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We can connect 11 things related to 1800 and Hongi Hika, 1772-1828 to the places on this map.

Leloir, Jean Baptiste Auguste, 1809-1892 :Habitants de Nouka-Hiva (Iles Marquises). Nat...

Date: 1858

By: Leloir, Jean Baptiste Auguste, 1809-1892; Bocquin, Jean Adolphe, active 1850s-1870s

Reference: A-211-001

Description: Shows a Marquesan man and woman on the left and four Maori in a canoe on the right. The scene is drawn so that the Maori appear to be paddling away from the bank on which the Marquesan couple is located. The standing Marquesan woman wears a skirt and has a fully tattooed back. The reclining man wears a feathered headdress, a cloak over his shoulders and appears to be fully tattooed. The Maori canoe has a carved stern post. Two men are standing in the stern, while two rowers are paddling the canoe. Both standing men wear long cloaks, and one holds a taiaha, its point to the ground Published in Paris 19 June 1858. Recorded in the journal La Bibliotheque de la France (1811-1881), signifying a work's authorisation for distribution in France and conformity to the law of legal deposit. Also published in Paris in 1858 as a plate opposite p [48] in a book Le monde en estampes ... Lithographies par J Boquin d'apres les dessins de MM. Leloir et Fossey. Texte par Elisabeth Mueller. Paris, Amedee Bedelet, 20 rue des Grands-Augustins, [1858]. The plate was described in the index to the book as well as in the heading above the plate as representing Polynesie [Polynesia] under a broader heading of Oceanie [Oceania]. It is the only lithograph in the book showing Polynesians. There is an additional wood engraving of the end and shoulders of a Maori man on the final page Source of images: the two standing Maori men and the canoe appear to be derived from images in Voyage pittoresque autour du monde (Paris, 1834-5). The two figures are based on portraits after Jules LeJeune of Bay of Islands chiefs Hongi (Shongui) and Te Tuhi (Touai or Tuai) (Plate 47, image 2); the canoe is based on the view of a war canoe (Plate 46, image 3) Other Titles - Inhabitants of Nouka Hiva (Marquesas Islands). Natives and canoe of New Zealand. Oceania, Polynesia [translation] Extended Title - From: Muller, Elisabeth. Le monde en estampes; types et costumes des principaux peuples de l'univers. Paris, Amedee Bedelet [1858 Inscriptions: At top of print: Oceanie et Polynesie Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Lithograph (hand-col), 6.4 x 9.2 ins


[Earle, Augustus] 1793-1838 :[Meeting of the artist and Hongi at the Bay of Islands, No...

Date: 1827 - 1970 - 1980

By: Earle, Augustus, 1793-1838; New Zealand. Department of Lands and Survey

Reference: C-123-025

Description: Shows Earle seated near Hongi and his attendants, on a beach. Poster produced for sale at Bay of Islands Maritime & Historic Park, Russell. Verso has map of Bay of Islands, historical information and outline of historic reserves. Other Titles - Yours to enjoy - Bay of Islands Maritime & Historic Park Inscriptions: Recto - beneath image - Yours to enjoy -Bay of Islands Maritime & Historic Park / Department of Lands & Survey / Bay of Islands Maritime & Historic Park / Russell, Bay of Islands, New Zealand Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: Colour photolithograph, image 346 x 551 mm on sheet 472 x 675 mm.


Goodwin, Arnold Frederick, 1890-1978 :Hongi, chief of a small northern tribe, who visit...

Date: 1930 - 1820 - 1939

From: Goodwin, Arnold Frederick, 1890-1978 :[Historical incidents in New Zealand in 1820]. By courtesy John Walker & Sons, Ltd., Distillers, Kilmarnock [Edinburgh? 1930s]

Reference: A-236-006-a

Description: Half-length portrait of Hongi Hika, shown with full facial moko, in a flax cloak, holding a musket. Behind him is a sailing ship, probably in the Bay of Islands, where Hongi came from. Hongi's iwi, Ngapuhi, was a large northern tribe, not a small one. Other Titles - Hongi Hika Quantity: 1 b&w art print(s). Physical Description: Wood engraving, 211 x 157 mm Provenance: Donated by Mr B N Lindsay of Wellington, in 1984. Transfers: Transfer from MSS&A 84-145, Macdonald family papers, in 2003..


