j ~,,..'.■ '■/■■■.•■ ■'..-' .'.';. . . . "." ' A. K. Klngsford Photo. PRESENTATION TO THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL.—Scenes at the presentation of a Maori chair to his Excellency the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe, which took place at Picton yesterday. The chair was the gift of the Island Maoris-and was presented to his Excellency as chairman of the Waitangi National Trust' Board. On the left, Lord Bledisloe is seen seated in the chair and holding a block of greenstone, which also was presented to him by the Maoris. On the right Lord aitid Lady Bledisloe are seen with Maoris who attended the ceremony. Te Ari Pitima, at the front on the right, was the ■ – ' i ' organiser of the presentation. • " i ■ \ ' > . ' (Evening Post, 19 January 1934)

j ~,,..'.■ '■/■■■.•■ ■'..-' .'.';. . . . "." ' A. K. Klngsford Photo. PRESENTATION TO THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL.—Scenes at the presentation of a Maori chair to his Excellency the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe, which took place at Picton yesterday. The chair was the gift of the Island Maoris-and was presented to his Excellency as chairman of the Waitangi National Trust' Board. On the left, Lord Bledisloe is seen seated in the chair and holding a block of greenstone, which also was presented to him by the Maoris. On the right Lord aitid Lady Bledisloe are seen with Maoris who attended the ceremony. Te Ari Pitima, at the front on the right, was the ■ – ' i ' organiser of the presentation. • " i ■ \ ' > . ' (Evening Post, 19 January 1934)
Evening Post
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j ~,,..'.■ '■/■■■.•■ ■'..-' .'.';. . . . "." ' A. K. Klngsford Photo. PRESENTATION TO THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL.—Scenes at the presentation of a Maori chair to his Excellency the Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe, which took place at Picton yesterday. The chair was the gift of the Island Maoris-and was presented to his Excellency as chairman of the Waitangi National Trust' Board. On the left, Lord Bledisloe is seen seated in the chair and holding a block of greenstone, which also was presented to him by the Maoris. On the right Lord aitid Lady Bledisloe are seen with Maoris who attended the ceremony. Te Ari Pitima, at the front on the right, was the ■ – ' i ' organiser of the presentation. • " i ■ \ ' > . ' (Evening Post, 19 January 1934). Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/19148270

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