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We can connect 1 thing related to 1900, Sweden, TAPUHI, and Clark, Helen Elizabeth (Rt Hon), 1950- to the places on this map.

Scott, Thomas, 1947- :Political cartoons published in the Evening Post from 1 April 199...

Date: 1998

Reference: H-501-001/021

Description: Shows the race for the rural vote with National in the lead, followed by Act and Labour in the rear. Comment on Paul Holmes seeking to be Mayor of Auckland while retaining his nightly TV show. All Blacks captain Sean Fitzpatrick retires from rugby - a tribute. Shows the tension between Winston Peters and Bill Birch. Shows the only ones winning from the Melbourne docks picket are the lawyers. John Luxton explains why New Zealand should phase out tariffs ahead of the rest of the world. A guy at the pub suggests introducing a work for the cabinet salary scheme would have more effect than a work for the dole scheme. Pol Pot is met in Hell by Hitler and Stalin. Politicians lobby to a near empty hall. The public favour paying for their televised sport rather than pay more on their Broadcasting Licence fee to get free to air sports. Paul Holmes agrees with himself that he would make an outstanding Mayor for Auckland. Helen Clark shows a growing obsession with the National leader, Jenny Shipley. Max Bradford sees the benefits of splitting up ECNZ. A toast to the Northern Ireland peace deal. Graham Latimer calls for Maori to get superannuation at age 50. Winston Peters thinks that informed public servants should not have any say in the debate over splitting ECNZ. Winston Peters tries to reassure New Zealanders they have nothing to fear about the Japanese economy committing hara kiri. Outbreak of crytoporidiosis linked to public swimming pools. Jenny Shipley and Winston Peters wear the defeat over the Government's referendum proposal on Auckland's local body assets. Money considerations guide surgical decisions in New Zealand hospitals. The elderly have the national superannuation surcharge removed. Quantity: 21 cartoon bromide(s). Physical Description: Sizes vary slightly, the average cartoon frame being approximately 14 x 20 cm.

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