Earle, Augustus 1793-1838 :The wounded chief Honghi & his family. London, lithographed ...

Date: 1827 - 1838

By: Earle, Augustus, 1793-1838; Beutel, Colin, active 1997

Reference: B-110-059

Description: The artist and his friend, Mr Shand, seated in a rocky inlet, surrounded by bush, in coversation with Hongi Hika and a group of family and other attendants. Two canoes are drawn up on the beach to the left and other Maori are visible in the distance. A carved figure leans from a rock behind and above Hongi. There are rifles and cartridge cases on the ground and one man is holding a taiaha. The scene is on a beach close to Russell (Kororareka) and took place in November 1827. Based on an oil in the Library's collection: Meeting of the artist with the wounded chief Hongi, by Augustus Earle (G-707) Other Titles - Hongi Hika Extended Title - From Earle, Augustus. Sketches illustrative of the native inhabitants ... of New Zealand. London, 1838. Plate 2. Inscriptions: Recto - beneath image - [Title] Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Lithograph, hand-coloured 239 x 379 mm

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Earle, Augustus 1793-1838 :The wounded chief Honghi & his family. London, lithographed ...

Date: 1827 - 1838

From: Earle, Augustus 1793-1838 :Sketches illustrative of the Native Inhabitants and Islands of New Zealand from original drawings by Augustus Earle Esq, Draughtsman of H. M. S. "Beagle". London, Lithographed and Published under the auspices of the New Zealand Association by Robert Martin & Co, 1838

Reference: PUBL-0015-02

Description: The artist and his friend, Mr Shand, seated in a rocky inlet, surrounded by bush, in coversation with Hongi Hika and a group of family and other attendants. Two canoes are drawn up on the beach to the left and other Maori are visible in the distance. A carved figure leans from a rock behind and above Hongi. There are rifles and cartridge cases on the ground and one man is holding a taiaha. The scene is on a beach close to Russell (Kororareka) and took place in November 1827. Other Titles - Hongi Hika Based on an oil in the Library's collection: Meeting of the artist with the wounded chief Hongi, by Augustus Earle (G-707) Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Lithograph, hand-coloured 239 x 379 mm

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Bevalet, Antoine Germain, 1779-ca 1850 :Helice de radama ... Madagascar ... Bulime de S...

Date: 1824

From: Duperrey, Louis Isidore, 1786-1865 :Voyage autour du monde ... (Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1826). Atlas. Zoologie.

By: Bevalet, Antoine Germain, 1779-1850?; Coutant, Jean Louis Denis, 1776-

Reference: PUBL-0116-mol-07

Description: Snails and their shells, with a large Madagascan specimen at the top of the page, A Chilean snail crawling along a branch in the centre, small shells from Tahiti and Papua New Guinea and front and back views of the larger flax snail of New Zealand at the bottom of the page. Lesson, the botanist aboard the Coquille, named it Bulimus Shongii after Ngapuhi chief Hongi Other Titles - Flax snail, bulimus Hongii, New Zealand Extended Title - From: Duperrey, L. I. Voyage autour du monde ...(Paris, 1826). Atlas. Zoologie. Mollusques. Plate 7 Quantity: 1 colour art print(s). Physical Description: Lithograph, hand-coloured, 315 x 495 mm

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Merrett, Joseph Jenner, 1816?-1854 :[The Hobson album]. The Pah of Okataina on the Lake...

Date: 1843

From: [Various artists] :[Mrs Hobson's album. 1843-1845]

By: Merrett, Joseph Jenner, 1815-1854

Reference: E-216-f-179

Description: Te Koutu Pa, on the east side of Lake Okataina, showing the palisade at the foot of the hill with its carved gate, Ngati Tarawhai. On the flat ground in front of the palisade is a group of seated Maori at a powhiri, watching a warrior wielding his taiaha. A futher palisade can be seen at the top of the peak, with two dwellings visible on the left of the hill's steep flank. Flax bushes in the left foreground and Lake Okataina in the background There is a lithograph, Fortified native village, based on this drawing by Merrett in New Zealand ... as a British colony by Charles Terry (London, 1842), p. 71. It lacks the figures in the foreground The carved gateway shown here is now at Auckland Museum The reference to Pomare and 'Hungi' is to Pomare II and Hongi Hika of Northland, and their raid on Okataina in 1823. Dating: The reference to Hongi's raid of 1823 being '16 years ago' suggests the drawing may have been made in 1839. However Merrett is not known to have been in New Zealand before 1841 Other Titles - lake of the same name Hongi Okataina Quantity: 1 drawing(s). Physical Description: Pen & ink, 162 x 250 mm

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Walsh, Philip, 1843?-1914 :Wigia Pa attacked by Hongi. Jan 27 1896.

