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We can connect 15 things related to Tremain, Garrick, 1941- and Politics and government to the places on this map.

1 original and 5 cartoon photocopies by Malcolm Walker, 6 cartoon photocopies by Daryl ...

Date: 1999 - 2000

By: Walker, Malcolm, 1950-; Crimp, Daryl, 1958-; Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Sunday News (Newspaper)

Reference: H-620-001/013

Description: 13 cartoons on political and social issues. The topics include Labour-Alliance coalition government, Cullen's financial direction for the government, the demise of National to the benefit of Labour, New Year celebrations, the dawning of the millennium, inconsistent court sentencing, marital relations during Super-12 season, the public is warned about Crimp, Jenny Shipley supports the All Blacks, rugby coach speaks out about players taking drugs, sportswomen pose nude for cash, women's squash tops NZ sporting highlights, interview with Steffi Graf. Quantity: 13 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: 1 original A4 cartoon by Walker, ink on paper. 12 horizontal A4 photocopies.


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:61 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 10 Octobe...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-661-001/061

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Quantity: 61 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times 16 June to 13 July,...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-651-001/023

Description: 23 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Europeans clean-up after the Americans' bloody their hands with oil deals Rural NZ angry following power price increases. Michael Cullen and Winston Peters play the sweet tune of "superannuation" leading the public to their demise. Swiss Government permit their army to carry guns when peacekeeping for the first time. Room for only one dairy industry trader in NZ's global outreach. A choice must be made between the NZ Dairy Group and Kiwi William Hague loses the British election to Tony Blair. Michael Cullen reassures the public the political parties can reach a concensus over superannuation. Public confidence is low over Air NZ's ability to make good management decisions following their purchase of Ansett. Winston Peters climbs back into the picture of superannuation ready to kick it around as a political football. The Labour Party woo Winston Peters over their new super scheme. Air NZ's purchase of Ansett seen as the white elephant that will end up grounding the Air NZ fleet. Publicans question the significance of second hand smoke in bars compared with second hand beer. Public cynicism of Michael Cullen's proposed Superannuation scheme. Laila Harre places the issue of paid parental leave at the Prime Minister's doorstep demanding it be dealt with now. The Public Health system is reeling from ongoing restructuring and unable to deal their basic functions. Public opinion that the lowering of the drinking age leads to a lack of sober youth to fight for the country. A new ever demanding creature has been given birth by the government - venture capital. Michael Cullen hails the budget as 'prosperity in our time'. Michael Cullen disparagingly hopes that the Prime Minister is not playing fast and loose with the country's money. Airline accidents impact on New Zealanders. Local council members seek for youth to be represented on council. Could this be Jim Anderton's next big idea, the people's airforce with armed troops flying hang gliders? NZ taxpayers show their displeasure with funding the Prime Minister's settlement for defamation in the Yelash case. Restuaranteer's reactions to the proposed 50% smoke free legislation. Helen Clark tries to make the Green Party seem more palatable to Alliance leader, Jim Anderton. Quantity: 23 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Tremain, Garrick :Forty-eight cartoon photocopies, published in the Otago Daily Times, ...

Date: 1999

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-557

Description: Political cartoons and caricatures. Quantity: 48 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies, A4 size


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:30 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-639-001/030

Description: 30 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Quantity: 30 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times 17 May to 15 June, ...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-650-001/025

Description: 25 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Human rights violations in China China's successful bid for Olympic games Government's 'closing the gaps' policy Badly maintained rental housing Horomia Parekura as landlord in rundown housing Government pressure on Maori Affairs Ministers to prode adequate housing as a landlord Media interest in Christine Rankin, CEO of Work and Income NZ 'ENZA' takes a greedy amount of resources Government policy on smacking children NZ Post Board conflicts Helen Clark worries about her profile falling in the wake of high publicity given to the Christine Rankin case Slobadan Milosevic misbehaves at the War Crimes Tribunal Women throughout NZ dress in Christine Rankin style to express their solidarity Flu grips New Zealanders Does Christine Rankin dress appropriately or is she a victim of a personal vendetta? Paralells between Christine Rankin and the Barbie Doll Wilful destruction of Tranzrail by Executives State Services Minister uses Auditor General to track Health Board payouts Moari make ready for the Maori TV channel The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan calls for peace between the Israel and the Palestine Electricity Reforms lead to power cuts Jim Anderton draws a paralell between Laila Harre's ambition within the Alliance and being a witch Weight loss patches National popularity languishes following the replacement of Jenny Shipley as leader President Bush embraces missile proliferation Helen Clark absorbs the high praise given her throughout the Pacific Region Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:32 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2000

