Half-way round in the Great Northern Hurdles at Ellerslie on Saturday. Sandy Dix (3), the winner, was in the lead even at this stage of the race, followed by Huskie (13), ivho finished] second. The favourite, Jolly Beggar, who could only finish' third, is the middle horse of'•■ the three clearing the hurdle together. . . (Evening Post, 07 June 1937)

Half-way round in the Great Northern Hurdles at Ellerslie on Saturday. Sandy Dix (3), the winner, was in the lead even at this stage of the race, followed by Huskie (13), ivho finished] second. The favourite, Jolly Beggar, who could only finish' third, is the middle horse of'•■ the three clearing the hurdle together. . . (Evening Post, 07 June 1937)
Evening Post
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Half-way round in the Great Northern Hurdles at Ellerslie on Saturday. Sandy Dix (3), the winner, was in the lead even at this stage of the race, followed by Huskie (13), ivho finished] second. The favourite, Jolly Beggar, who could only finish' third, is the middle horse of'•■ the three clearing the hurdle together. . . (Evening Post, 07 June 1937). Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/6345242

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