Date: 1896

From: Walsh, Philip 1843-1914 :[Waimate sketchbook] 1896-1913.

Reference: E-363-q-011

Description: Wigia [Whiria] Pa, the ancestral pa of the Ngapuhi, near Pakanae, South Hokianga, on the nipple-topped hill in the centre. Looking East. Other Titles - Whiria Pa attacked ... Quantity: 1 drawing(s). Physical Description: Pencil, 180 x 255 mm

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Earle, Augustus, 1793-1838 :[Meeting of the artist and Hongi at the Bay of Islands, Nov...

Date: 1827

By: Earle, Augustus, 1793-1838; Turnbull, Alexander Horsburgh, 1868-1918

Reference: G-707

Description: Shows canoes, storehouse and carved objects. Hongi is seated in a central position, with huia feathers in his hair. Earle, seated on the left, is gesturing and is wearing a green cap. Another European is seated behind Earle, his friend Shand. Hongi's family and supporters surround him and the group is seated at the base of a low cliff. The meeting took place in a bay about 1 mile from Kororareka (Russell). Hongi had fought without his armour, supplied by King George IV, and had been wounded by a ball in the chest. He was to die the following year. Identification: the exact identity of Mr Shand is not known. Earle described him as a Scotsman. Exhibited in 'Two centuries of New Zealand landscape art' Exhibition at Auckland City Art Gallery, 2 February - 22 April 1990. Exhibited in 'Treasures in Trust' exhibition to celebrate 75th anniversary of the Alexander Turnbull Library in 1995. Exhibited in 'The Dream Collectors' Exhibition at Te Papa / Museum of New Zealand, 14 February 1998 -; then touring to Auckland City Art Gallery and Dunedin Public Art Gallery. Also known by title: The wounded chief, Hongi (or Honghi). Other Titles - Meeting of the artist and the wounded chief, Hongi Other Titles - The wounded chief Honghi Inscriptions: Recto - on the back neck area of the cloak of the foremost reclining figure: A.E. Related works: a lithograph version of this view, 'The wounded chief Honghi and his family' was published as plate 2 in Earle's 'Sketches illustrative of the native inhabitants and islands of New Zealand ... (London, New Zealand Association and Robert Martin, 1838). The lithograph contains fewer figures and details than the oil Quantity: 1 oil(s). Physical Description: Oil on canvas 578 x 898 mm (sight) Provenance: Collection of Alexander Turnbull

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Goodwin, Arnold Frederick, 1890-1978 :Hongi, chief of a small northern tribe, who visit...

Date: 1930 - 1820 - 1939

From: Goodwin, Arnold Frederick 1890-1978 :[Historical incidents in New Zealand in 1820. Edinburgh? ca 1930]

By: Goodwin, Arnold Frederick, 1890-1978

Reference: A-236-006

Description: Half-length portrait of Hongi Hika, shown with full facial moko, in a flax cloak, holding a musket. Behind him is a sailing ship, probably in the Bay of Islands, where Hongi came from. Picture supplied by courtesy John Walker & Sons, Ltd., Distillers, Kilmarnock. Hongi's iwi, Ngapuhi, was a large northern tribe, not a small one. Other Titles - Hongi Hika Quantity: 1 b&w art print(s). Physical Description: Wood engraving 211 x 157 mm

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Williams, Charles Skinner, fl 1954 :Photographs of Whangaroa and Whangaroa Harbour

Date: [ca 1840-1954]

By: Williams, Charles Skinner, active 1954

Reference: PA1-o-726

Description: Source of title - Title supplied by Library Quantity: 1 album(s) Album(s). Physical Description: Photograph album Transfers: From Manuscripts & Archives - MS-Papers-5166 : Williams, Charles Skinner, fl 1954 : A Collection of legends and tales of Whangaroa.

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