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-631-001/032

Description: Topics include George W. Bush's takeover from Bill Clinton as President of the United States, the race between Al Gore and George W. Bush for the United States Presidency, Bush's pro-capital punishment record, pay cuts for television newsreaders, Associate Minister of Maori Affairs Tariana Turia's controversial use of the word 'holocaust', health restructuring, lip service at the APEC trade talks, Prime Minister Helen Clark's new persona as a fashion icon, indigenous Maori responses to whale strandings, indigenous 'rights' to whaling, low funding of police and police recruitment, the government's 'Closing of the Gaps' policy and racial harmony, the Serious Frand Office, the aftermath of the Fiji coup and government policy on sporting contacts, the legalisation of euthanasia in the Netherlands, smoking restrictions, sex education, teaching of spelling, subdivision town planning dispute in Queenstown, the World Trade Organisation and United States lamb tariffs, Australian attitudes towards aborigines and kiwi immigrants, protest at Waitangi Day celebrations, tree conservation and Christmas trees, and Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton's wish to establish a 'Peoples' Bank'. Quantity: 32 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Tremain, Garrick :Thirty-nine cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times, 3...

Date: 1999

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-552

Description: Political cartoons and caricatures. Quantity: 39 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies, A4 size.


Tremain, Garrick 1941- :Cartoons published in Otago Daily Times, 27 August to 1 October...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-659-001/030

Description: Suggested increases in Health Taxes Modern Oxymorons (dry wine, rap music, coalition partner, criminal justice, working party, military intelligence) National Party seeks to purge weak and non-performing caucus members An Australian Aborigine points out the irony of Mr Howard's reasons for keeping asylum seekers out of Australia. Helen Clark's hesitation in launching the Kiwi Bank A barfly draws a parallel to his fear of going home with the boat-people seeking refugee status Comment on the new Australian anthem - being surrounded not by sea but by army keep out asylum seekers Jim Anderton supported by Jim Bolger walks the tightrope of getting the Kiwi Bank off the ground, flanked by scepticism and credibility Comment on unnecessary military hardware Jim Bolger's political swerving toward the left over his involvement in the Kiwi Bank noted. An Afghanistan refugee wearing a plane costume seeks asylum, citing the support Australia gave to the Air NZ/Ansett rescue package. Comment on the Australian public's lack of compassion toward the plight of the asylum seekers An Air NZ hostess points out to two pilots that Air NZ Board members are on board, identified with Mickey Mouse hats on. The Statue of Liberty holds her head in pain as smoke from the World Trade Centre twin towers drifts by. Air NZ Hostess points out to public that their life jackets, "muggins the tax payer" is under their seats. Air NZ Pilots note that extra seats have been strapped to the plans wing for Air NZ Board members to keep them away from taxpayers. President George W Bush appoints himself as sheriff to hunt down an indescript wanted person. Aussie barflys brag about selling the airline Ansett to NZ when it was already in a bad way. NZ Defence Force complain that they don't have any spare military equipment to lend to America. Helen Clark offers President Bush a 13-strong anti-aircraft squad in the form of the Air NZ Board. President Bush unconvincingly tries to reassure the American people they have identified Bin Laden as the target and they know where to find him. Air NZ quality control has fallen short. American navy invades the Middle East creating a new type of boat-people in the world Comment on the media packaging and Americanisation of the war against terrorism targeted at Osama Bin Laden The decline in public confidence of Air NZ shares. Comment that Helen Clark may seem more attractive if she was prevented from speaking. George W Bush seeks advice from his daddy, former President Bush. Air NZ flight operations are paralysed by goverment imposed "due diligence" during the public bail-out of the company. Enthusiasm expressed by those running for local body council positions and the public reaction to the them. Quantity: 30 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: Photocopies A4 size


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:19 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2000 - 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-632-001/019

Description: Topics include US President George W. Bush's verbal ineptitude and his attitude to 'commies', former Minister of Maori Affairs Dover Samuel's relationship with Prime Minister Helen Clark, Member of Parliament Tau Henare's changing political allegiances, delays on the Cook Strait ferries, controversy over Minister of Consumer Affairs Phillida Bunkle's official residence in Wellington, Christmas presents, Santa Claus's allegedly 'illegal' behaviour, government expenditure on eradication of the varroa bee mite and on the arts, controversy over an advertisement using a haka, Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton's attempts to establish a 'Peoples' Bank', buying babies by internet, bonuses given to S.O.E. employees, legalisation of marijuana, kaumatua and Maori greviances, Helen Clark's policy towards Waitangi Day, the formation of a new Maori political party by Derek Fox, Helen Clark's contrasting speeches supporting entrepreneurs and against exploitive businessmen, and promotion of sport in schools. Quantity: 19 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[25 cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times between 1 June...

