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Lynch, James, 1947-: "Look! I know we've got some rough edges but it'll be all right on...
Date: 1981
From: Lynch, James Robert, 1947- :[Digital scans of cartoons published in the New Plymouth Daily News and the New Zealand Times]
By: Taranaki daily news (Newspaper)
Reference: DCDL-0022078
Description: Shows the President of the Labour Party, Jim Anderton, reading the script for a Labour Party production. On stage are David Lange, would-be leader and Bill Rowling, actual leader of the Labour Party. Context: Two prospective labour MP's resorted to theatre to demonstrate a policy at the labour party conference.Labour's efforts at re-election semed a little bumbling at the time. Jim Anderton, Labour party chairman, is the "Director" here. (Context notes by cartoonist) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).