a woman being groped by a hand. The police trainer says to the group 'If this incident were captured on one of your surveillance monitors, what would be your gut reaction?' The responses from members of the group are 'Look at the arse on that thing'?', 'Chop his filthy, groping hand off with a bloody meat cleaver!', 'It looks a whole load more than a cheeky pinch but the real nuts of this crime (or not) is held by the nature of the man and woman's pre-existing relationship.' A screening officer holds a card in his hand stating 'Applicants for CCTV screen monitoring. Answers' He says 'You're all wrong. The female on the monitor has an expired warrant on her car - Dispatch a parking warden immediately!!!' Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Shagpile in the Mayor's limo. 16 October 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026403

Description: Accompanying note from cartoonist states 'Attention all Prudes! A right royal bit of rumpy-pumpy in the Queen City. Cartoon depicts Auckland Mayor Len Brown'. Text in the cartoon states, "Being mayor of Auckland means coming home shagged from work every single day!". Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :String Pullers. 18 October 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026449

Description: Accompanying note from cartoonist states 'Although virtually suppressed by mainstream media, the real shock of the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang affair is how the 'scandal' has been massaged and managed by right-wing political operators [aligned with National Party, John Palino, and even John Key who told TV viewers he reads "Whale Oil", the muck-raking website]. This event prefigures a dirtier future New Zealand. Cartoon depicts in puppet form Mayor Len Brown and a person he had an affair with, Bevan Chuang.' Cartoon shows two puppets, Auckland mayor, Len Brown and former mistress Bevan Chuang, being manipulated by the puppetmaster, an Orc, as an audience looks on. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Lundy 3 Hundy. 23 October 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026478

Description: A Policeman tells police in a police patrol car 'Sorry, boys, but the breakneck Lundy Three Hundy is cancelled! Go home and come up with a new scenario!' Accompanying note from cartoonist states 'It's not just the proposed Lundy 3 Hundy race that jars with New Zealanders. The whirlwind sprint itself, as alleged at trial, has long since been shown to be an impossible feat. Both need garaging'. Refers to planned race from Karamea Street, Palmerston North to Petone and back within three hours to mark the alleged double murder of Amber and Christine Lundy by Mark Lundy in August 2000. Other people had already established that such unlikely, and serious doubts about the evidence and timing of the alleged events, but the 'Lundy 3 Hundy' was a publicity stunt. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Maui's disappearing dolphin. 26 November 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026739

Description: Accompanying note from cartoonist states, "When there is only 55 of your species left, there is no room for half measures. Maui's dolphin deserves our all. Comments on the irony of the North Island being renamed Te Ika a Maui when the Maui's dolphin [named after the island] faces near extinction in the face of dubious moves to protect it". Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :Making a killing from oil. 25 November 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0026738

Description: Accompanying note from cartoonist states, "It's true we'll make a killing if we strike oil, but has anyone checked to see who's being killed.... Cartoon addresses the deep sea oil drilling issue off Raglan and Greenpeace's protest." Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :[Spot of Botha] 12 February 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0023984

Description: Commentary from the artist: 'I know this was a heavyweight boxing match but just how heavy is healthy for a boxer? Botha isn't just older than Moses, he's also obese.' Under the title 'Botha uses a banned substance!' the cartoonist accuses the overweight and superannuated boxer, Francois Botha, of 'dosing himself ' with whale blubber in his bout with the former rugby union and league player, Sonny Bill Williams, on 8 February 2013. The mismatch was obvious. Also refers to Botha being found after the bout to have used two banned substances. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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Doyle, Martin, 1956- :'Welcome to Brainzeal!' 25 February 2013

Date: 2013

From: Doyle, Martin Maurice Michael Thomas, 1956- :Digital cartoons

By: Scoop (Firm)

Reference: DCDL-0024111

Description: Commentary from the artist: 'A positive, whimsical spin on the collapse of Mainzeal construction company, and its abandoned site on the Victoria University campus. Concides with the start of the academic year for students.' When the construction firm Mainzeal went into receivership in February 2013, their contracted work on the Victoria University of Wellington was unfinished. The cartoonist suggests a solution to this problem. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

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