Date: 2002

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-677-001/025

Description: Cartoons on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Shows father and son watching a World Cup Soccer game. The boy comments that he's going to play soccer when he grows up as it gives him all day to do something else. Comment on the nature of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Shows Sharon and Arafat as two dogs. Sharon is huge and dangerous and Arafat is small and timid. George W Bush points out Arafat as being the dangerous dog and the other needing to be put on a lead for his own protection. Comparing the Black Caps cricket performance with the teachers strike. The Beehive is bombarded by a swarm of Painted Apple Moth demanding an apology from Helen Clark. Refers to all the apologies Clark has given recently. Nandor Tanczos argues that using cannabis has never done him any harm. Helen Clark defends her position on giving special treatment to Maori. Walking frames are unloaded ready for a political address by Winston Peters. Helen Clark prays to God to look after the country while she campaigns. She reassures God she'll pick the job up again on the 28th of July (the day after the election). Jim Anderton receives a gold Mickey Mouse watch from his former Alliance Party colleagues. A New Zealand couple receive a written apology from Helen Clark for the things she will do once back in power. Helen Clark and Bill English get breifed about not hitting below the belt. Helen Clark's belt (popularity) goes all the way up to her arm-pits and Bill English's belt only comes up to her knees. A storm cloud (resurgent unionism) rains over a school. The forecast is for continuing stormy weather for the next three years. Helen Clark stands on a chair screaming as 4 large rats (Rising Dollar, Falling Commodity Prices, Popularity Decline, Rising Interest Rates) approach her. A child comments on the 2002 snap election. Helen Clark does the Dance of the Seven Veils with possible election dates. The audience call for her to give them a date. A man is about to take a pill (rural GP subsidy) but it is too little to help with his condition, a giant knife (rural dissolution policies) through his body. Shows Winston Peters using immigration to brew up trouble as a way of getting back into power. Comment on the number of apologies the Prime Minister has been making. Comment on the likelihood of the Teacher Settlement Package being ratified. Shows Helen Clark ticking off the list of apologies she's planning to make. Comment on the possibility of a mad-cow disease outbreak in New Zealand. Shows Helen Clark holding firm on not letting anything out in regards to the possible election date. Shows Air New Zealand's new no-frills airline, the plane has no seats. Quantity: 25 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies


Tremain, Garrick 1941-:49 cartoon photocopies published in the Otago Daily Times betwee...

Date: 2001

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-645-001/049

Description: 49 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Quantity: 49 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 horizontal photocopies

Online Image

Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :'I dunno what dis Marshall an' H.A.R.T. makin' all de fuss abo...

Date: 1998

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: H-667-001

Description: Shows a scantily clothed black African man squatting in the position of three cricket wickets with the stumps balanced across his knees and head. He is covered in plasters from being hit with the cricket ball. Exhibited in 'The Famouse Five: Manawatu's Cartoonists on Show', Exhibition curated by the New Zealand Cartoon Archive and exhibited at Te Manawa Art (Manawatu Art Gallery), Palmerston North, from 13 May to 23 June 2002, in association with Massey University and the Palmerston North City Council. Quantity: 1 photocopy/ies. Physical Description: A4 size photocopy.

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Tremain, Garrick 1941-:49 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Ot...

Date: 2000

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-

Reference: H-616-001/050

Description: 49 cartoons on political and social subjects published in the Otago Daily Times. Topics include the Olympic Games in Sydney, drugs in sport, rugby, women's hockey, corruption in sport (cricket), the falling value of New Zealand dollar, economic woes, the Government's 'Closing the Gaps' policy, superannuation, the dole, taxation and business, student loans, New Zealand's outwards migration, overstayers in New Zealand, televising of parliament, the political style of Helen Clark and of Marian Hobbs, the Coalition, parental leave, Jim Anderton's proposal for a 'Peoples' Bank', travel health scare, health issues and the Treaty of Waitangi, the proposed extension of the matrimonial property act to same sex partners, animal testing, prison sentences, railway crossing accidents and Transrail, Serbian elections, the United States Presidential election, conflict and bigotry in the Middle East, subdivision issues in Queenstown, and pets. corruption in sport (swimming) sexism in sport heavy use of commercials between television coverage of Olympic Games Helen Clark and Jenny Shipley fight for the attention of Australian Premier, Howard New Zealands monetary woes Labour Party and business relationship hindered by compliance costs Treaty of Waitangi considerations in hospital waiting list priorities, childrens role-models, blood clots durin air travel, MP's travel perks. Quantity: 49 original cartoon(s). Physical Description: A4 photocopies


Tremain, Garrick, 1941- :[Digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times]

Date: December 2004-2016

By: Tremain, Garrick, 1941-; Otago daily times (Newspaper)

Reference: DC-Group-0022

Description: Cartoons by Garrick Tremain on New Zealand and international political and social issues. Includes all digital cartoons published in the Otago Daily Times from 25 July 2005 onwards plus a selection from December 2004 to July 2005. Part of the NZ Cartoon Archive Garrick Tremain, born 1941, is a New Zealand cartoonist and painter based in Queenstown. He has painted professionally since 1972, and created cartoons professionally since 1988. Tremain has produced a cartoon 6-7 days each week for various New Zealand newspapers including the Otago Daily Times, aside from a semi-retirement in 2007 where he began publishing weekly. Tremain was a finalist for the Qantas Media Awards Cartoonist in 2000 and 2004.

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