Lord Kylsant of Carmarthen, Non-commissioned officers and men. of the Coldstream Guards, in whose death is announced. The uniforms of the period of the Battle of Dettingen (1743), acting as tallest man in the British peerage, guard of honour to a Hereford baron of beef at the dinner -in the he was prominent in British ship- Connaught Rooms, London, on St. George s Day. ping circles until a few years ago. ■ (Evening Post, 07 June 1937)

Lord Kylsant of Carmarthen, Non-commissioned officers and men. of the Coldstream Guards, in whose death is announced. The uniforms of the period of the Battle of Dettingen (1743), acting as tallest man in the British peerage, guard of honour to a Hereford baron of beef at the dinner -in the he was prominent in British ship- Connaught Rooms, London, on St. George s Day. ping circles until a few years ago. ■ (Evening Post, 07 June 1937)
Evening Post
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Lord Kylsant of Carmarthen, Non-commissioned officers and men. of the Coldstream Guards, in whose death is announced. The uniforms of the period of the Battle of Dettingen (1743), acting as tallest man in the British peerage, guard of honour to a Hereford baron of beef at the dinner -in the he was prominent in British ship- Connaught Rooms, London, on St. George s Day. ping circles until a few years ago. ■ (Evening Post, 07 June 1937). Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/6345175

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